Tag Archives: foot-fetishists

Shakira in Hispanic Cosmo of the Day

I don’t know when these Shakira pics were taken, I don’t know if they are of a 40 year old, post pregnancy Shakira that are what she currently looks like….I don’t know if they are a 40 year old, post pregnancy Shakira edited down, like they look like they are…there’s no way a 40 year old mom looks like this, but then again she is Colombian and they do rot better…so you never know….I like to think they are pulled from the archives and are just a version of her because she’s fat and eating cake in her castle somewhere…but whatever they are…they feature her bare feet and as someone who knows foot fetishists…and we all know how weird they are…making this better than spread open asshole pics of her…. The post Shakira in Hispanic Cosmo of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Shakira in Hispanic Cosmo of the Day

Gwyneth Paltrow for the Foot Fetishists of the Day

Gwyneth Paltrow is the worst…but This is porn to someone… Someone with a foot fetish…because I can’t imagine anyone ever jerking off to Gwyneth Paltrow…not her husband, her boyfriends over the years, not Brad Pitt, or whoever else this rich Hollywood brat has let in her like it was a Jade Egg, before she knew about Jade Eggs because she was just a rich kid party slut trying to figure out the best scam to feed her fucking ego… But maybe there’s someone out there who’s jerked off to her…but I think the star of this shoot is her feet – and the only people who will care are a handful of women’s march girls who need a dick in their ass…and…they don’t matter to us…so it’s for the foot fetishists… I wonder where those nasty little toes have been inserted over the course of her career… The post Gwyneth Paltrow for the Foot Fetishists of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Gwyneth Paltrow for the Foot Fetishists of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens for the Foot Fetishists of the Day

Nothing says Monday – like jerking off to Vanessa Hudgens’ feet….especially if you’re a foot fetishist, the guy she took this pic for, because for some reason – every single girl, not just the whores, but regular girls, find foot fetishes creepy but hilarious, and every single girl, not just the whores, are willing to sell pictures of their feet to creepy dudes on the internet that they meet on instagram. I know girls who have sold three pics of their feet for 100 dollar…regular girls, not just whores…fully knowing dude is going to jerk off to those pics in the weirdest fucking way…and that dudes paying for pics of feet are probably real fucking weird…and giving them the feet pics are probably not the best thing to give a foot fetishists…like giving an addict heroin….it will lead them to bad places… These are the same girls who refuse to send pussy pics dudes who like pussy…the pussy fetishists…which is a normal fetish to have…it’s kind of what the human experience is based on…but feet….sure…here you go you fucking freak…it’s just my feet…crazy… Terrible….and here are some High School Musical in her 30s feet.. The post Vanessa Hudgens for the Foot Fetishists of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Vanessa Hudgens for the Foot Fetishists of the Day

Charli XCX Naked for Snapchat of the Day

Charli XCX posted this nude snap in a baclava with furry ears, because I guess that’s still the mainstream hipster style, even though I thought it was played out and over back in the Springbreaker era of baclavas…and she’s nude…completely nude…her vagina rubbing up on some space ball puff…all spread open and pressed up against it…possibly dripping out got knows what drips out of Chalri XCX…leaving what we used to call a snailtrail when making jokes about amputee women…before we weren’t allowed to joke anymore… I don’t know what exictes her about this pic, is it her feet for the foot fetishists, I assume it is, because of the pose..and foot fetishists are fucking weirdos who love feet so fucking much they pay chicks off instagram, even chick you probably follow for pics of feet, they are so passionate about the feet…or maybe she likes that her thighs and calves don’t look big…or her tits have a great amount of cleavage in the arm bra…just so much going on…why did she feel compelled to put it out there.. Oh right, she’s barely talented and this is her tactic to get noticed, talked about, appreciated…the fast food of music and art…just fucking empty with no nutritional value or substance…but still naked…yes…still naked…but not the kind of naked any dude likes in a selfie it’s called the cock tease nude selfie she better have a follow up…from behind shot of…. The post Charli XCX Naked for Snapchat of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Charli XCX Naked for Snapchat of the Day

Rita Ora for Elle of the Day

Rita Ora is the Rihanna impersonator with big tits, who has recently started making a name for herself, because the Americans who co-signed on her shit, didn’t realize she was an Rihanna impersonator, and thought “Shit, we can make her the next Rihanna” and the good news about that is that for the most part, their marketing strategy involves showing off her tits, because so many girls can sing and be marketed, but only a few have big fucking titties. It’s what makes the real successes stand out from the rest. But unfortunately, their original focus and marketing strategy got lost in the mix, and now they’ve taken her to the fashion world, where there’s no sign of tits, or nipples, making me wonder where it all went wrong, or maybe she’s made it now and doesn’t need to be interesting to those of us who don’t give a fuck about her music. At least we have AN ARCHIVE OF THE BEST OF HER TITS OVER THE LAST YEAR SHE WAS TRYING TO MAKE IT …titties that were and that will never be the same again.

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Rita Ora for Elle of the Day

Miley Cyrus Gets a Fooy Massage for the Foot Fetishists of the Day

Miley Cyrus posted her feet to twitter and I wonder how many people have jerked off to it, because you foot fetishists are fucking weird to begin with, coupled with a Miley Cyrus tween fetish, you’ve probably got a real socially awkward weirdo who smells like semen and canned food, with a computer screen tan from never leaving the house, because it gets in the way of his masturbating. You know the kind of weirdo, you’d see on public transit rubbing himself over his pants, because a girl is wearing sandals, because when weird fetishes, like foot fetishes start to materialize, they become consuming and impossible to control. They are the gateway fetish to criminal activity, and I’ll never understand them, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t suck, sniff and ejaculate on Miley’s feet, it just means it’s not my first choice and these pics don’t get me excited, like the do for you…Enjoy freak.

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Miley Cyrus Gets a Fooy Massage for the Foot Fetishists of the Day

Haley Joel Osment’s Post Op Tranny Legs of the Day

Do you remember that creepy kid who was big in the 90s, who was Academy award nominated for the Sixth Sense or some Speilberg bullshit….well have you realized that he kinda dropped off the face of the industry after hitting puberty….and you haven’t really thought much of him since….well it turns out that he’s gone and got himself a sex change, got himself cast on Hannah Montana, and has developed a whole fan bases as this new character Emily Osment….you know reinvented himself….and now he’s turned to twitter to seduce the jailbait loving perverts that follow him….showing a little leg like he was seeing dead people….and the whole thing is too fucking weird for me to fully grasp…but I will post the pics for you tranny loving perverts. I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US

Haley Joel Osment’s Post Op Tranny Legs of the Day

Kim Kardashian’s Professionally Shot Twittter Bikini Pic of the Day

Kim Kardashian turned to her hired professional photographer and retoucher to take a few slutty pics of her in a bikini for her pervert fans who want to see the bitch half naked cuz they aren’t over the fact that she likes getting fucked by black men on camera, or that she’s got a fat ass that they think is perfection, Because she doesn’t want her idiot fans grasping that it is all smoke and mirrors, retouching, photoshop, straps to cover up the fact she’s a lazy fucking pig….you know they believe what they see, believe the dream and think her curves are just shape and not thanks to eating fried foods while lying in bed all day as servents rub her tacky, materialistic, souless feet… She is garbage…..and here she is trying to stay relevant as long as she can….in a white bikini…. She also posted her hairy Armenian monster feet for the foot fetishists…. I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US

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Kim Kardashian’s Professionally Shot Twittter Bikini Pic of the Day