Tag Archives: toke of the town

UW Looking For Marijuana ‘Addicts’; Will Pay $150

Ever known someone who wanted help quitting pot? Me neither. ​ By Steve Elliott at Toke of the Town They might have an easier time finding unicorns. The University of Washington says it is looking for people who want to quit pot. The UW School of Social Work’s Innovative Programs Research Group is looking for 70 “marijuana-dependent adults” in the Puget Sound area to participate in a clinical research trial testing approaches for people who want to stop using cannabis, reports KING5.com. The university says research has shown that nearly 3.6 million Americans use pot on a daily basis. Unfortunately, UW then puts its reputation as a center of higher learning in serious danger by absurdly claiming that “between one-third and one-half of those are dependent.” I’d love to know where the University of Washington got those numbers, but since they seem to have only the most tenuous of connections to shared reality, I’m guessing they’re from the “pull fake statistics out your ass” school of thought, sub-variety “I’ll say anything to get one of those fat government NIDA grants.” “When people smoke marijuana they don’t intend to become dependent on it, but marijuana becomes pervasive over time,” said Cynthia Shaw, project director of what they’re calling the “Marijuana Counseling Project.” “People work hard in treatment programs, and many stop or reduce their marijuana use while in treatment but lose ground quickly once they leave treatment,” said Shaw, who obviously has very little real-world experience with — or, apparently, even casual knowledge of! — marijuana. What Shaw didn’t mention — and I’m sure it was just an “oversight,” umm hmm — was that nearly all those people in rehab programs “working so hard” to quit marijuana were forced into those programs under threat of being thrown in jail. The judge says “Go to Narcotics Anonymous and tell them you’re a pot addict, or else go to jail.” Bingo! Instant marijuana addicts! Works like a charm. In any event, the Marijuana Counseling Project will test two nine-session counseling “proven treatments” (is your bullshit detector going off? I know mine is going crazy), “a blend of motivational enhancement therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy.” Participants will be offered additional counseling sessions “as needed,” and half will be randomly assigned to receive post-counseling “checkups,” which may well be a synonym for “piss tests.” To be eligible, volunteers must be at least 18, “want help in stopping marijuana use,” and be willing to travel to Seattle’s University District for “counseling.” Oh, and if you need a little additional “motivation” to claim you “want help in stopping marijuana use,” they’ll pay you to say so. Participants will receive $50 for each of two post-counseling interviews, and an additional $50 incentive if they complete both. Let’s see, that $150 would get me half an ounce… If you are interested in fleecing these poor credulous academics by participating in their sham “study,” or if you have questions about it, call Cynthia Shaw at (206) 616-3235 between 9 and 7 Monday-Thursday or 9-5 Friday, or email mcpsvcs@uw.edu .

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UW Looking For Marijuana ‘Addicts’; Will Pay $150

Dope Of The Day: Op-Ed Writer Says Pot ‘Saps Initiative And Ambition’

By Steve Elliott in Toke of the Town loopylettuce.wordpress.com Here’s what pot does to you. Just ask Jill Wellock! ​Freelance writer Jill Wellock has a problem. She really, really dislikes marijuana and, apparently, those who use it. Wellock generously shares this extreme distaste with us in a guest op-ed piece in today’s edition of The Olympian , the newspaper of Olympia, Washington, the state’s capitol. Jill gets right down to business with a real winner of a headline: ‘Marijuana saps initiative, ambition and responsibility’ Headline aside, we know right off the bat we’re in for a bumpy ride when Jill’s piece starts off by confiding in us that she attended a “rough junior high.” Apparently not really one for nostalgia, Wellock recalls “the stoner girls” carving “Joe Elliot” [sic] “into their forearms with wood screws to prove Def Leppard allegiance.” Oh, Jill. First of all, if they carved “Joe Elliot,” they aren’t done carving, because the rock star’s named is spelled “Elliott.” Maybe you should give those “stoner girls” a call and tell them they need to get back out the wood screws. Secondly, if these had been real “stoner girls” during the time period mentioned, they wouldn’t have been carving freakin’ Def Leppard tributes on their arms; it would have been Marilyn Manson. Or maybe Jerry Garcia. Pitcher Smokes Pot, Misses Practice, Gains Weight, Gets Greasy Hair And Makes Bad Grades Photo: The Olympian Jill Wellock thought we’d be too lazy and unmotivated to write this. ​Jill then mournfully remembers her promising, athletic friend who was the school’s star softball pitcher. This poor girl started hanging out with the stoners, and before you knew it she was missing practice, “which didn’t matter once her grades failed and she couldn’t play softball.” “My friend and I attended different high schools, but I saw her at the end of freshman year at the mall, about 20 pounds heavier, with greasy hair and dirty clothes,” Wellock recalls. “I asked a guy from her school what had happened, and he just said, ‘Burn out.'” Whoa. So in one year’s time, from eighth grade to freshman year, she smoked some pot and went from a promising softball star to an overweight, greasy haired, dirty burnout. I’ve been smoking pot 32 years, and observing others who smoke it, and the stuff we smoke doesn’t do any of that shit. Could you maybe, like, hook us up with your friend’s dealer? All kidding aside, if your friend had weight, hygiene, and dependability issues, then she had something going on besides smoking a little weed. You’re not going to scare anyone with ridiculous-ass stories like that — at least not anyone who’s ever smoked weed, or even known anyone who has. ‘Gateway Drug’? onelargeprawn.co.za ​Jill apparently built up a pretty good head of steam thinking about her unfortunate, unwashed, overweight pothead buddy who coulda been a contender, because five paragraphs in, she’s foaming at the mouth. “Gateway drug marijuana is now legal, used medicinally in Washington and 12 other states, with 15 states pending legislation for its medicinal use,” she tells us. Gateway drug? Please. If you are going to try to do a scare piece on marijuana, you think you could at least show us the respect of citing some research that hasn’t been disproven ? “In the United States, the claim that marijuana acts as a gateway to the use of other drugs serves mainly as a rhetorical tool for frightening Americans into believing that winning the war against heroin and cocaine requires waging a battle against the casual use of marijuana,” wrote John P. Morgan, M.D., and Lynn Zimmer, Ph.D., two of the foremost researchers in the field, who call the gateway claim “intellectually indefensible.” A 2002 Canadian Senate Committee report states that the gateway theory “has not been validated by empirical research and is considered outdated.” Jill, next time, I’d suggest maybe you get your facts straight before making a public spectacle of yourself. Meet Our Old Friend, The ‘Amotivational Syndrome’ marijuanahempworld.com ​Not only does cannabis make you carve rock stars’ names on your arms, wear dirty clothes, have greasy hair, and gain weight (OK, maybe I can believe that last one, especially since trying Snow Cap), but it also steals your ambition, folks! Or, at least, that’s what Jill would have us believe. How does she know? Well, apparently she used to live next door to a woman of whose housekeeping Jill disapproved, and the lady smoked pot. So there you have it! Proof! Or not… But since Wellock says, flat-out: “Marijuana saps initiative, ambition and responsibility from its smokers,” that demands some sort response, at least if you’re into responding to idiotic statements. For well more than quarter-century, government-funded and private researchers have searched and searched for a pot-induced amotivational syndrome — and they’ve failed to find it . But it’s certainly not for lack of trying! Laboratory studies, in fact, have shown that subjects given high doses of potent marijuana for several days — or even several weeks — exhibit no decrease in work motivation or productivity. Sorry to burst your bubble, Jill. I know you must have enjoyed looking down on those “lazy potheads” and feeling such a delicious shiver of superiority to them — but it just ain’t so. Among working adults, marijuana users tend to earn higher wages than non-users! College students who use marijuana have the same grades as non-users. The biggest study ever done on marijuana use and its effect on worker productivity was performed by Dr. Vera Rubin back in the 1970s, in Jamaica. The results were published with co-author Lambros Comitas in 1975 as Ganja In Jamaica: A Medical Anthropological Study of Chronic Marijuana Use . And what did those results show? The marijuana smokers studied by Dr. Rubin had no differences in work records, adjustment, or productivity than non-users. In fact, Dr. Rubin found : “Ganja, in the cultural setting of rural Jamaica, rather than hindering, permits its users to face, start and carry through the most difficult and distasteful manual labor.” Impaired Drivers? SSDP.org Hey, watch where you’re going! ​Jill also claims that we should all be frightened to death of the specter of stoned drivers hurtling around the highways high as hell. There is in fact ” no compelling evidence that marijuana contributes substantially to traffic accidents and fatalities.” Now, I’m not recommending you take a few bong rips and then hit the freeway. In fact, it’d probably be best for everyone if you’d stay your stoned ass home on the couch. There’s a reason God invented pizza delivery. But you can bet that if marijuana really did cause automobile accidents like, say alcohol, that it would be obvious as hell. With estimates of current marijuana users in the United States varying between 40 and 100 million , you can bet that if weed really caused wrecks, it’d be a national tragedy on the level of drunk driving. It’s not. It doesn’t. “The overall rate of highway accidents appears not be significantly affected by marijuana’s widespread use in society,” according to the Drug Policy Foundation . According to the federal Department of Transportation (DOT), ” THC is not a profoundly impairing drug … It apparently affects controlled information processing in a variety of laboratory tests, but not to the extent which is beyond the individual’s ability to control when he is motivated and permitted to do so in driving.” That’s from the report “Marijuana and Actual Performance,” DOT-HS-808-078 . In layman’s terms, when you know you’re high and you have to drive, you compensate by driving like a little old lady. You know it’s true. In fact, two lawyers in California are arguing that the state’s DUI laws shouldn’t even apply at all to marijuana. By Damn, She’s An Award Winner! For her stellar accomplishment into packing an incredible amount of misinformation, ugly prejudice, and outright ignorance into her woefully misguided op-ed piece, Toke of the Town enthusiastically awards Jill Wellock of Olympia, Washington, our coveted Dope of the Day Award. Hey, Jill, you’re on notice: When you tell lies and repeat myths about marijuana, there are some of us weed-addled reprobates out here who have somehow miraculously retained enough initiative to call you out on your bullshit. Carve that in your arm with a wood screw, you. Read the original article at Village Voice Media’s new pot blog, Toke of the Town : Dope Of The Day: Op-Ed Writer Says Pot ‘Saps Initiative And Ambition’ Digg Original Story

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Dope Of The Day: Op-Ed Writer Says Pot ‘Saps Initiative And Ambition’

Bill To Legalize Marijuana Introduced In Washington Legislature

By Steve Elliott in Toke of the Town Photo: Public Domain Federal government pot farm at the University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS. Under Washington state’s proposed legalization bill, pot would be grown by state-licensed farmers and sold only through state liquor stores. ​ Washington state pot advocates who thought they had to choose between a marijuana decrim bill ($100 fine for under 40 grams) and the status quo (including a mandatory night in jail for possessing any amount) just got another choice. A state lawmaker introduced a bill Monday to legalize marijuana in the state. Under the bill, introduced by Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson (D-Seattle), marijuana would be legal for persons 21 and older to use and possess, subject to regulations similar to those controlling alcohol. housedemocrats.wa.gov Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson: Making the Evergreen State a little greener Dickerson said she doesn’t expect the bill the bill to pass. “I’m happy to start the conversation,” she told Seattle political site PubliCola . “If more states start talking about [legalizing marijuana] it will get the attention of Congress.” Dickerson wants the legal pot to be grown by Washington farmers and sold in state liquor stores. Revenue from marijuana sales would pay for drug and alcohol treatment programs. Cannabis revenues will probably be comparable to those for alcohol, Dickerson said, which are at about $330 million yearly in Washington. Rep. Dickerson has five co-sponsors for the legislation so far: Reps. Scott White, Roger Goodman, Dave Upthegrove, Sherry Appleton and Mary Roberts, all Democrats. HB 2401 was introduced Monday in advance of the next legislative session in January. “This bill is a wonderful step forward for health, human rights, and social justice,” marijuana researcher Dr. Sunil Aggarwal of Seattle told Toke of the Town . “No one should be criminalized for using marijuana, when far more dangerous drugs such as malt liquor are legally consumed. There should be equal rights for those who choose to consume cannabis.” “With the likes of Roger Goodman and the work that he’s done over the years with the King County Bar Association Drug Policy Project , this bill really has a chance,” said local activist Allison Bigelow. Photo: Joe Mabel Patient/activist Vivian McPeak: The conversion to a mainstream commodity is going to be awkward ​But longtime marijuana patient/activist and Seattle Hempfest organizer Vivian McPeak expressed mixed feelings about the prospect of legalization. “The conversion from an illicit, underground substance to a mainstream commodity is going to be an awkward transition for many who have been involved with the cannabis culture for some time,” he told Toke of the Town . “It is going to be difficult for many pot scene old timers to let go of the cultural hold so many of us have on our old friend, the herb,” McPeak told us. Is The Perfect The Enemy Of The Good? With just about any piece of legislation, it’s not hard to find areas of concern once you start examining the wording, and HB 2401 is no exception. One worrisome aspect of the bill is that nobody, with the exception of farmers licensed to sell pot to the state, would be allowed to grow their own. The language of the bill seems to outlaw all personal grows, keeping it illegal to grow, keep or transfer marijuana outside of liquor control board rules and licensing. Cultivation of any amount for personal use, then, would apparently be prohibited. And the way I read it, your house or property could be seized if you had five or more plants — which is not how I had pictured “legalization.” SAFER Marijuana is safer. Why are we supposed to pretend it isn’t? ​There’s also the quibble, minor though it may seem at this stage of the game, that treating marijuana almost exactly like alcohol errs because the potential for abuse, addiction and accidents are so much greater with booze. No arguing with that — just ask Mason Tvert over at SAFER ; he’ll tell you. “It is very hard for me to embrace the idea of treating cannabis as alcohol, because there is just no comparison between the two substances as far as impairment, health effects, and addiction,” McPeak told Toke of the Town . “Perhaps this is the model we must use to change the dominant paradigm, but I feel we should fight tooth and nail to have cannabis put into its own unique classification,” McPeak told us. “Simply compare death rates associated with the two substances and you’ll see they do not belong in the same category.” “The bill does remove all current civil and criminal penalties regarding marijuana. And the bill regulates marijuana like we regulate alcohol — which, it so happens, introduces a myriad of new crimes,” one frustrated Seattle activist said. But there’s also the plausible argument that legalization, even of the sort in HB 2401 with its state monopoly on pot, could be a quantum leap over the deeply fucked up situation on the ground now in Washington: Recreational (as in non-medical) users unlucky enough to be arrested are presently subjected to a mandatory night in jail, possible additional jail or prison time, steep fines, and other indignities. So would it be a deal with the devil to, for now, pretend marijuana is as harmful as alcohol, in order to get the law to treat marijuana as leniently as it does alcohol? That’s the Gordian knot being faced by wary cannabis users in Washington. Read original story at Toke of the Town

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Bill To Legalize Marijuana Introduced In Washington Legislature

Marijuana Policy Project Of Nevada To Make Major Ballot Announcement Wednesday

Following ballot initiatives to tax and regulate marijuana in Nevada in 2002 and 2006, the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) of Nevada is preparing for the next step in its fight to make marijuana legal in the Silver State. On Wednesday, Dec. 9, MPP-NV will make an announcement at a press conference in front of the Clark County Government Center at 11 a.m. While specific details of the plan will not be revealed until then, Dave Schwartz, manager of the group, hinted that a ballot measure to tax and regulate may be in the works. Read the rest at the new Village Voice marijuana blog, Toke of the Town

Marijuana Policy Project Of Nevada To Make Major Ballot Announcement Wednesday

Washington State Bar Association Board Unanimously Backs Marijuana Decrim

A massive representation of a joint in a “rolling paper” evoking the American flag, 2008 Summer Solstice Parade, Fremont Fair, Seattle, WA (Photo: Joe Mabel) By Steve Elliott at Toke of the Town Marijuana decriminalization in Washington state just won some important allies. This morning, the Washington State Bar Association (WSBA) Board of Governors (BOG) voted unanimously to support the decrim bill, SB 5615, in the upcoming session of the Legislature. The BOG voted 9 in favor, 0 opposed, and 2 abstaining to support the bill, Alison Holcomb, drug policy director at the ACLU of Washington, has told Toke of the Town. Read the rest of the story at the new Village Voice marijuana blog, Toke of the Town

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Washington State Bar Association Board Unanimously Backs Marijuana Decrim

Chronic Art: Dude Makes Amazing Mosaics From Roach Papers

Cliff Maynard of Pittsburgh has blazed a unique trail on the stoner art scene. The 37-year-old creates amazing mosaics using the humble medium of used roach papers from smoked joints. Amazingly, this is just something Cliff does in his spare time. He’s one of Pittsburgh’s finest tattoo artists at his day job. But it’s his roach paper Chronic Art that has captured the imagination of folks nationwide. As a student at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, Cliff had the opportunity to take inspiration from the great mosaics of the past. “I was studying mosaics in school,” Maynard remembers. “I just remember sort of making this connection in my head between the tiles and roach papers.” His roach paper portraits include iconic rock star stoners like Jimi Hendrix, Jerry Garcia, and John Lennon, and rap stars like Snoop Dogg and Method Man. Read the rest of the original article at the new Village Voice pot blog, Toke of the Town : Chronic Art: Dude Makes Amazing Mosaics From Roach Papers Digg Original Story

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Chronic Art: Dude Makes Amazing Mosaics From Roach Papers