Teen Shoved Off Bridge By Friend, Suffers Serious Injuries With friends like these who needs enemies? 16-year-old Jordan Holgerson was treated for five cracked ribs, a bruised esophagus, injuries to her trachea, and air trapped in the lining of her lungs after being pushed from a bridge in Washington state. In a 10-second clip that has since gone viral , the teenager hesitates to jump into the Lewis River, at which point a “friend” shoves her. The incident is reportedly being investigated by the Clark County Sheriff’s Office, according to the NY Post . Holgerson’s mother told KATU that her daughter “is lucky she is not paralyzed or dead. We’re lucky she is going to recover and not have permanent injuries.” Watch the crazy clip up top and tighten up your circle. Also, it’s probably always a horrible idea to jump from a bridge—intentionally or not.
It’s impossible for Mr. Skin to be everywhere at once, so sometimes he turns to his friends on the internet to bring you the latest Skin approved stories from around the web! Emily Kinney and an upright piano is music to our ears Fleshbot Charlotte Dawson no panties in see-through skirt Taxi Driver Movie Sandra Kubicka nude in Treats Magazine The Nip Slip Alejandra Guilmant’s amazing tits at Fashion Week Drunken Stepfather Marisa Papen nude for Yume (header image) Egotastic All Stars New girl Comet Nox strips at home Boobie Blog Anais Zanotti poolside bikini time Last Men on Earth Last Day of Cosplay at New York Comic Con Double Viking … read more
It is pretty safe to say that Shia LaBeouf has gone off the deep end a couple of times, done and said some crazy things, and we can argue whether or not it’s real or fake, but you would think that when it comes to marrying the beautiful Mia Goth, Shia would have all his ducks in a row. Apparently, that may not be so, according to Clark County Nevada. … read more
Jeff Johnson is enjoying the NBA finals, but his favorite part of the series was seeing Stephen Curry with his adorable daughter Riley at press conferences.…
Suzanne Crough Condray, who played Tracy Partridge, was found dead Monday night at home in Laughlin, Nev., near Las Vegas. She was 52.Clark County Coroner John Fudenberg said Tuesday that an autopsy was scheduled Wednesday.An announcement of the cause of death was pending the results of forensic laboratory testing.Her husband, William Condray, said his wife was a patient and loving wife, mother and grandmother.”She was madly in love with her granddaughter,” Condray said of their 1-year-old grand
US Airways Issues Apology After Posting EXTREMELY Graphic Twitpic Earlier today, US Airways nearly broke the internet after a shockingly graphic photo of woman with a toy airplane shoved into her lady-party was sent out from their Twitter account. The photo was apparently attached to a tweet sent from the airline’s Twitter account in response to a customer who sent them a tweet complaining about a delayed flight. As it was nearly an hour before the photo was removed, it has since made its’ way around cyberspace, which promoted the airline to issue this public statement: No word yet on who sent the pic out or who the woman is in the photo, but let’s just say it definitely puts a new twist on the term “mile-high club.” You can check out the EXTREMELY NSFW photo HERE .
Nah, boyeeeeeee Flavor Flav Pleads Guilty To Misdemeanor Attempted Battery Against Son Via PageSix Entertainer Flavor Flav has pleaded guilty to reduced charges in a Las Vegas domestic violence case in a move that will avoid a trial and possible jail time. The 55-year-old rapper and reality TV star acknowledged Monday in Clark County District Court that he wielded a kitchen knife during an October 2012 argument at home with his longtime girlfriend’s 17-year-old son. A judge sentenced him to probation and four more months of domestic violence counseling. The clock-wearing entertainer’s legal name is William Jonathan Drayton Jr. He pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges of attempted battery that could have caused substantial injury and battery constituting domestic violence. Drayton had been facing felony assault and child endangerment with a weapon charges that could have gotten him up to 12 years in prison. His next court date is Aug. 18. Honestly, parents who threaten their kids with knives shouldn’t be allowed to plead to lesser charges. Gotta make an example out of ‘em. Image via WENN
“Afraid Of Dark” Documentary Addresses Black Men Stereotypes According to Huffington Post: Tragedies like the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Oscar Grant and Jordan Davis — and the public outcries that have followed each one — are proof that that there is a sharp awareness in the black community of the unjust targeting of black males, as well as the cultural stereotypes and myths that fuel it. This year, one film will explore the fears that underlie the criticism, marginalization and seemingly systematic incarceration of black men, as well as the violence so often directed toward them. The upcoming documentary “Afraid Of Dark” will examine racial stereotypes associated with black masculinity and the societal fears that ensue from them. The film will include interviews with rappers, actors and politicians describing their own experiences with prejudice and injustice. “Afraid of Dark” Filmmaker Mya B explains why now is the right time to put this out to the public… Via Indiewire Blog: Sometimes when you’re a filmmaker it takes so long to make a film, that you wonder if it still will be relevant, or if anyone will care about it, once it’s finally finished. Well, according to Brooklyn-based filmmaker Mya B, speaking on her new documentary feature film, Afraid of Dark, she, in fact, wondered just that about her film, or, as she says, when she started the project she had “no idea that it would be more relevant now than ever, and that it would take shape the way it did. I pray that it wakes up the masses not only in our community, but in others as well.” “I wanted to analyze the damaging stereotypes of black men which has led to them being murdered and criminalized. I also wanted black men to receive their glory outside of all the bad things you hear in the media and profile the amazing black men I know and who are in our communities. More importantly I wanted people to never forget those black youth and men who never got justice in death by honoring them in the film to keep them alive in our memories.” Watch the trailer below and discuss…
When will teachers stop fawking their students ?? Las Vegas Charged With Statutory Rape For Having Sex With Student Clark County Detention Center records confirm Tanikka Queen was booked into the jail on charges including sex assault against a child under 16, statutory sexual seduction, sexual act with a pupil and first-degree kidnapping. Via Fox 5 Vegas : Clark County School District spokeswoman Melinda Malone confirmed Queen, 22, was a substitute teacher at Hyde Park Middle School and that the case is under investigation. According to Queen’s arrest report, on March 11, after having been taken into custody, she confessed to police to having had sex with a 15-year-old male student and told investigators, “I am in love with [name redacted]. I have never been in love before.” Metro police first responded to a report about an inappropriate relationship between Queen and an eighth-grade student on Feb. 26. The student’s father had become suspicious when his son said he had been spending time with a girlfriend named Bella. The alleged victim was interviewed, confessing to having spent time away from school with Queen, but denying the two had sex. After police interviewed Queen, they extracted a series of text messages between her and the 15-year-old student from her iPhone: “You should know how I feel by now,” Queen wrote. “I’m serious, I’m putting my job on the line talking to you, so how can I not be serious?” On Feb. 24, Queen texted, “People are getting hella suspicious. We gotta cool it down.” Police interviewed another student on March 5 who said Queen had confessed to her that she and the victim had sex, and had been dating since Valentine’s Day. Some of the text messages between Queen and the teen discuss meeting up at restaurants and Lorenzi Park, leading police to charge Queen with luring a child and kidnapping. Queen is scheduled to make her first appearance in court on Friday at 7:30 a.m. She threw her away her teaching career and freedom for some teenage peen?!? SMH!!!