Tag Archives: statutory-rape

Family First: Nicki Minaj Flicks It Up With Brother Jelani Amid Rape Allegations

Nicki Minaj Poses With Statutory Rape Accused Brother Jelani Just 3 weeks ago the Miraj family was shook when brother to rap super star Nicki Minaj was arrested for statutory rape. Nicki has been quiet on matters of her brother, until today when she posted a photo with him on Instagram. This may be Nicki letting everyone know she stands in solidarity with her brother who asserts that he’s innocent. Nicki’s brother Jelani is accused of “raping a 12-year-old victim” according to the court documents.

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Family First: Nicki Minaj Flicks It Up With Brother Jelani Amid Rape Allegations

Race Matters: “Afraid Of Dark” Documentary Addresses Damaging Black Men Stereotypes [Video]

“Afraid Of Dark” Documentary Addresses Black Men Stereotypes According to Huffington Post: Tragedies like the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Oscar Grant and Jordan Davis — and the public outcries that have followed each one — are proof that that there is a sharp awareness in the black community of the unjust targeting of black males, as well as the cultural stereotypes and myths that fuel it. This year, one film will explore the fears that underlie the criticism, marginalization and seemingly systematic incarceration of black men, as well as the violence so often directed toward them. The upcoming documentary “Afraid Of Dark” will examine racial stereotypes associated with black masculinity and the societal fears that ensue from them. The film will include interviews with rappers, actors and politicians describing their own experiences with prejudice and injustice. “Afraid of Dark” Filmmaker Mya B explains why now is the right time to put this out to the public… Via Indiewire Blog: Sometimes when you’re a filmmaker it takes so long to make a film, that you wonder if it still will be relevant, or if anyone will care about it, once it’s finally finished. Well, according to Brooklyn-based filmmaker Mya B, speaking on her new documentary feature film, Afraid of Dark, she, in fact, wondered just that about her film, or, as she says, when she started the project she had “no idea that it would be more relevant now than ever, and that it would take shape the way it did. I pray that it wakes up the masses not only in our community, but in others as well.” “I wanted to analyze the damaging stereotypes of black men which has led to them being murdered and criminalized. I also wanted black men to receive their glory outside of all the bad things you hear in the media and profile the amazing black men I know and who are in our communities. More importantly I wanted people to never forget those black youth and men who never got justice in death by honoring them in the film to keep them alive in our memories.” Watch the trailer below and discuss…

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Race Matters: “Afraid Of Dark” Documentary Addresses Damaging Black Men Stereotypes [Video]

Hide Ya Kids: Vegas Teacher Charged With Statutory Rape And Kidnapping After Having Sex With 15-Year-Old Student

When will teachers stop fawking their students ?? Las Vegas Charged With Statutory Rape For Having Sex With Student Clark County Detention Center records confirm Tanikka Queen was booked into the jail on charges including sex assault against a child under 16, statutory sexual seduction, sexual act with a pupil and first-degree kidnapping. Via Fox 5 Vegas : Clark County School District spokeswoman Melinda Malone confirmed Queen, 22, was a substitute teacher at Hyde Park Middle School and that the case is under investigation. According to Queen’s arrest report, on March 11, after having been taken into custody, she confessed to police to having had sex with a 15-year-old male student and told investigators, “I am in love with [name redacted]. I have never been in love before.” Metro police first responded to a report about an inappropriate relationship between Queen and an eighth-grade student on Feb. 26. The student’s father had become suspicious when his son said he had been spending time with a girlfriend named Bella. The alleged victim was interviewed, confessing to having spent time away from school with Queen, but denying the two had sex. After police interviewed Queen, they extracted a series of text messages between her and the 15-year-old student from her iPhone: “You should know how I feel by now,” Queen wrote. “I’m serious, I’m putting my job on the line talking to you, so how can I not be serious?” On Feb. 24, Queen texted, “People are getting hella suspicious. We gotta cool it down.” Police interviewed another student on March 5 who said Queen had confessed to her that she and the victim had sex, and had been dating since Valentine’s Day. Some of the text messages between Queen and the teen discuss meeting up at restaurants and Lorenzi Park, leading police to charge Queen with luring a child and kidnapping. Queen is scheduled to make her first appearance in court on Friday at 7:30 a.m. She threw her away her teaching career and freedom for some teenage peen?!? SMH!!!

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Hide Ya Kids: Vegas Teacher Charged With Statutory Rape And Kidnapping After Having Sex With 15-Year-Old Student

Bolitics: Republican Brad Blakeman Says President Obama “Encourages” Statutory Rape By Supporting Contraception For Young Women

SMH! This is why the Republican party is struggling now, because of nuts like this. Republican Says President Obama Encourages Criminal Activity According to Raw Story Republican strategist Brad Blakeman on Friday said that President Barack Obama was complicit in encouraging criminal activity because he supported contraception for young women. Last month, a federal judge ordered the Obama administration to make emergency contraception available to girls as young as 15 without a prescription. The Justice Department vowed to appeal the ruling, but the president on Thursday told reporters in Mexico that he was “comfortable” with giving girls access to the morning-after pill. “This makes no sense at all,” Blakeman opined to Fox News host Martha MacCallum on Friday. “You have to be 18 years old to buy a pack of cigarettes. And the president is also encouraging criminal behavior because in most jurisdictions in America, engaging in sexual intercourse at 14, 15 years old is statutory rape. So the president is somehow saying, ‘If you engage in that activity — criminal behavior — that’s okay because the government is going to provide you the out for your bad decision making.’” Left-leaning Fox News contributor Julie Rodinsky, however, was more realistic, pointing out that “15 year olds and people who are older do have sex, and if they do have sex, isn’t the whole point here to prevent them from getting pregnant? And this is the best way to prevent conception. This is not an abortion pill.” MacCallum argued that “some people would quibble with that definition.” “This strips away the moral fabric of our country,” Blakeman agreed. “It’s the government basically being complicit in a criminal act, and also complicit in coming into the houses of America and telling the parents, ‘We’re going to bring up your children, we’re going to be able to provide better for your children than the decisions you may make at home.’” “What’s the message, you know, when your 14, 15 years old, you say, ‘Well, the president says I should be able to have this’?” MacCallum pressed Rodinsky. “You’re living in a world that just doesn’t exist,” Rodinsky shot back. “The bottom line is just because you don’t want kids who are 15, 16 years old not to have sex, you’re going to punish them by not proving them with the means to not get pregnant.” “So should we decriminalize statutory rape?” Blakeman interrupted. “And say that if you’re 15, go out and have sex as a matter of law?” “Statutory rape is if a 15 year old sleeps with a 25 year old,” Rodinsky replied. “I’m sorry to tell you, but it’s going on out there. You can bury your head in the sand, but people are having sex at the age of 15. You might not like it… Government is not condoning it, but if you don’t give them the tools to prevent abortion and pregnancy, they’ll have abortion and pregnancy.” “It’s a big issue, whether or not this condones it, whether it encourages it,” MacCallum concluded. “And I think a lot of people feel that it does.” While no state has an age of consent younger than 16, minors in many states can legally engage in sexual activity with other minors, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. In New Jersey for example, a 13 year old may legally engage in sexual activity with a partner who is less than four years older. Allowing younger women to buy birth control will decrease the teen mom rate, abortions and prevent teens who do not want their babies from throwing them in the garbage. Do you think he has a point or is he just another right wing weirdo? Fox News

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Bolitics: Republican Brad Blakeman Says President Obama “Encourages” Statutory Rape By Supporting Contraception For Young Women

Congratulations??? Big Sean Cops A Plea In Sexual Misconduct Case

Uh… We’re not quite sure how to feel about this one. But TMZ reports Big Sean has managed to dodge the biggest of bullets as far as the charges that stemmed from an incident in Buffalo over the summer are concerned. 23-year-old Sean — who got a 2011 MTV VMA nomination for best new artist — was arrested in August during a concert in Buffalo, NY … after a 17-year-old girl told police the rapper and his friend had sexually assaulted her. Big Sean — real name Sean Michael Anderson — was charged with 3rd degree sex abuse, forcible touching and 2nd degree unlawful imprisonment. But now, TMZ has learned prosecutors agreed to drop the first two charges on the condition that Big Sean plead guilty to misdemeanor unlawful imprisonment … which carries a $750 fine. Sean’s lawyer Scott Leemon tells TMZ, the rapper has accepted the terms — and has paid the fine — but still insists “he did not engage in any type of sexual misconduct.” Soooooo…. did he just plead guilty to watching his boy take advantage of an underaged girl? SMH

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Congratulations??? Big Sean Cops A Plea In Sexual Misconduct Case

Female Teacher Gets Jail in Student Sex Case

Megan Baumann, 28-year-old former social studies teacher at Clinton High School in Clinton, Tennessee, sentenced to three years in prison after pleading guilty today to several sex charges involving three male students. Baumann was convicted on charges of statutory rape by an authority figure, sexual battery by an authority figure, and two counts of displaying sexually explicit material to minors. She agreed with District Attorney General Dave Clark's description of the facts of the case. He said she fondled one outside his clothes, she sent cell phone pics of her nude chest and pubic region to another, and she had sex with a third and sent him nude cell phone pictures. Read more: http://femalesexoffenders.com/fso/index.php/the-news/259-megan-baumann-sentenced added by: stumbl3r

Get Off Me! 13 Biggest Hollywood Pervs of All Time

Everything from picking up prostitutes and transvestites, child pornography, statutory rape, and pedophilia have hit the front stage of Hollywood. Here are Hollywood’s biggest perverts – the ones you should keep your daughters away from.

See the article here:
Get Off Me! 13 Biggest Hollywood Pervs of All Time

Polanski’s Lawyer — Ready for a Fight

Filed under: Celebrity Justice After 30 years on the run, Roman Polanski is finally behind bars — but, according to his lawyer, he ain’t staying there.Polanski’s attorney, Herve Temime, called into “GMA” this morning to say his client is in “very good shape” and believes it will … Permalink

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Polanski’s Lawyer — Ready for a Fight

Roman Polanski Arrested — Finally

Filed under: Celebrity Justice Roman Polanski will not be able to attend the Zurich Film Festival — which was set to honor him with a lifetime achievement award — because he got arrested for that whole statutory rape thing he’s been fleeing from for the past 30 years. The famed …

Excerpt from:
Roman Polanski Arrested — Finally

#4: Pamela Rogers Turner

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Pamela Rogers Turner
Pamela Rogers
Pamela Joan Turner Booking Photo
To Court
Pam Turner After Arrest
After Release

· January 10:  Teacher accused of sex with 13 year-old boy gets more jail time for probation violation. Former school teacher Pamela Rogers has been handed an additional two years for sending nude photos of herself to a boy she was convicted of having sex with. Rogers was on probation at the time.  Wednesday morning January 10, 2007 in McMinnville, the 29-year-old Rogers entered a plea agreement, pleading guilty to two counts of solicitation of sexual exploitation of a minor.  Read More

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· Ex-teacher gets 7 years prison for probation violation. Pamela Rogers, 29, cries as she makes a plea to the judge as she appears in circuit court in McMinnville, Tenn. on Friday, July 14, 2006, during her probation revocation hearing. Rogers, a former teacher, was ordered by Judge Bart Stanley to report to state prison for violating her probation on a sentence for having sex with a 13-year-old boy.  He revoked Rogers’ probation and ordered her to serve the rest of a seven-year prison sentence that had been largely suspended.  A grand jury issued a new indictment against Rogers last week charging her with four counts of exploiting a minor.  Read More

· Rogers indicted on four new charges. Ex-teacher to meet with judge Friday.  Pamela Rogers, the former elementary school teacher accused of sending sexually explicit images of herself to a male teen she’d had sex with, has been indicted on additional charges stemming from her communications with the boy, court records show.  The new charges came four days before Rogers’ Friday afternoon hearing before Circuit Court Judge Bart Stanley. The judge will decide whether she should remain in jail to serve all or a portion of the seven remaining years of her 2005 sentence. The judge also could choose to keep her out of jail.  Read More

· April 26:  Pamela Rogers arrested again in sex case. Her arrest this week stems from further allegations that she has had extensive contact with the boy and his family, including calls, e-mails and text messages along with the nude photos and sex videos, court documents allege. Some of the naked photos and videos she sent after her most recent court appearance on April 12, a warrant says.  “These were videos of (the) defendant involved in sexual activity and she was nude in the pictures,” the warrant says.  Read More

· April 13: Teacher’s blog causes arrest. A Warren County teacher who got out of jail two months ago after being accused of having sex with a 13-year-old student has blogged about the boy on the Internet, a local prosecutor said.  Pamela Rogers, 28, violated her probation by setting up a personal Web page and blog on which she mentioned the boy, District Attorney General Dale Potter said.  Read More

· ‘Sex Teacher’ Arrested For Contacting Victim. A former teacher in Tennessee who was jailed for having sex with an underage student is in trouble again.  Pamela Rogers was in a Warren County courtroom on Wednesday.  Authorities say the 28-year-old woman may have committed several probation violations by allegedly using the Internet to contact the 13-year-old boy and his family.  Rogers served six months in jail for having sex with the boy and was released February 26.  Read More

· Pamela Rogers released from jail after six weeks. She was sentenced to 9 months in jail, but ended up serving just a little more than six months due to good behavior.  Rogers was serving the sentence for her sexual relationship with a 13 year-old male student from Centertown. At the time, Rogers was married and went by the name Pamela Turner.  Read More

· Teacher gets 9 months in sex plea. Pamela Rogers, the Warren County elementary school teacher and coach, pleaded guilty today to four counts of sexual battery by an authority figure for having a sexual affair with a 13-year-old star athlete student.  Rogers, 28, was sentenced to 270 days in the Warren County jail and will surrender her state teaching certificate for life. Circuit Court Judge Bart Stanley also barred her from granting interviews or profiting from her story during eight years of probation.  Her plea avoids a trial that could have landed Rogers in prison for two to 16 years if she had been found guilty of all 28 counts from her February indictment.  Read More

MCMINNVILLE, Tenn. – Authorities have arrested a female teacher from a Warren County, Tennessee school, charging her with having an ongoing sexual relationship with a 13-year-old boy.  Pamela Rogers Turner was charged this week with 15 counts of sexual battery by an authority figure and 13 counts of statutory rape.

The 27-year-old Turner is a graduate of Tennessee Tech University with a degree in education.  Bobby Cox, director of instruction for Warren County schools, said Turner had been a teacher in the Warren County system for about 1½ years. She taught physical education and worked with all grades at the K-8 grade school in McMinnville.

Prosecutor Dale Potter says some of incidents were alleged to have taken place at the school – others at the student’s home.  Potter says his office intends to prosecute the case to the fullest extent possible because it involves a child.

Turner is currently free on $50,000 bond, and has been placed on leave by the school system, with an arraignment set for Feb. 23.

Pamela’s father, Lamar Rogers, has been the girls basketball coach at Clarkrange High School for 29 years, winning his first state champsionship in 1983, and coached his daughter Pamela’s team to the state title in 1995.

Pamela Joan Rogers married Christopher Turner on July 26, 2003.  Turner is currently in the process of a divorce from her husband, who is head coach for the Warren County High School boys varsity basketball team in McMinnville.

Conviction on all counts could be punished by up to 100 years in prison, although it is unlikely given her gender.  At her court hearing on February 23, Pamela Rogers Turner’s lawyer entered a plea of Not Guilty, unlike another teacher with similar troubles – Debra Lafave, who is expected to use an insanity defense.

A judge in McMinnville, Tennessee has set a November 15th trial date for Turner.  Radok News

IMPORTANT:  All the recent media stories on various charges and indictments of teachers are just that, charges – not convictions.  It is important to keep an open mind and learn the facts of the case(s) in a court of law before coming to any conclusions of guilt.  It would not be the first time overly-zealous prosecutors were wrong.