Filed under: Paparazzi Photo , Beauty , Hot Bodies Can you guess which gorgeous bikini-clad actress sizzled her flesh in the Miami sun on Thursday?
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Name That Two-Piece!
Filed under: Paparazzi Photo , Beauty , Hot Bodies Can you guess which gorgeous bikini-clad actress sizzled her flesh in the Miami sun on Thursday?
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Name That Two-Piece!
Tagged dirrty, exclusives, flesh, jersey-shore, Miami, paparazzi-photo, Photo, roman-polanski, romanpolanski, staten, thursday
Filed under: We’re Just Sayin’ Here’s Staten Island born Christina Aguilera in her “Dirrty” days back in 2003 (left) — and Nicole, aka “Snookie,” from MTV’s “Jersey Shore” (right).One of ’em is currently accepting “Guido applications.”We’re just sayin’. See Also Oliver Platt … Permalink
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Christina Aguilera — Jersey Girl?
Tagged christina-aguilera, dirrty, exclusives, jersey-shore, Mtv, roman-polanski, romanpolanski, snookie, Sports, staten
Filed under: Celebrity Justice , Paparazzi Photo Rich enough to buy his way out of the slammer, Roman Polanski was driven to his 19,000 sq. ft
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Polanski — Roman Around Switzerland
Tagged buick, chalet, corner, exclusives, finally, Photo, roman, roman-polanski, romanpolanski, Sports, swiss-chalet, the-corner, Tiger, windermere
Filed under: Celebrity Justice Roman Polanski is out of prison — and is now trapped in the strict confines of his luxury, 19,000 square foot, three-story Swiss chalet.The director — who is fighting extradition to the U.S.
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Roman Polanski Bails Free to Roam
Tagged bail, house-arrest, housearrest, jail, luxury, now-trapped, roman, romanpolanski, Sex, sexcharges, strict, the-strict
In this week’s compilation of pop culture crap we’ve got women with acrylic toenails, Kirstie Alley remembering her coke days, and Mary Hart , who still hates Jon Gosselin .
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10 Things You May Have Missed On TV This Week
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged coke, cougars, Jon Gosselin, joy behar, left-image500, levi johnston, like-the-little, michelle-obama, polanski, romanpolanski, Sex, student, the fugitive, tyra
Emma Thompson was on The View today to talk about her admirable work fighting sex trafficking. Strangely, the ladies didn’t ask her about another case of sexual exploitation—the one Roman Polanski perpetrated and Thompson initially appeared to endorse. Thompson, you see, disappointed many of her fans earlier this fall when she signed a petition — along with a host of other boldface names , including Salman Rushdie, Natalie Portman, and Diane Von Furstenburg — demanding that Polanski be freed on charges relating to his rape of a 13-year-old girl in 1977
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Emma Thompson’s Name To Be Removed From Polanski Petition This Week
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged child, Hollywood, polanski, roman-polanski, romanpolanski, Sex, shakesville, student, the fugitive, the-petition, thompson
Filed under: Who’d You Rather? Porn divas Traci Lords, 41, and Mary Carey, 29, kept their clothes on at the same premiere in L.A.
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Traci vs. Mary: Who’d You Rather?
Filed under: Celebrity Justice Court docs that just surfaced say Roman Polanski agreed to pay his victim $500,000 in damages back in 1993 — but records don’t show if he ever paid.The last court filing shows the amount increased to $604,000 in1996 due to interest.Polanski hasn’t … Permalink
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Polanski Agreed to Pay Off Victim in 1993
Tagged court, filing-shows, last-court, roman, roman-polanski, romanpolanski, Victim
Filed under: Celebrity Justice After 30 years on the run, Roman Polanski is finally behind bars — but, according to his lawyer, he ain’t staying there.Polanski’s attorney, Herve Temime, called into “GMA” this morning to say his client is in “very good shape” and believes it will … Permalink
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Polanski’s Lawyer — Ready for a Fight
Tagged herve-temime, hervetemime, jayden-james, jaydenjames, lamarodom, Photo, roman, romanpolanski, statutory-rape, the-run