Tag Archives: turned-lesbian

Model Kandy Showing her Tits for Fashion of the Day

Her name is Kandy, which is probably a stripper you once paid extra money to get a happy ending from in some small town at least once in your life…because Kandy is the most generic of stripper names…it is up there with Jenna, or Crystal, or Brooklyn, or Tiffany, or AMber, or whatever….only this stripper is not the traditional pole dancing stripper…she’s the kind that does it in fake magazines…pulling out her tits that aren’t all that impressive not because they are small, but because they are boring, all this shit is all the same, interchangeable, repetitive, just this whole hipster fashion weirdness, that I am just glad is tall and skinny like models are supposed to be…and they’re still tits.. The post Model Kandy Showing her Tits for Fashion of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Model Kandy Showing her Tits for Fashion of the Day

Old Heidi Klum in Fetish Pics of the Day

Heidi Klum did a shoot for HUNGER magazine where she looked her age. All hard faced and GERMAN like she is…and I actually prefer when these vapid, superficial girls have a little authenticity to them, I just wish it was in the form of a GERMAN SCAT MOVIE with SEAL and his ARM sized dick filling her, rather than in some fashion shoot trying to be all dramatic, while really just being cheesy as fuck…it’s like when they put in the money to stage this and get this location didn’t they once stop and say “what are we doing, why are we doing this, what’s the point of all this, when you can just take a fucking selfie”… The post Old Heidi Klum in Fetish Pics of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Old Heidi Klum in Fetish Pics of the Day

Lindsay Lohan Fashionable See Through Pics Because She’s Everything of the day

I am an old motherfucker, and Lindsay Lohan represents and era of purity, where celebrities could be in Disney movies thanks to being on Disney Cock thanks to her mom’s whoring them both out on execs….and not really have anyone know they were whore, cock loving turned lesbian coke sluts… She’s from an era where celebrities weren’t accessible, where not everyone was a celebrity, where people looked on or up to them, instead of trying to compete with them for followers… Where she would walk in a room and people would notice and stare, something that may not happen today, because people forgets she exists, even when she brings out her great perfect fake tits….because she’s destroyed herself, her career, and her face. I still have hope for a comeback, she will win an Oscar, I am a fan and always will be, from breakdowns, to half death, to super stardom, to nothing..partially because of nostalgia and because she’s wearing a sheet through dress… She’s Perfect. But that could be the tits in a see through dress talking. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Lindsay Lohan Fashionable See Through Pics Because She’s Everything of the day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lindsay Lohan Fashionable See Through Pics Because She’s Everything of the day

Katy Perry in a Nightgown of the Day

Katy Perry posted this pic of herself in bed in a nightgown – and I don’t really know what to think about it – because for years I’ve hated on Katy Perry for being this low rent, yet insanely successful viral popstar in this new generation of music….I hated that I knew the lyrics to her songs without ever listening to her songs…and I hated the noise that game with her…but I always loved her tits, they were her one redeeming factor, and seeing them like this, in bed…is almost romantic and beautiful…even when I hate everything it fucking represents….but I hate how much I like it even more…

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Katy Perry in a Nightgown of the Day

Miley Cyrus’ Ass in Pantyhose of the Day

I think Miley Cyrus is amazing, I know she’s a full of shit, spoiled brat, who is probably the worst to hang out with, but she’s an exhibitionist, she’s playful and silly, and she’s kinda hot in her annoying hick trashy turned lesbian hipster from LA with lots of money way….I’m a fan… I’m not just saying that because I have a pantyhose fetish and have sniffed and fucked various girls in pantyhose over my career as a pervert…or maybe I am…there’s just something hot about the semi see through opaque glimpse into the hell that is her vagina…even though as someone who has fucked pantyhose knows how bad the feet area smell…I can look past that…because it’s safe to say Kim K broke the interent, and Miley is Fixing it…right?

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Miley Cyrus’ Ass in Pantyhose of the Day

Tila Tequila Pregnancy Nudity of the Day

Attention seeker, mentally unstable, internet nude model, turned Myspace superstar, turned MTV show host, money making, relevant despite being useless, turned lesbian with a dead lover, turned jewish convert, turned LESBIAN PORNSTAR , HARDCORE PORNSTAR , Tila Tequila , who I have actually met at least once, and who was very sweet and pleasant…despite having her fans attack me not the internet back when she had fans, because I guess any idiot who supported her then, and joined her “army” has gone on to forget she exists…because there is no loyalty..once your show gets cancelled..just posted this pic of her pregnancy…topless…and hardly hardcore…considering she just released an anal porn ….you would assume didn’t end in pregnancy, because that is the foundation of Anal… Either way, she shouldn’t give up on the PORNSTAR LIFE because she was good at it…in fact it is the only thing she’s been good at pretty much ever… I like to think this is a soft sell for her sex tape in a “see how Tila Tequila got this way” so GET HER SEX TAPE HERE

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Tila Tequila Pregnancy Nudity of the Day

Happy Birthday, Natalie Portman!

Mr. Skin bids a happy birthday to his favorite galactic princess turned lesbian ballerina, Natalie Portman ! Check out the highlights of this svelte stunner’s skin career, including her rear porthole in Hotel Chevalier . Mazel topless, Natalie!

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Happy Birthday, Natalie Portman!