Tag Archives: tweetv

Is This the End of the World? [Bad Things]

The new year has arrived and it is awful, what with bird/fish/crab death, floods, freezing temperatures, and zombie ex-Vice Presidents. So let’s just put it all out there and list the reasons why this is already the worst year ever. More

The Average Person’s Guide to Investing in 2011 [Money]

The stock market is positively sizzling today, as Wall Street ‘s optimism pushed the Dow to a two-year high . Sounds tempting, eh? Before you wade in with your wallet, consider this short list of “Do’s” and “Don’ts.” Consider it now! More

The Best Things We Read in 2010 [Year In Review]

While most of our lives are devoted to the watching and hearing of things, occasionally, yes, we do read a thing or two. Here are our choices for our favorite reads of the year, books or otherwise. More

The Facebook Suicide Note of School Board Shooter Clay Duke [Shootings]

On Tuesday, 56-year-old Clay Duke engaged in a bizarre standoff with a school board, killing himself after a security guard wounded him. His motives are still unclear, but his Facebook profile indicates that he never expected to survive. More

Ivy League Professor Charged with Incest [Crime]

David Epstein , 46, a political science professor at Columbia University, was arrested and charged with a single felony count of incest on Wednesday. He was reportedly engaged in a three-year-long consensual sexual relationship with his 24-year-old daughter. More

Gawker Dating: A Few Tips to Help You Search for Love [Housekeeping]

Wow! We had no idea our little Gawker Dating social experiment would take off quite the way it did yesterday. Now that the initial surprise has passed, let us take a moment to help you streamline your e-dating experience. More

U.S. Will Briefly Stop Persecuting Reporters to Host World Press Freedom Day [Cluelessness]

The State Department just announced that Washington, D.C., will host the United Nations’ 2011 World Press Freedom Day celebration, which honors the capacity for states to criminally prosecute and relentlessly seek to silence web sites that publish illegal information. More

10 Things I Love About Winter [Listicle]

This morning there was snow during my morning commute. Snow ! Though it doesn’t officially start until December 21, winter is here. This cold, dark, depressing season totally sucks, but here are 10 things to get us through until March. More

Do You Have the Slutty Gene? [Science]

Do you have a lot of one-night stands? Affairs? Well, I bet your mom does too. No, really! I bet she does, because scientists say they’ve found a gene that’s linked to promiscuity and uncommitted sex. More

Amazon.com Evicts Wikileaks. Who’s Next? [Censorship]

Under pressure from Sen. Joe Lieberman, Amazon.com kicked WikiLeaks.org off its servers . But why stop there? There’s all kinds of controversial customers the cowardly but remarkably convenient e-tailer can flee from. More