Saban Films celebrated the Los Angeles Premiere of THE FORGIVEN on Wednesday, March 7, 2018 at the Directors Guild of America . The After Party was hosted at sbe’s HYDE SUNSET in West Hollywood. Guests enjoyed specialty cocktails by Hiro Sake, Carbonadi vodka and cold brews by Peroni beer. In attendance from the film were Forest Whitaker ( Black Panther, The Last King of Scotland ), Eric Bana ( Munich, Troy ), Toni Braxton (“The Forgiven” song Written and Performed by, “Faith Under Fire,” Kingdom Come ), Jeff Gum ( Day of the Dead: Bloodline, “ New Girl”) , and Director and Co-writer Roland Joffé ( The Killing Fields, The Mission). Special guests in attendance were Kat Graham (“ The Vampire Diaries,” All Eyez on Me), Tommy Wiseau (The Room, Best F(r)iends), Greg Sestero (The Room, Best F(r)iends) and Michael Jai White (“Black Dynamite,” The Dark Knight ). THE FORGIVEN will be in NYC and LA Theaters on March 9th. Hit the flip for more event photos!
Saban Films celebrated the Los Angeles Premiere of THE FORGIVEN on Wednesday, March 7, 2018 at the Directors Guild of America . The After Party was hosted at sbe’s HYDE SUNSET in West Hollywood. Guests enjoyed specialty cocktails by Hiro Sake, Carbonadi vodka and cold brews by Peroni beer. In attendance from the film were Forest Whitaker ( Black Panther, The Last King of Scotland ), Eric Bana ( Munich, Troy ), Toni Braxton (“The Forgiven” song Written and Performed by, “Faith Under Fire,” Kingdom Come ), Jeff Gum ( Day of the Dead: Bloodline, “ New Girl”) , and Director and Co-writer Roland Joffé ( The Killing Fields, The Mission). Special guests in attendance were Kat Graham (“ The Vampire Diaries,” All Eyez on Me), Tommy Wiseau (The Room, Best F(r)iends), Greg Sestero (The Room, Best F(r)iends) and Michael Jai White (“Black Dynamite,” The Dark Knight ). THE FORGIVEN will be in NYC and LA Theaters on March 9th. Hit the flip for more event photos!
I would say that this is some Sophie Simmons doing some cultural appropriation, because she was raised Jewish by her Israelite father Gene and the Canadian porno model from the 70s he knocked up during his conquest of many horny KISS groupies which were really challenging to Weinstein as they threw themselves at him and his make-up and high heels that have made him a billion dollars… But I guess her mom isn’t a Jewish, unless she converted, which she probably did to score the good life she’s got all for being hot and not a pain in the ass…and I guess there’s no real cultural appropriation when it comes to celebrating Christmas, that shit is mainstream and commercial, all cultures are welcome so long as they buy gifts and perpetuate consumerism….we are inclusive… This isn’t the BLACKFACE, the Christmas edition, but it isn’t the kind of pajamas I like seeing mom and daughter in….see previous post…. But it’s women with trap door pajamas designed for ANAL rape…but is it really rape if there’s a clear invitation…like a doorway to the anus…exactly…. There’s little hot in this, or in Sophie Simmons, unless you’re a KISS fan in which case it’s as close as you can get to fucking your LEADER / GOD without being considered a homo. The post Sophie Simmons, Jewish Girl, in Christmas Pyjamas of the Day appeared first on .
Lily Beckinsale or Lily Mo Sheen, which I guess is her actual name, thanks to her dad, actor Michael Sheen, not related to Charlie Sheen, but likely as perverted, knocking up her mom Kate Beckinsale, the vampire woman who doesn’t age, 18 years ago…is some young tight bodied, daughter of famous enough people, who is likely spoiled, entitled and annoying from thinking her family is important..because that’s what these people are all about… But she’s young and tight bodied, the only thing you’ll ever see crawl out of Kate Beckinsale’s pussy…which to some people is a big deal thanks to Kate Beckinsale securing he virgin loser nerd market into loving her and all things her pussy does…or has done…even if it’s old now, it still looks as fit as before and it’s nice to know there’s a back-up version of her, in case she dies or something…even if that back-up version of her is grinding up on Cardboard cutouts of DJ Khalid…weird. The post Lily Beckinsale Rubbing her Ass on Cardboard of the Day appeared first on .
Justice League is a failure on pretty much every level. That basically sums the take of movie critics around the country. In short, the film is terrible. This probably doesn't come as a major shock to anyone who has seen the Justice League trailer or followed the behind-the-scenes problems that have plagued production. But you should still scroll down to see just how negative the reviews actually are… 1. The Ringer: Justice League is another attempt to course-correct what some believe were [Zach] Snyder’s botched early entries in the DC universe… The movie wants to be grand, it wants to be fun, but in the end, it’s just another loud, lifeless, high-tech bore 2. Us Weekly: If a D.C. universe movie is truly going to triumph, it needs to add something fresh to the genre. The sight of well-muscled, costumed superheroes standing in a line ready to take charge doesn’t have the same oomph as it did five years ago. Bring on the excitement and the death-defying thrills and kooky humor for the sequel. After all, nothing is more frustrating than a big-budget extravaganza that just flies by night. 3. New York Times: The movie shows a series that’s still finding its footing as well as characters who, though perhaps not yet as ostensibly multidimensional as Marvel’s, may be more enduring (and golden). It has justice, and it has banter. And while it could have used more hanging out, more breeziness, it is a start. 4. Vanity Fair: I could be projecting, but boy does poor Gal Gadot look so sad in Justice League, watching this lumbering and witless movie lay waste to the nice thing she just got finished making. It really is a shame. What a dumb irony, to end this movie, of all movies, on a note of bitter injustice like that. 5. The Verge: On a moment-to-moment basis, though, Justice League often feels fractured. Whedon’s reshoots are sometimes painfully obvious, as when Flash and Cyborg share a brief personal moment in a graveyard that looks as cheap as a first-season Buffy the Vampire Slayer set. While those scenes can seem roughly interpolated and out-of-place, though, they often offer the film’s most meaningful character moments and flashes of humor and humanity. A quick gag involving Aquaman reveals more about him than the entire rest of the film’s two-hour runtime. 6. Chicago Tribune: The dialogue is painful. [Ezra] Miller’s neurotic routine is initially quite charming, until his one-liners become incredibly cheesy and tired. Aquaman peppers his speech with many dude-brah phrases, while Cyborg, regrettably, utters “boo-yah” at one point. View Slideshow
The amazing thing about Charisma Carpenter is not that she still has fans from her Buffy the Vampire Slayer days. I realize that virgin loser nerds are desperate as fuck and that they never really let go of the girls they let into their hearts… The amazing thing about Charisma Carpenter is that at 43 and still does herself up like some kind of porn slut…or Jon Benet Ramsey…. You know she goes to the gym and the “dermatologist” to stay youthful…but I’m sure she realizes she looks like a plastic surgery ridden sex doll, or John Benet Ramsey but then again, she does have wrinkles, maybe it’s just the make up I am struggling with, or maybe it’s that I want to bang a 43 year old….that body looks good….WHO knows…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICSS CLICK HERE The post Charisma Carpenter Looks Like a Botox Sugar Baby of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Kate Beckinsale is a mom…. despite the fact that she doesn’t age and is pretty fucking hot like the Vampire you’d expect her to be, since the only movie she’s done is some Vampire bullshit that nerds fucking love….. This is her college aged, college accepted, going into her first year of college daughter they call Lily Beckinsale…because I guess the dad doesn’t deserve his name branded on it…ad who really wants to be Michael Sheens’….other than Sarah Silverman…but she’s a monster…how do you go from kate Beckinsale to that…talk about failure moves… Either way, she’s 18….so …its’ ok to look… The post Lily Beckinsale in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Apparently it’s the 20th anniversary of Buffy the Vampire Slayer or something, because Entertainment Weekly just got the whole cast to reunite for a celebratory cover shoot: Sarah Michelle Gellar , Charisma Carpenter , Michelle Trachtenberg , and… all the other ones I don’t really care about. And for the most part, they’re still looking pretty good. Well, except for maybe Michelle. I don’t know what she’s been up to these past two decades, but I’m guessing it’s not hitting the gym. Too bad. Continue reading →
So Lena Dunham has lost a lot of weight recently, right? A considerable amount of weight, really. But the thing is, she doesn’t want any of us to talk about it. “But why?” you might be thinking. “She keeps talking about it herself, what does she expect?” And those are good questions — Lena started losing weight a few months ago, and she’s been open about the reason behind it. In a February interview with Howard Stern, she explained that “Donald Trump became president and I stopped being able to eat food .” “Everyone’s been asking like, ‘What have you been doing?'” she went on. “And I’m like, ‘Try soul-crushing pain and devastation and hopelessness and you, too, will lose weight.'” In January, she called a Glamour cover in which some cellulite was visible on her legs a ” triumph for womankind ,” so she’s clearly comfortable with talking about any and all aspects of her body and her weight. But in a great big long Instagram post she shared yesterday, she insists that she’s not cool with people talking about her weight. We know that because the photo she shared was a screenshot from an article titled “People Need to Stop Talking About Lena Dunham’s Weight.” In her caption, she writes “I feel I’ve made it pretty clear over the years that I don’t give even the tiniest of sh-ts what anyone else feels about my body.” “I’ve gone on red carpets in couture as a size 14. I’ve done sex scenes days after surgery, mottled with scars .” “I’ve accepted that my body is an every-changing organism,” she writes, “not a fixed entity — what goes up must come down and vice versa.” “I smile just as wide no matter my current size because I’m proud of what this body has seen and done and represented. Chronic illness sufferer. Body-shaming vigilante. Sexual assault survivor. Raging hottie. Just like all of YOU.” And this is where it gets weird — she says that “Right now I’m struggling to control my endometriosis through a healthy diet and exercise.” What about Trump though, girl? Why the change in the story? Regardless, Lena continues by saying that her weight loss “isn’t a triumph and it also isn’t some sign I’ve finally given in to the voices of trolls.” “Because my body belongs to ME — at every phase, in every iteration, and whatever I’m doing with it, I’m not handing in my feminist card to anyone.” “I refuse to celebrate these bullsh-t before-and-after-pictures,” she concludes. “Don’t we have infinitely more pressing news to attend to?” … K. It’s just strange because … like, of course her body belongs to her. And as someone who thoroughly enjoys posing nude or nearly nude at every opportunity, she should realize that people are going to notice big changes. Pointing out her weight loss isn’t somehow an anti-feminist move, and it’s not like people are saying “Thank goodness she finally lost some weight, she’s finally a real person now!” Everyone loves a good weight loss before-and-after. It’s human nature. It doesn’t have to mean something terrible, and it doesn’t require an essay. So take that body that belongs to you, Lena, and just chill for a little bit. View Slideshow: Lena Dunham: 15 Times She Has Stirred Serious Controversy
Chuck Berry, the long-time musician who many credit with popularizing the entire genre of rock ‘n roll, died Saturday in Missouri, the St. Charles County police has confirmed. He was 90 years old. “St. Charles County police responded to a medical emergency on Buckner Road at approximately 12:40 p.m. today (Saturday, March 18),” the department said via statement this afternoon. The statement continued as follows: “Inside the home, first responders observed an unresponsive man and immediately administered lifesaving techniques. Unfortunately, the 90-year-old man could not be revived and was pronounced deceased at 1:26 p.m. “The St. Charles County Police Department sadly confirms the death of Charles Edward Anderson Berry Sr., better known as legendary musician Chuck Berry.” Concludes the post, which was written on Facebook: “The family requests privacy during this time of bereavement.” The singing, guitar playing and general showmanship of Berry have often been credited as having enormous influence on Elvis Presley, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and the Beach Boys, among other legends. The latter group’s “Surfin’ USA,” for example, so overly copied Berry’s song “Sweet Little Sixteen” that the rock pioneer complained and was eventually given a co-writing credit on the track. Berry performed for over seven decades. His best known hits likely remain Roll Over Beethoven, My Ding-a-Ling, Maybelline (his first real hit, released in 1955) and Johnny B. Goode. The latter was immortalized by Michael J. Fox in Back to the Future, who basically emulated Berry’s moves on stage in that memorable movie. The veteran musician received a lifetime achievement Grammy Award in 1984 and was among the first inductees to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1986. By the late 1970s, after years of success in the spotlight, Berry career took a nosedive. In 1979, was found guilty of tax evasion and sentenced to four months in prison. However, he remained a worshiped figure by the music icons he had inspired. When Keith Richards inducted Berry into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1986, saying at the time that he “lifted every lick” that Berry ever played for himself. Upon learning of his death, motown group The Jacksons Tweeted the following: “Chuck Berry merged blues & swing into the phenomenon of early rock’n’roll. In music, he cast one of the longest shadows. Thank You Chuck.” Added Bruce Springsteen: “Chuck Berry was rock’s greatest practitioner, guitarist, and the greatest pure rock ‘n’ roll writer who ever lived. “This is a tremendous loss of a giant for the ages.” Expect many more tributes to follow. Berry had announced in October that he would actually release a new studio album some time in 2017. We send our condolences to those who knew Chuck Berry best. What a legend. May he rest in peace. View Slideshow: Celebrities Who Died in 2017: In Memoriam