Tag Archives: very-offensive

Nicki Minaj Offered Up Her Rich Sex To Michael B. Jordan During Her People’s Choice Awards Speech

(Photo by Josiah Kamau/BuzzFoto/ Alexander Tamargo/Getty Images) Nicki Minaj Flirts With Michael B. Jordan At The People’s Choice Awards Nicki Minaj won ‘Best Female Artist 2018’ at The People’s Choice Awards last night and seemingly shot her shot at Michael B. Jordan while accepting her award. Nicki said, “shoutout to Versace for specially making me this dress and shoutout to Michael B. Jordan because he’s going to be taking it off me tonight” while pointing to the audience. Here it is ICYMI: “Shoutout to Versace for specially making me this dress and shoutout to Michael B Jordan cause he's gonna be taking it off me tonight.” – Nicki Minaj #PCAs ⁠ pic.twitter.com/gVAWQ2vPsK — Brian Gay (@brian2596) November 12, 2018 In total, Nicki won two awards for the night, including ‘Best Album 2018’ for ‘Queen’ after opening the show with a performance featuring Tyga. Do you think that Nicki was just using this moment to bring attention to her awards speech or is she really trying to take down Creed??? Hit the flip to see what fans had to say!

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Nicki Minaj Offered Up Her Rich Sex To Michael B. Jordan During Her People’s Choice Awards Speech

Get Out! Michelle Williams’ Husband Got Dragged For Saying THIS To Her When She Mentioned His Whiteness

Chad And Michelle Have Us Worried Well, well, well. A lot of the world was pretty skeptical over the Michelle and Chad relationship when it was announced a while ago. Most of the worries came from the fact that nobody knew who the hell this dude was. Now as they embark on their reality show, their issues are in the forefront. Namely about race. Take a look at the latest drama: “I said something to him on the lines of ‘Well, Chad, because you are not Black you would not understand why I communicate the way I do. Maybe because you didn’t grow up around a lot of Black people.’ So that was very, very offensive to Chad.” His response took things beyond the edge, asking her if she’s taken her meds. For those who don’t know, Michelle Williams has been open about her battles with depression and Chad poking her about it is a pretty low blow. Mans is really that insecure about being white that he needed to tear into her like that? Yikes. Twitter is responding with concerns, thinking that maybe a white guy being so insecure about race while marrying a black woman is a red flag. Did Chad just really brow beat Michelle with his white tears about not discussing differences between black folks and white folks because it makes HIM uncomfortable?? #ChadLovesMichelle pic.twitter.com/ukflqxxiOi — Carolyn Wysinger (@CDubbTheHost) November 11, 2018 Take a look at the reactions and dragging for yourself…

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Get Out! Michelle Williams’ Husband Got Dragged For Saying THIS To Her When She Mentioned His Whiteness

What Is Wrong With This Picture: Bloomberg Businessweek Magazine Cover Depicts Blacks & Latinos As Big-Lipped, Money Hungry Hoodrats

Bloomberg Businessweek Under Fire For Depiction Of Minorities Bloomberg Businessweek magazine has just taken things a little too far with their caricature depictions of minorities on the cover of their latest issue. In addition to the insulting illustration of minorities on the cover, even more shady is the fact that they used only blacks and Latinos as the face of a story on sub-prime borrowing and predatory lending, which clearly implies that minorities were primarily responsible for taking out loans that they could not afford to pay off……which eventually began the 2007 housing crisis that sparked the recent U.S. recession. via NBC News Bloomberg Businessweek has sparked a torrent of criticism after its cover depicted exaggerated cartoon versions of Latinos and blacks greedily grabbing for money for a story about a housing rebound across the country. “Oh wow, oh wow, that is very offensive,” said Aracely Panemeno, the director of Latino affairs for the Center for Responsible Lending, as she first opened up a photo of the cover on her computer. “It is highly offensive and inaccurate with an intent to promote and perpetuate the myth that communities of color were undeserving of the credit and housing they received and are to blame for the housing crisis, when in reality the opposite is true. They were targeted with predatory loans.” Representatvies for the magazine later apologized for the over, but the damage is obviously already done. Bloomberg Businessweek tells NBC Latino it regrets the cover, dated February 25. “Our cover illustration last week got strong reactions, which we regret,” said editor, Josh Tyrangiel in a statement. “Our intention was not to incite or offend. If we had to do it over again we’d do it differently.” SMH. You would think publications like this one would know better……but of course, they don’t.

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What Is Wrong With This Picture: Bloomberg Businessweek Magazine Cover Depicts Blacks & Latinos As Big-Lipped, Money Hungry Hoodrats

Gossip Girl: Staten Island Style!

There’s a big episode of Gossip Girl on tonight. The hit CW show creates more buzz and has more devoted fans (albeit a relatively small number of them) than just about any other show out there, so there was already talk of a spinoff last year

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Gossip Girl: Staten Island Style!