Tag Archives: virgin-islands

Anegada British Virgin Islands & Monhegan Island Maine

You WILL NOT believe this story coming out of the Anegada British Virgin Islands & Monhegan Island Maine!!! It’s insane. There are supposedly ways to win your very own island! Yes, you can win an Anegada British Virgin Islands & Monhegan Island Maine island of your own! You have to download their info sheet and contest documents. But yes, you could win your very own Anegada British Virgin Islands & Monhegan Island Maine. This contest is all about speed and accuracy. It is predicted that only the first 500 contest applications will be accepted. Get you own Anegada British Virgin Islands & Monhegan Island Maine island now! Anegada British Virgin Islands & Monhegan Island Maine is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Sean Kingston’s Prodigy, Iyaz

http://www.younghollywood.com We caught up with Iyaz who’s still coming off a year-long whirlwind of success with the release of his hit single, “Replay.” We talk to him about his journey, being personally plucked out of the Virgin Islands by Sean Kingston and all he’s accomplished in such a short time. Hosted by Michelle Marie. Distributed by Tubemogul. 99 views | 0 comments Click here to watch the video (03:55) Submitted By: YoungHollywood Tags: Iyaz

Little people, big world, divided family

The Roloff’s problems are escalating on camera just like another reality couple we know and this weeks episode divided the family. Matt decided to go on this big family vacation to the Virgin Islands and he somehow “forgot” that Amy had to work. Her schedule couldn’t be changed, so he went ahead with his plans

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Little people, big world, divided family