Tag Archives: wearing-tight

Halle Berry Got That Bikini On of the Day

Halle Berry is on some comeback tour, because I guess she’s Halle Berry and ready to try to shine again, as these women hate tapping out and accepting their fate as only valuable when young and hot, so they put all kinds of energy into being old and hot…working out, diet, all that other stuff like plastic surgery…all in efforts to keep getting work, praise, etc…instead of just sitting on their pile of money..it’s like they think it’s their duty to us to clickbait…and post bikini pics… I’m ok with that, like I’m ok with her being an icon or motivator to the young black folk of the world – even though she grew up white, in a white area, with a white mom, and the black thing is just an angle to win oscars…and I’m ok with that cultural appropriation because she’s hot… Here’s some Halle Berry Booty in a Sheer Shirt of the DAy TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Halle Berry Got That Bikini On of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Halle Berry Got That Bikini On of the Day

Taylor Swift’s Ass in Leggings of the Day

Taylor Swift has been working on her ass…and showing off her ass…and I guess her tits…in what I guess is a re-brand as a hot enough girl to justify all the cock that has been inside her…when before she was just a pretty average lanky bitch who was relatable because she wasn’t all that hot…and would be the kind of girl guys break, but when you’re worth 100 million dollars a year, you start to gets lined up and ready to stick it in you…hoping it sticks…forcing her fake songs to be not taken seriously – because clearly they are a fucking lie….and she’s just a slut…a slut…who like wearing tight pants…even when it doesn’t involve showing her cameltoe… TO SEE the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE The post Taylor Swift’s Ass in Leggings of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Taylor Swift’s Ass in Leggings of the Day

Joanna Krupa Hot in her Place of the Day

I once spoke to the photographer who does this “Me in My Place” series for Esquire…I dont’ remember much about the conversation but I do remember that he’s pretty much a genius. So he gets hot girls in their underwear in their houses….you know to give us, the voyeur, a glimpse of what goes down for them and where it goes down everytime they fuck at home….it also give us, the decorator, ideas for how we’d like to set up our house…and that’s with half naked Polish born, American Raised 32 year old has-been who never was, but who still has a better house than you…..pussy. Good times. To See The Rest Of THis Shoot FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Joanna Krupa Hot in her Place of the Day

Emily Blunt in Tight Pants of the Day

I don’t know who Emily Blunt is…but more importantly…I don’t know why she’s wearing tight pants…

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Emily Blunt in Tight Pants of the Day

Stacy Keibler’s Cute Denim Booty

I’m kind of sad about these pictures of Stacy Keibler . I mean she’s obviously still pretty sexy, but after yesterdays pictures of her breasts pretty much falling out of her top, this is a bit of a let down. Shake it off. She’s still showing off her cute little booty in some tight jeans, that works I guess, sometimes you’ve got to take the good with the bad. I also thought I’d spice things up a bit by adding a classic lingerie wrestling match video. You’re welcome.

Nicole Richie Hides The Camel Toe

I’m not exactly the biggest of Nicole Richie fans, I don’t know of anyone who is really, but I’m sure there’s someone out there interested in these shots of her leaving the gym. Anyone? Come on folks, she’s wearing tight leggings. That’s gotta count for something right? Alright, so nobody cares, but I’m sure Nicole and her publicist are reading this. That counts.

Rosamund Pike in Gym Clothes of the DAy

I have absolutely no idea who Rosamund Pike is. I just know she’s wearing tight pants that I was hoping were riding up her pussy, or jacked up her ass, but the paparazzi have let me down, and I’ve let you down, assuming there is a you, since I’m pretty sure I’m talking to myself, at least that’s what my stats imply…not that I blame you, with posts like this, I’d unbookmark my ass too….and all this to say that Rosamund Pike is responsible for my demise.

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Rosamund Pike in Gym Clothes of the DAy

Jade Ewen Miss Ultimo Hotness

I knew I shouldn’t have put up these pictures of Jade Ewen without finding out who the hell she is, but she’s at some lingerie event and she’s wearing tight leather or latex or whatever leggings so I couldn’t help myself. Apparently she’s a former member of Sugababes , whatever they are, and she’s looks like she may have just become Miss Ultimo so that’s something. Right? Can’t we just enjoy the fact that she’s a hot chick with big breasts in tight pants? I thought so. more pictures of Jade Ewen here

Lauren Conrad Because I’ve Got Nothing Else

It’s obviously a pretty lame slow celebrity news day if I’ve got pictures of Lauren Conrad on the site, the other other other girl from that crappy show with the girls with the fake boobs that I never watched. Sure she’s wearing tight leggings and, well that’s pretty much it. Maybe if you’ve got a thing for chicks in pink hoodies you’ll enjoy these. You’re also a weirdo.

Megan Fox Shows Her Panties Again

These are even worse than mondays pictures of Megan Fox flashing her little pink panties , at least monday she was wearing tight yoga pants, these dumpy period jeans are just disgusting. I like a chick who can get away with wearing jeans and a t-shirt, but the jeans are supposed to be tight enough to show off her ass, these make her look like she’s on her way to paint my backyard fence…. In 1994.