Kanye West apparently had a psychic moment while making ‘Watch The Throne’ where he declared that he’d marry Kim Kardashian, ‘be president one day,’ and become a fashion designer, according to Diplo.
Lily Allen doing this whole pretend she’s not in her 30s, dressing like she’s 20, while making fun of the 20 year olds who are booking her on their tours, since they probably listened to her when they were 8, and she was relevant for that summer… I find the whole thing offensive, but I guess I am not one of those people who believes in the whole be yourself, do what you want, do what feels right, even if it stems from insecurity…or seems like it is trying to hard. I am the kind of person who feels that at your 30th birthday, no bikini’s, crop tops, booty shorts, allowed…unless you’re a stripper, in which case your desperation counterbalances the disgustingness…but when you’re rich and don’t need to be doing this…don’t do this…class it up a bit idiot..she’s a fucking mom of two, three if you count the abortion…this is not mom behavior, not even on Halloween…especially not in real life.
Gigi Hadid. Daughter of Mohammed Hadid – some billionaire real estate developer who has some really powerful friends like the guy who owns Guess, because that’s how rich people function – they keep their 1 percent closely tied together – while making the 99 percent their fucking slaves…..so she was cute enough to use in campaigns, then she got passed around to other agencies, and now she’s in St Tropez, because that’s where all the cool kids, rich kids, exclusive kids summer…and she’s wearing a bikini that from this angle…isn’t so hot, but maybe I’m a just a hater and I should learn to love all asses…of all sizes and socio economic classes – no matter how rich or egotistical they are or how many times their dad jerks off to them because he made them and he jerks off to everything he’s ever made..including but not limited to – his silly botox smile… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE
Kick-Ass star Aaron Johnson , 22, and artist Sam Taylor-Wood , 45, have married in England, reports the Mirror. The couple met while making 2009’s John Lennon biopic Nowhere Boy (he starred, she directed). Johnson next stars in Oliver Stone’s Savages ; Taylor-Wood most recently directed Daniel Craig as James Bond in drag for a gender equality PSA. They will both reportedly take the name Taylor-Johnson. [ Mirror ]
Kick-Ass star Aaron Johnson , 22, and artist Sam Taylor-Wood , 45, have married in England, reports the Mirror. The couple met while making 2009’s John Lennon biopic Nowhere Boy (he starred, she directed). Johnson next stars in Oliver Stone’s Savages ; Taylor-Wood most recently directed Daniel Craig as James Bond in drag for a gender equality PSA. They will both reportedly take the name Taylor-Johnson. [ Mirror ]
It just wouldn’t be thursday without an attention seeking former Playboy chick flashing her booty while making kissy faces at the top of the Empire State Building . I don’t understand it either, but I like women who pose naked for a living so I couldn’t resist posting these shots of Kendra Wilkinson in New York. For a woman who flashes her breasts professionally, she sure chose a massive bra to wear underneath that see through top of hers. What a waste. We’ve all seen them, let them out.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Or, rather: First came the agony — the surprise shut-down of production on his ambitious At the Mountains of Madness — but now filmmaker Guillermo del Toro is having a ball prepping his next directorial effort, the futuristic alien invasion action movie Pacific Rim . He spoke with Movieline about the two projects while making the press rounds for Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark .