Tag Archives: working-on-now

George Lucas To Pursue ‘Little Personal Films’ Post-Sale

, Indiana Jones , what do you do when going from being raised on a walnut ranch to launching some of the biggest movie franchises of all time spanning decades and then selling your film company for billions to Disney? Well, one might try making “little personal films” for one. George Lucas ratcheted up headlines and a bit of shock and awe last week when the announcement came in he sold his Lucasfilm to Disney for $4.05 billion. He said that a recent film he executive produced had a tough time getting on the big screen and that his next pursuits will be even tougher. “I barely got Red Tails into theaters,” he is quoted saying on BBC while speaking to reporters in NYC. “The ones I’m working on now will never get into theaters.” Lucas will continue at the company he founded as a creative consultant, but overall control is going to Kathleen Kennedy who produced Jurassic Park and War Horse . “I’ve turned it over to a wonderful producer, Kathy Kennedy, and I’ve known her for years,” he said. “She’s more than capable of taking it and making it better than I did.” He added, “It’s very sad. It’s 40 years of work and it’s been my life, but I’m ready to move on to bigger and better things.” [ Source: BBC ]

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George Lucas To Pursue ‘Little Personal Films’ Post-Sale

Jessica Biel Has Let Herself Go

I’m not up to date on Jessica Biel’s work schedule, but whatever it is she’s working on now looks absolutely terrible. I have no idea what it is, but if they decided to make her character a disgustingly pregnant chick who wears velour tracksuits, it’s already got my vote for worst movie of the year. Jessica should have roles that involve short skirts, tight pants and possibly a tasteful girl on girl scene in a hot tub. Nothing too raunchy, something very tender between two gorgeous females. Jessica Biel in a fat suit… Big mistake.

Jay-Z and Jack White Studio Sessions Captured In Online Photos

The Brooklyn MC and White Stripes frontman are seen mugging for cameras, joined by Beyonc