Even white women raising little Black boys know the rules are different for them… Ronan Farrow Speaks On His Mother’s Fears For Her Adoptive Black Son During a discussion about the now infamous Mike Brown shooting and what it represents for Black male youth, MSNBC Correspondent Ronan Farrow discussed the precautions his mother had to take with his adoptive African American brother, and the seemingly common activities she instructed him he could not partake in due to the color of his skin — for his own safety. Watch the clip: Via Mediaite : MSNBC host Ronan Farrow understands the enormously disparate scrutiny faced by black men for their public appearance or behavior because his mother, actress Mia Farrow, has an adoptive black son. During a Monday afternoon segment discussing the police shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown, guest Jonathan Capehart suggested that black men have to go extra lengths to ensure their safety in public. “Don’t run in public,” he said. “Don’t run with anything in your hands. Keep a discreet distance away from white women, lest you get accused of any number of things.” His larger point being that a black male looking and talking a certain way in public could lead to unwanted assumptions or trouble, more so than any other race. Farrow agreed. “It resonates so much for me on a personal level because I grew up with a black brother and people talk about this term ‘blackmotheritis,’” he explained. “My white mother had blackmotheritis. I heard the speech so many times. My brother was a big black guy and he’d run in the supermarket as a young teen. She’d say ‘You can’t do that.’” He continued: “[She’d say] that he had to dress in a different way from me because there were all these fears about maybe violence against him if he went across the street in a hoodie or looking a certain way.” How sad is it that Black boys can’t just be kids like anyone else? They have to learn from a young age to watch their step and almost apologize for existing to make White people comfortable — or possibly be jailed, shot, or killed. SMH. YouTube via Mediaite
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Ronan Farrow – “My White Mother Had ‘Black Motheritis’” [VIDEO]