Here is some UK singer named Alesha Dixon in some of the worst celebrity staged bikini pictures of all time. Maybe because she’s not actually a celebrity, but that usually doesn’t influence my opinion of bikini pictures since I fucking love seeing bitches in bikini whether they are old, young, short, tall, fat, skinny, famous, unknown, rich, gutter, I don’t discriminate….So even though this twat is virtually unknown to me, I can objectively say, bitch needs a better fucking bathing suit and more importantly not be scared of crawling on all fours in the shit….especially if she wants to be famous…which is proven by her hiring the paparazzi to bother with her….maybe someone needs to explain it to her in her language….If you want some fried chicken sponsorship like you Beyonce you gotta step yo’ game up bitch….

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Alesha Dixon on the Beach in Miami in Some Staged Pics of the Day
Posted in Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged alesha dixon, bathing-suit, bikini-whether, Celebrity, Paparazzi, Pictures, realize-it-yet, seeing-bitches, the-paparazzi, TMZ