Tag Archives: alyssa

Alyssa Miller is in Lingerie for Intimissimi of the Day

I find it hard to take Alyssa Miller seriously…because I know her back story. I know she dated Walter Ioos’ son and I know Walter Ioos is the key bikini photographer at SI Swim…who I am sure his son asks to shoot his model girlfriends because his son knows that’s part of the package when they date him…girls are hookers…even if he’s the best guy ever, girls, especially aspiring models, love connected dudes…especially this kind of connected dude…especially when they are aspiring models… So to me all her Swimsuit shoots were pretty much paid for. They weren’t authentic, sure they were a girl in a bikini, but it’s not like she met her boyfriend’s dad on set after being cast, it was kind of the other way around… Not to mention, after dude made her famous from Sports Illustrated…you know seeing her to the world in a massive magazine…because he could…she fucked off with a Jake Gyllenhaal, who is the enemy of the site, thus making her the enemy of the site by association, even if they broke up. It’s just everything I’ve seen about her I hate. She’s the fucking worst and now she’s in lingerie catalog pics…which in and of themselves are shit whether Alyssa Miller is in them or not…but I’ll post them anyway…because I am going to assume Gylennhaal is gay and didn’t ruin her…even if she’s a horrible woman.

Alyssa Miller is in Lingerie for Intimissimi of the Day

Shanina Shaik for Marie Claire Australia of the Day

Australian model from Litunania / India who the fuck cares where else named Shanina Shaik who won some Reality show on becoming a super model, which I guess led to becoming a super model…something I am going to assume was a scam and she was already a model to begin with and her agency just thought this would be good for business, which it was cuz she’s all famous and shit now…doing magazine spreads and Victoria’s Secret…I like it.

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Shanina Shaik for Marie Claire Australia of the Day

Alyssa Arce Awesome Tits for Terry Richardson of the Day

This Alyssa Arce is an actual model with a modelling agency, who I guess understands that her asset is her huge tits on her small frame and not really anything else about her…and that’s why she went the Playboy route…which led to doing Terry Richardson shoots like this..and I am not complaining, I am actually happy to see Playboy booking girls who don’t look like fake lip plastic porn chicks, this is progressive fashion porn to them and that’s what I am into…so lets all stare at Alyssa Arce and her tits…and the new beginning they represent…or you can just google her and find pics of her pussy, I am in LA and would rather spend my time finding her…so that can be your assignment…

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Alyssa Arce Awesome Tits for Terry Richardson of the Day

Hipsters Posing for Pictures in Video of the Day

Instagram killed the party photographer, so I guess so I guess it is only natural for the party photographer to put the camera on video mode, while pretending to take pics of people who take a few minutes away from taking selfies, to let a real camera take their pic for a website, that may help them get more instagram followers, if the party photographer tags their shit properly… Seeing these cunts posing for a picture…in video..is amazing…it’s just missing more tits…

The rest is here:
Hipsters Posing for Pictures in Video of the Day

Alyssa Arce in a Red Bikini of the Day

I know I can just google this Alyssa Arce chick and find countless naked pics of her… I mean I’ve posted her IN THIS PHOTOSHOOT and her in IN THIS PHOOTSHOOT …but her actual hustle is being some busty, hot bodied, serious babe for Playboy, who has a look that is totally relevant, and more importantly, one that may single handedly save Playboy from the gutter hell it’s fallen into the last decade where the women Hef lost his mind and booked all these tranny looking bitches…instead of the Emily Ratajkowski thirsty girls willing to get naked cuz they know they have awesome tits… All this to say, I’ve been seeing more and more of this playboy girl around and she’s pretty fucking good…good enough to stare at in a bikini…when not staring at her nude… I approve of her fame whoring, it’s way better than THIS BITCH TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Alyssa Arce in a Red Bikini of the Day

Alyssa Arce in a Red Bikini of the Day

I know I can just google this Alyssa Arce chick and find countless naked pics of her… I mean I’ve posted her IN THIS PHOTOSHOOT and her in IN THIS PHOOTSHOOT …but her actual hustle is being some busty, hot bodied, serious babe for Playboy, who has a look that is totally relevant, and more importantly, one that may single handedly save Playboy from the gutter hell it’s fallen into the last decade where the women Hef lost his mind and booked all these tranny looking bitches…instead of the Emily Ratajkowski thirsty girls willing to get naked cuz they know they have awesome tits… All this to say, I’ve been seeing more and more of this playboy girl around and she’s pretty fucking good…good enough to stare at in a bikini…when not staring at her nude… I approve of her fame whoring, it’s way better than THIS BITCH TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Alyssa Arce in a Red Bikini of the Day

"Suit & Tie" – Justin Timberlake (Jason Chen x Alyssa Bernal Acoustic Cover)

Check out my album! http://bit.ly/jasonchen Get this Suit & Tie cover =) http://bit.ly/suitandtieacoustic It was a pleasure working with the talented Alyssa … http://www.youtube.com/v/cRwuH31vbmI?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Read more from the original source: “Suit & Tie” – Justin Timberlake (Jason Chen x Alyssa Bernal Acoustic Cover)

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"Suit & Tie" – Justin Timberlake (Jason Chen x Alyssa Bernal Acoustic Cover)

Justin Bieber Believe Concert Ticket Reaction!

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My mom surprised me with floor tickets to see Justin Bieber when he comes to Orlando on January 25! Me and my best friend Alyssa are right along the extended… http://www.youtube.com/v/Gw8-TtnlWm8?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata More: Justin Bieber Believe Concert Ticket Reaction!

Justin Bieber Believe Concert Ticket Reaction!

Justin Bieber feat. Drake – "Right Here" Cover (By Alyssa Shouse & Alex Costa)

Download our version for free: soundcloud.com FOLLOW & SUBSCRIBE TO ALEX: www.youtube.com www.twitter.com instagram: officialcosta ALYSSA SHOUSE: www.twitter.com instagram: alyssashouse keek: alyssashouse EDITED BY: ROB SWANSON www.twitter.com http://www.youtube.com/v/dhYugs2OxpQ?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata See the original post here: Justin Bieber feat. Drake – “Right Here” Cover (By Alyssa Shouse & Alex Costa)

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Justin Bieber feat. Drake – "Right Here" Cover (By Alyssa Shouse & Alex Costa)

Justin Bieber Ft. Nicki Minaj Beauty and a Beat (Cover by Alyssa Shouse)

Follow me? twitter: @itsalyssashouse instagram: alyssashouse keek: alyssashouse www.facebook.com http://www.youtube.com/v/-lxRGt__7J0?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata View post: Justin Bieber Ft. Nicki Minaj Beauty and a Beat (Cover by Alyssa Shouse)

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Justin Bieber Ft. Nicki Minaj Beauty and a Beat (Cover by Alyssa Shouse)