I find it hard to take Alyssa Miller seriously…because I know her back story. I know she dated Walter Ioos’ son and I know Walter Ioos is the key bikini photographer at SI Swim…who I am sure his son asks to shoot his model girlfriends because his son knows that’s part of the package when they date him…girls are hookers…even if he’s the best guy ever, girls, especially aspiring models, love connected dudes…especially this kind of connected dude…especially when they are aspiring models… So to me all her Swimsuit shoots were pretty much paid for. They weren’t authentic, sure they were a girl in a bikini, but it’s not like she met her boyfriend’s dad on set after being cast, it was kind of the other way around… Not to mention, after dude made her famous from Sports Illustrated…you know seeing her to the world in a massive magazine…because he could…she fucked off with a Jake Gyllenhaal, who is the enemy of the site, thus making her the enemy of the site by association, even if they broke up. It’s just everything I’ve seen about her I hate. She’s the fucking worst and now she’s in lingerie catalog pics…which in and of themselves are shit whether Alyssa Miller is in them or not…but I’ll post them anyway…because I am going to assume Gylennhaal is gay and didn’t ruin her…even if she’s a horrible woman.
Alyssa Miller is in Lingerie for Intimissimi of the Day