The fine folks over at DVD (and Blu-ray!) sleaze emporium may have just saved awards season. Last week they announced the nominees for the TLA Cult Awards, an annual event that honors the very best in exploitation, horror, and cult movies on DVD and Blu-ray. As they put it on their website: “Make a movie about a fat silent comedian and his dog, and these snooty bastards love you. But, make a movie that features a giant spider sexually assaulting a naked woman and you may as well not exist. Well, those movies do exist. And we’re going to honor the fuck out of them.” In other words, in terms of ogling potential, these suckers come in second only to Mr. Skin’s own Anatomy Awards . And speaking of Mr. Skin…our Mr. Skin Presents: Women in Prison Triple Pack , featuring uncut, lovingly restored versions of the ’80s WIP classics Chained Heat (1983), Red Heat (1985), and Jungle Warriors (1984), has been nominated for Best Box Set/ Value Pack. Aw, guys, you shouldn’t have! Actually, yes you should. That DVD was awesome. See the complete list of nominees for the 2012 TLA Cult Awards after the jump!

See the article here:
Finally, (Another) Awards Show with Some Nudity [PICS]