Tag Archives: before-deciding

Playboy Hipster Tits Kayslee Collins Not Naked of the Day

I know nothing about Kayslee Collins because she barely exists… She’s an instagram model who isn’t even a good instagram model…but rather one who hangs out with the other instagram models and gets the trickle down affect of that friendship.. Like a bootleg version of the girls who hang with Taylor Swift…you know scaled back and limited to instagram.. Only unlike the other instagram models, she was getting naked in Playboy cybergirl shit, before deciding to go “hipster” model where she could go promote Skinny Fit Teas and other instagram shit…. So here she is in a hipster shoot, cuz she’s a model people… She’s grey area slutty and provactive…but not the NAKED HIPSTER SHOOTS she’s done to get started in this bullshit, talentless, we get it you have tits, existence… All these bitches are useless, but they think they matter, they are committed to thinking they matter….so let them exist… ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ FOLLOW ME INTO THE DARKNESS ON SOCIAL MEDIA: INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK | TWITTER | TUMBLR | SNAPCHAT FOLLOW ME ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The post Playboy Hipster Tits Kayslee Collins Not Naked of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Playboy Hipster Tits Kayslee Collins Not Naked of the Day

Chelsea Handler’s Latest Tit Pic of the Day

I had enough of Chelsea Handler’s slut behavior when she finally landed a TV show from her Slut Behavior after whoring around hollywood for a decade prior to getting the show, before deciding to do the comedy route, making fun of everyone, as a hook to get an actual job… So when her first tit pic for attention happened, I was done. I saw a porn she was in early in her career, when at her prime and saw all I needed to see..with what I assume is a blowjob queen based on her actual talent level… But I still laughed to myself, as if it was her best joke, because it was…but this latest one is just boring..it’s like spread that whore pussy already, we’ve already seen your tits…it’s played out…post pussy… Tits are hardly shocking..especially when they’ve been over exposed…step it up bitch. Try harder. That’s all I have to say about that. The post Chelsea Handler’s Latest Tit Pic of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Chelsea Handler’s Latest Tit Pic of the Day

Angelina Jolie Ass in Tight Pants of the Day

It’s New Years Eve…why the fuck are you on the internet…looking at bullshit to either distract you from your shitty life…instead of living your shitty life or trying to make your shitty life better…it’s like just filler noise you pollute your brain with before you die…looking at girls like Angelina Jolie….a self proclaimed philanthropist, mother Theresa, mom of 1000, United Nations ambassador because it makes being a heroin addicted, daddy issue, slut who probably took a massive amount of cock, during but not limited to her career her daddy probably gave her, despite how hot she is…you know so her homewrecking, fake lip ass in leggings can sleep at night…. I think she’s lovely. Happy New Year. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Angelina Jolie Ass in Tight Pants of the Day

Nicki Minaj for Rolling Stone by Terry Richardson of the Day

It’s New Years Eve…why the fuck are you on the internet…looking at bullshit to either distract you from your shitty life…instead of living your shitty life or trying to make your shitty life better…it’s like just filler noise you pollute your brain with before you die…looking at girls like Nicki Minaj on the Cover of Rolling Stone, shot by Terry Richardson, showing off her big fake tits, because she grew up the fat black chick in her white washed community, that no one really gave much attention to, until she pulled a PRECIOUS, went to an Audition, or got scouted to fill a slot needed at the label, before deciding to be a ratchet hip hop queen, like all the white girls are doing, taking her fat ass to the top, where I am sure she always felt it belonged…even when she had no sex appeal… I find her a waste of time, but she makes people money, and she whores herself out, so she can’t be that bad… Happy New Year….

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Nicki Minaj for Rolling Stone by Terry Richardson of the Day

Bitter Dad Posts Hilarious Craigslist Ad: Anyone Want an UNUSED Trampoline?!?

Dear Children of America… It’s nearly Father’s Day. And the following Craigslist user likely speaks for all male parents around the world when he asks just one favor of you in honor of his parental holiday: Please think twice – nay, three times! – before deciding you NEED to have a certain item for your backyard. Especially when said item will be put together by dear ol’ dad… and then never used again after the first 24 hours of excitement. Such was the case with the father who put up the Craigslist ad below, asking if anyone wants a trampoline kids begged and pleaded for. And then promptly ignored. Click to enlarge the photo and read the man’s hilariously bitter diatribe explaining why this is now for sale… What father out there cannot relate, right? It’s just another sign of being a parent… 11 Signs You’re a Parent 1. Potty Time What is it about going to the bathroom that acts as a Bat Signal for children, alarming them to your whereabouts and begging them to be your audience whilst you do your business?

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Bitter Dad Posts Hilarious Craigslist Ad: Anyone Want an UNUSED Trampoline?!?

Kimberly Garner Milking Cannes Like a Bottom Feeding Cow of the Day

I love Kimberly Garner, no wait, I loved Kimberly Garner, back when she she followed me on twitter last week, before deciding she was too good for that… You know that I wasn’t the kind of person she wanted to fall in love with over the internet, like this was a dating site, because I guess she’s snobby cunt, who think she’s more important than she actually is, and doesn’t realize she’s just fucking bottom feeding as hard as she can, while on some show in the UK no one cares about… And all it is doing for her is increasing her value so that she can settle down with some Billionaire…just keep above the surface of irrelevant… And she’s got a pretty fucking amazing body, and that doesn’t really change if I hate her, think she’s a garbage low grade cunt who I’d hate if she was just a little less non-existent than she is…. If anything, I’m doing this post for her as charity, because I feel bad she hasn’t officially made it like so many British reality stars before her….like….I don’t think any UK reality star has ever quite made it…but at least this one looks good doing it. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Kimberly Garner Milking Cannes Like a Bottom Feeding Cow of the Day

Kimberly Garner Milking Cannes Like a Bottom Feeding Cow of the Day

I love Kimberly Garner, no wait, I loved Kimberly Garner, back when she she followed me on twitter last week, before deciding she was too good for that… You know that I wasn’t the kind of person she wanted to fall in love with over the internet, like this was a dating site, because I guess she’s snobby cunt, who think she’s more important than she actually is, and doesn’t realize she’s just fucking bottom feeding as hard as she can, while on some show in the UK no one cares about… And all it is doing for her is increasing her value so that she can settle down with some Billionaire…just keep above the surface of irrelevant… And she’s got a pretty fucking amazing body, and that doesn’t really change if I hate her, think she’s a garbage low grade cunt who I’d hate if she was just a little less non-existent than she is…. If anything, I’m doing this post for her as charity, because I feel bad she hasn’t officially made it like so many British reality stars before her….like….I don’t think any UK reality star has ever quite made it…but at least this one looks good doing it. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Kimberly Garner Milking Cannes Like a Bottom Feeding Cow of the Day

Kelly Kelly is a Viking of the Day

Barbie Blank….or Kelly Kelly who legally can’t use that name since it is a registered trademark of the WWF or whatever Wrestling Federation she was a part of before deciding she was good enough to venture out on her own…like all arrogant, cocky sluts at the top of their game….to pursue a career doing god fucking knows what the next step for a stripper looking wrestler’s career is….dressed up like a sexy Viking…a fetish I can’t really understand anyone having…because vikings are big burly unshowered men…..but I guess it’s not about fetishes…it is about Halloween and the ability to make any costume available at the sex shop…all low cut with a push up bra in it….cheesy maybe, but really what the fuck do you expect from a stripper looking girl who is named Barbie Blank….seriously.

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Kelly Kelly is a Viking of the Day

Crystal Renn Titties for Numero Tokyo of the Day

Crystal Renn is a model I have posted before….she’s semi interesting becasue she was recruited as a fashion model at 14…only to be told she was too fat to model…leading to the highlight of her career where she was anorexic and aware that fat is evil…before deciding that embracing being fat was marketable to all the fat women out there who are on this “love your body even though you are going to die of diabetes” campaign…..that I think absolutely nothing good comes out of…and clearly either does Crystal Renn becasue she’s dropped her plus sized model weight and is back dwn to a normal size, proving that skinny is better and her fat model shit was just good for fucking busines…as is showing her tits, cuz it means she’s committed to the job….and here are the pics for Numero Tokyo.

Crystal Renn Titties for Numero Tokyo of the Day

Heidi Klum on Seal Criticism: I’ve Moved On

In the recent war (or at least exchange) of words between Seal and Heidi Klum regarding her romance with Martin Kristen , it’s now her turn to speak out. “Seal has moved on and so have I. My priority has and continues to be protecting and providing for our children,” she said in a statement to People . “I cherish all of the wonderful memories Seal and I created together over the years. Our separation was based on issues between the two of us.” While not confirming or denying that she and Kristen are together, the model seems to be saying that it’s time for everyone involved to move on from this. Klum’s statement comes in the wake of a comment by Seal, who said he wished she “waited until we separated first before deciding to fornicate with the help.” He later clarified that he wasn’t implying she cheated on him before their January split, but merely pointing out that they are still legally married at this time. The whole saga is unexpected after what both parties called an “amicable” separation … but Heidi dating her bodyguard was also a bit unexpected. For Seal, anyway. Sources say the singer’s initial reaction, fueled by anger and jealousy , is emblematic of why the couple filed for divorce in the first place. [Photo: WENN.com]

Heidi Klum on Seal Criticism: I’ve Moved On