The world hates on Anne Hathaway. They slaughter her for whatever reason. I generally like to do the opposite of what the world does, in terms of what they hate, it’s just an innate reaction I have, even as an adult, who is not trying to be “cool” in anyway, I just can’t help being turned off from what the masses are into…or not into..and I feel forced to embrace the opposite emotion… Not that Anne Hathaway is really hated, she’s still a working actress getting paid, it’s just that everyone’s like “I hate that bitch, she’s got a face I want to punch”…while I’m like, I don’t think she deserved an Oscar for shaving her head, I don’t think she’s that riveting in any of the movies she’s in, but punching her in the face….I mean maybe with my balls…while trying to find my dick shaft…as it is burried…but not out of anger…out of…K-Fed hopes and dreams…get in with the rich famous bitch, sit by the pool for the rest of your life…. That said, these are apparently ‘Leaked Pics’, that are more likely her trying to be cool and edgy like all the other girls, or maybe she’s just into being topless…or maybe THEY aren’t even of her, I can’t tell because I don’t actually care… But let’s just say, for the sake of not wanting to get sued that they aren’t her, and if you’re reading this post and see no images, than they were of her, and I suggest using google to find them, because the nudes never disappear, I just don’t want to get made an example of for posting shit I find on tumblr for you idiots I don’t actually give a fuck about. The post Anne Hathaway’s Rumored Leaked Pics of the Day appeared first on .
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Anne Hathaway’s Rumored Leaked Pics of the Day