Tag Archives: before-trying

Anne Hathaway’s Rumored Leaked Pics of the Day

The world hates on Anne Hathaway. They slaughter her for whatever reason. I generally like to do the opposite of what the world does, in terms of what they hate, it’s just an innate reaction I have, even as an adult, who is not trying to be “cool” in anyway, I just can’t help being turned off from what the masses are into…or not into..and I feel forced to embrace the opposite emotion… Not that Anne Hathaway is really hated, she’s still a working actress getting paid, it’s just that everyone’s like “I hate that bitch, she’s got a face I want to punch”…while I’m like, I don’t think she deserved an Oscar for shaving her head, I don’t think she’s that riveting in any of the movies she’s in, but punching her in the face….I mean maybe with my balls…while trying to find my dick shaft…as it is burried…but not out of anger…out of…K-Fed hopes and dreams…get in with the rich famous bitch, sit by the pool for the rest of your life…. That said, these are apparently ‘Leaked Pics’, that are more likely her trying to be cool and edgy like all the other girls, or maybe she’s just into being topless…or maybe THEY aren’t even of her, I can’t tell because I don’t actually care… But let’s just say, for the sake of not wanting to get sued that they aren’t her, and if you’re reading this post and see no images, than they were of her, and I suggest using google to find them, because the nudes never disappear, I just don’t want to get made an example of for posting shit I find on tumblr for you idiots I don’t actually give a fuck about. The post Anne Hathaway’s Rumored Leaked Pics of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Anne Hathaway’s Rumored Leaked Pics of the Day

Heather Graham’s Creeping Me Out of the Day

Heather Graham who was once ROLLER GIRL..in BOOGIE NIGHTS…a big deal, all big breasted, thick bushed, and amazing…celebrated as one of the hottest actresses out there with a legendary body… Well, now she is she’s old, looking like some kind of socially awkward virgin cat lady cashier from the drug store…or some kind of clerk who doesn’t deal with people…but is knee deep in spreadsheets everyday before going home alone to masturbate to weird porn and eat ice cream out of the tub before trying to find a husband on various dating apps….but still busty…because sometimes…when you take the unattractive and set it next to tits…you can power through it.. The post Heather Graham’s Creeping Me Out of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Heather Graham’s Creeping Me Out of the Day

Miranda Kerr in a Bikini for the Sunday Times of the Day

Miranda Kerr is a mom….and that fucking amazes me…so much that before she was a mom, I didn’t even notice her, I just thought she was a funny faced model who didn’t deserve the attention she was getting…all wide and inuit looking with squinty eyes and other bad features….but then she got knocked up….and managed to come back into the game looking like this….in some kind of miracle on 34th Street hustle that makes her worth celebrating…you seee I don’t need the hottest, I just need the ones who put effort in….and that’s probably why I hate my lazy, pig of a wife who only exercises when struggling to breathe……

Miranda Kerr in a Bikini for the Sunday Times of the Day

Daphne Groeneveld Hot but Young for Muse of the Day

Daphne Groeneveld is 17….that means it is legal for you to take pictures of 17 year olds posed like this….but it may not be legal for you to own pictures of 17 year olds who pose like this… I am posting them anyway, cuz I didn’t know she was 17 and because it is for a fashion magazine…and in fashion anything goes…it is all art … So that’s your excuse defending yourself in court after being busted….unless you’re clever about this shit and throw your lap top in the nearest body of water before they get you….. Not that this is erotic…or erotica…or even criminal…this is like a high school grad picture with high concept…nothing wrong with that…. I mean it is fashion from a major fashion magazine…even though I know if it was my magazine, I’d probably wait til she turned 18 before trying to make her the next Kate Upton, but skinnier, hotter and more interesting cuz she’s Dutch…. I guess MUSE thinks they are above the fucking law…even though she’s something you should probably appreciate from afar…like your neighbor or Emma WAtson…wait it out, she’ll be 18 soon…..and she will start doing topless pics to get notice…she’s already on the right trak…. Either way, she’s young but still looks awesome… maybe even too awesome…but probably annoyinng to interract with…but you don’t have to worry about that…

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Daphne Groeneveld Hot but Young for Muse of the Day

Rachel Uchitel Confirms, Tweets Proof of Pregnancy

Matt Hahn got Rachel Uchitel pregnant . We’ve known since October, when she tried out for The Amazing Race and her random drug test confirmed it. Now she’s confirmed the news, however. The 36-year-old nightclub manager Tweeted: “Expecting big things for 2012. Five down, four months to go.” Here’s a nice photo she posted as well. Melts your heart. Uchitel, whose claim to fame is having affairs with married golfer Tiger Woods and married Bones star David Boreanaz, married Matt Hahn in October. “We are both really happy and feel extremely fortunate to have one another,” she said at the time in a statement announcing her second marriage. Prior to marrying Hahn, Uchitel was engaged to investment banker James Andrew O’Grady, who was killed in the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks. Uchitel then went on to marry Wall Street trader and childhood friend Steven Ehrenkranz in 2004, though their union lasted just four months. She also hooked up with Jamie Dingman , a wealthy businessman now believed to be dating Elin Nordegren. Yeah, Uchitel is a sketchy chick. Congrats on the baby though!

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Rachel Uchitel Confirms, Tweets Proof of Pregnancy

Anthony Weiner Turned on by Men, Yearned for Threesome, Ex-Online Mistress Claims

Traci Nobles REALLY wants a publisher to purchase her proposal for a memoir about her interactions with Anthony Weiner. Nobles, a woman who met the disgraced politician on the Internet and is doing all she can to profit from that experience , supposedly gave an excerpt to Radar Online of one of the conversations she shared with Weiner via Twitter. Is Anthony Weiner smiling here at the thought of a threesome with another dude? Probably not. Nobles says Weiner asked her about “3 ways” with him and “another guy” and, when pressed on whether he’s turned on by men, responded : “Well it depends on the guy, but generally yes.” Of course, there’s no proof that this exchange actually took place. It’s just the word of a woman who carried on a Web-based affair with a married man and is now hoping to write a book about it… versus the word of a popular congressman who ended his career in humiliating fashion because he just had to send photos of his body to random females he had never met. Good luck choosing sides, readers! [Photo: WENN.com]

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Anthony Weiner Turned on by Men, Yearned for Threesome, Ex-Online Mistress Claims

Crocodile Tries To Eat Lawn Mower

A hungry saltwater crocodile named Elvis was apparently pretty hungry today. He also showed an apparent affinity for household machinery when he charged at a worker at an Australian reptile park before trying to eat … his lawn mower. “Before we knew it, the crocodile had the mower above his head,” Tim Faulkner said. “He got his jaws around the top and picked it up and took it underwater.” The reptile workers quickly left Elvis alone to enjoy his newly acquired mower, which he sat by until he was bribed with some Kangaroo meat to relinquish it. Here’s some footage of the croc’s delicious meal: Crocodile Eating Lawn Mower

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Crocodile Tries To Eat Lawn Mower