Tag Archives: black-panthers

Newsweek’s Graham: New Black Panther Voter Intimidation Story Is ‘The New ACORN’

During the previous presidential administration, the liberal media were more than happy to promote the Left’s allegations of improper political interference by Bush officials in the workings of the federal government. The Bushies improperly revised government scientists’ conclusions, bullied CIA analysts over their interpretation of Iraq intelligence, and perhaps worst of all, politicized the Justice Department, the media insisted. Yet when it comes to a serious charge of political interference by Obama appointees at the DOJ involving voter intimidation,  Newsweek’s David Graham dismisses the charge as simply another effort by conservatives at “staging an effective piece of political theater that hurts the Obama administration.”  As Newsweek editors quipped in their headline for Graham’s story, “The New Black Panther Party Is the New ACORN.” As we’ve noted here at NewsBusters, the liberal media virtually ignored the story about how a DOJ career attorney’s case against a New Black Panther member was dropped in May 2009 under the okay of an Obama DOJ appointee. Now with attention being cast by conservatives on the media’s bias by omission, folks like Graham are coming to the defense of the media by painting the matter as a non-scandal, evidenced in part by the conservative media outlets that have been the ones at the forefront of reporting the story: Several months after the 2008 Election Day incident (and 13 days before President Obama was sworn in) the Department of Justice filed a civil lawsuit against the NBPP under the Voting Rights Act, alleging voter intimidation. In May 2009, Justice—now led by Attorney General Eric Holder, Obama’s appointee—successfully obtained an injunction against King Samir Shabazz, the man who carried the nightstick, then dropped the suit, Fox News reported . A spokeswoman at Justice says a career attorney made the call, which was then affirmed by an appointee, because “the facts and the law did not support pursuing claims against the other defendants in the case. A federal judge determined that the relief requested by the Department was appropriate.” That’s where things get messy. Starting last summer, some conservative media outlets—notably The Washington Times —began digging into the case, suggesting that because a top Obama appointee had signed off on the decision to drop charges, a move allegedly political favoritism (and, by implication, racism, given that both Holder and Obama are black). Graham went on to call into question the veracity of a key witness who alleged the Obama DOJ’s civil rights division had no interest in prosecuting blacks, only whites, on charges related to vote surpression or voter intimidation: Although that story didn’t go mainstream, it did cause the Commission on Civil Rights, an independent body, to take up the case . As Dave Weigel reported, there was more to that decision than met the eye: after eight years of George W. Bush appointments, the commission tilted definitively right. In addition, the star witness in the case against the NBPP, Bartle Bull, wasn’t exactly impartial. The white former Robert F. Kennedy aide, who called the incident “the most blatant form of voter intimidation I have encountered in my political campaigns in many states, even going back to the work I did in Mississippi in the 1960s,” had been an outspoken critic of Obama for some time. The commission has met several times to examine the case, but things really blew open on July 6, when Bush Justice official J. Christian Adams, who is white, suggested that Justice’s voting division avoided bringing cases where defendants were black and plaintiffs were white. Adams’s testimony is questionable ; there are doubts about whether he was actually present for the incidents he described, and he’s refused to offer details on key questions. Critics see other credibility problems for Adams: he was, for instance, hired when Bush’s Justice Department was systematically weakening the civil-rights division by forcing out career lawyers and replacing them with attorneys who had strong conservative credentials but little in the way of civil-rights experience. Did you catch that? To substantiate his charge that Adams is an unreliable witness, Graham takes as gospel truth the notion that the Bush DOJ had systematically politicized the Justice Department. The Obama/Holder DOJ can’t possibly be a place where political considerations trump career attorneys because the prior administration was blatantly political, Graham seems to argue. What’s more, Graham goes on to contend that: With some help from Fox News’s Kelly, the New Black Panthers story is now gaining steam. While there’s little doubt that the NBPP is a fringe group, critics of the decision to drop the suit have a tough case to make. The problem is that although it may look like voter intimidation, there aren’t actually any voters who filed an official complaint claiming to have been intimidated. As Adam Serwer writes , a polling station in a predominantly black neighborhood isn’t the best place to go if you’re trying to scare white voters off: “I imagine that the New Black Panthers thought they were protecting black voters from some phantom white-supremacist conspiracy (their public statements say as much).” And Weigel, who’s followed the case, has suggested there’s not much to it either— plus , “there’s no evidence the NBPP’s clownish Philadelphia stunt suppressed any votes, or that they’ll try such a stunt again.”  Just because the New Black Panthers are clowns who many voters may have laughed off doesn’t mean that their actions were, objectively speaking, worthy of prosecution as voter intimidation, but that’s what the liberal media are hanging their hats on to defend Team Obama and tell the American public that this scandal is all much ado about nothing.

See the original post here:
Newsweek’s Graham: New Black Panther Voter Intimidation Story Is ‘The New ACORN’

Shocker: Geraldo Takes Stand Against Black Panther Leader Over Slave Reparations

Surprises come unexpectedly sometimes. On Fox News Channel’s July 11 broadcast of “Geraldo at Large,” an aggressive host Geraldo Rivera took on chairman of the New Black Panthers, Malik Zulu Shabazz over his political stands. “It is absolutely pathetic, it is so old-fashioned,” Rivera said. “What are you trying to do? Are you trying to be the big, bad nightmare?” Shabazz, leader of the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) rattled off one of his causes, Oscar Grant, but he leveraged him to make a case for reparations. “I’m trying to help Oscar Grant , who was shot down in cold blood by a white cop and I am trying to redeem, I am trying to redeem – put that camera back right over here, I am trying to redeem — and black people who have been lynched, raped or mobbed and have not been given reparations.” Rivera responded to his call. “You insult her memory when you engage in your hateful rhetoric,” Rivera said.  “I think that reparations is just like these welfare programs that have turned a generation into nothing but unproductive people.”

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Shocker: Geraldo Takes Stand Against Black Panther Leader Over Slave Reparations

Obama Administration Protected Black Panther Who Advocates Killing "Cracker" Babies

A former Justice Department lawyer hired during the Bush administration alleged on Tuesday that the department scaled down a voter-intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party last year because his former colleagues do not want to protect white people’s civil rights. The case arose after two members of the New Black Panther Party stood outside a polling place in a majority-black precinct in Philadelphia on Election Day in 2008. A video of the men, posted online, showed them dressed in paramilitary clothing, and one carried a billy club. In January 2009, less than two weeks before the Bush administration left office, the civil rights division invoked a rarely used section of the Voting Rights Act to file a civil lawsuit alleging voter intimidation by both men, the party chairman and the party. In April 2009, the division seemed to win the case by default because the New Black Panthers failed to show up in court. But the following month, a longtime Justice official, Loretta King — who was then the acting head of the division — decided to reduce the scope of the case. The department dropped the charges against the party, its chairman and the man who was not carrying a club. It pressed forward with the lawsuit against the man with the club, obtaining an injunction that forbids him from carrying a weapon near an open polling place in Philadelphia through 2012. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN67KJdd6Mw added by: ibrake4rappers13

Rush Limbaugh: Obama Created Recession As ‘Payback’ For Racism

Rush Limbaugh said on his July 2 radio show that he believes Obama tanked the economy on purpose, both as “payback” for 230 years of racial oppression and because Obama simply doesn't like America. He railed: “Who is Obama? Why is he doing this? Why? Why is he doing it? Is he stupid? Is it an accident? Is he doing it on purpose or what have you? … I think we face something we've never faced before in the country — and that is, we're now governed by people who do not like the country, who do not have the same reverence for it that we do. Our greatest threat (and this is saying something) is internal.” Limbaugh went on to compare Obama to the Black Panthers: “So in this interview with J. Christian Adams yesterday talking about [how] he and his line attorneys were told to just drop the case against the New Black Panthers for voter intimidation in Philadelphia, he said that there were people in the office, DOJ, who said, 'Well, you know, those people suffered the indignity of slavery, discrimination, segregation and so forth.' He said somebody else said, 'This is payback,' meaning, 'All right, look. We don't care if it's the New Black Panthers or whoever it is. Black people in this country have never, ever had a fair shake. This is payback. O.J. Simpson was payback. How does it feel?' That word 'payback' is not mine, [but] it is exactly how I think Obama looks at the country: It's payback time… There's no question that payback is what this administration is all about, presiding over the decline of the United States of America, and doing so happily.” added by: singrrr