It was a family affair at Justin Timberlake’s William Rast fashion show as his parents, Lynn and Paul, sat in the front row next to his girlfriend Jessica Biel. Biel, Lynn says, is “one of us.” That should quiet any breakup rumors ! “She’s amazing. She’s so down-to-earth and her family is great,” says Lynn, adding that Justin and Jess click. “They’re both very funny and creative.” During the show, which was sponsored by Sony, Biel often leaned over to whisper to a friend in the seat next to her about the many different looks. With her busy schedule, she was probably just happy to be there . She’s been promoting her new film Valentine’s Day and climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro last month to raise awareness and funds for the global water crisis. “She was at my house around Christmas and there was this crazy noise coming from my gym,” says Lynn of her potential future daughter-in-law. “To get ready for the climb, [ Jessica Biel ] had the treadmill to the highest level, running with a 40-lb. backpack. I want to be her when I grow up.” So, is Biel “The One” for her son? “You should ask him. I’ve thought that before,” Lynn says, cutely with her fingers crossed. “They’re young, though. They have plenty of time.” Not too much time, though. “I’ve had friends who have grandchildren and I’ve tried to express to him that I’m losing that race!” she jokes, dropping hints to her son.
Here is the original post:
Lynn Timberlake: Jessica Biel is Part of the Family
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged breakup-rumors, Christmas, Family, highest, his-girlfriend, Hollywood, jessica-biel, potential, raise-awareness, treadmill