Tag Archives: brother-season

Big Brother Recap: Did Brett or Winston Escape the Block?

Brett and Winston have been allies ever since they entered the Big Brother house three weeks ago.  In fact, they are so close that some of the houseguests have questioned whether they are in a bromance.  However, the duo sees it as more of a bromance. But all things come to an end sooner or later, and with Scottie in power, they were both put on the block.  We picked up with Winston unimpressed at the thought of sitting on the block next to Brett because it means that one of them will likely be meeting Julie Chen and chatting about what they could have done better to stay in the game.  Winston chatted with Tyler and Kaitlyn in the good old storage room to try and get some clarity on how to play Big Brother.  We kid, mostly, but he wanted to know if there was a way to save himself from the block. Kaitlyn suggested he steer clear of Brett so that everyone would think they were not a pair.  Instead, Winston headed up to the HOH room to reprimand Scottie.  “You drew a line in the sand, you’re gone next week,” Winston angrily yelled at the current HOH. You know, Scottie could win Veto and have a change of heart, but something tells us he’ll stick to his gun. Winston is a big baby. If he was in control, he would put people up without a second thought. However, he’s playing as though he’s one of the nicest people, and the cracks are starting to appear.  Winston and Rachel quickly got to work trying to find a target to replace he and Brett. Kaitlyn, as always comes up as a target and both Brett and Winston agree to win the Veto and have her put up as a replacement.  The reason? She was the swing vote to take Steve out of the house in Week One. Yes, they are still talking about that first eviction.  For the veto competition, it was Scottie, Brett, Winston, Rachel, Tyler and Rockstar. At the start of the competition, Brett took the lead, but Scottie managed to emerge with the win and even won himself a trip for two to Greece.  The boys then met up with Scottie to pitch a final three deal, but Scottie maintained that it would be too risky to change things up, but he did say he would sleep on it.  In true Kaitlyn fashion, she said that she received a vision that the boys were going after her, and Scottie told her about them throwing her under the bus.  At the veto meeting, we learned that the nominations were being kept the same. Oh yes, one of the boys is going home … unless Sam uses her power.  What are your thoughts on the latest twists and turns? Hit the comments below.  Big Brother continues Thursday on CBS.  View Slideshow: Big Brother Season 20: Meet the Cast!

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Big Brother Recap: Did Brett or Winston Escape the Block?

Big Brother Recap: Who Is The Villain?

Big Brother Season 19 has been the worst season of the CBS ratings juggernaut, and part of the blame has got to go on the inclusion of Paul Abrahamian.  But then there is the sheer stupidity of some of the other housemates. Alex and Jason are a strong duo, so it was obvious they were going to be targeted sooner rather than later.  We picked up with the Head of Household competition, and it quickly became apparent that something was different about the dynamic. We then got to see flashbacks of Paul, Josh, and Christmas realizing it was time to attack.  They wanted everyone to throw the competition so that one of them could win and take a shot at Jason or Alex. Paul then basically threatened Kevin to throw the competition.  That would then allow Alex to drop out and in return, Raven would do the same thing. Paul stressed to Kevin that he was safe, while Alex was under the impression Kevin would be put up as the replacement nominee.  For some reason, Alex hates Kevin and wants nothing more than to see him going out of the game while she sits with a smug look on her face. The CBS edits make Alex look like an angel.  Over on the feeds, it is an entirely different story. She says some outlandish things about her fellow houseguests, and it’s pretty sad.  In the end, Josh let Christmas win the HOH competition, which was pretty crazy when you consider her ailment and that it was a running contest.  Somehow, the houseguests are intent on breaking the rules this season.  Christmas questioned whether it would be a good idea to draw a line in the sand quickly as opposed to having back and forth all week. That way, they would respect her honesty.  The Tree of Temptation returned, and nobody took anything from it. Jason and Alex are going to be so pissed when they watch the season back.  Christmas went with nominating Jason and Alex, and it seemed like Jason had a sudden realization that he is the target. Alex continued to act dumb by saying she trusted Christmas and felt that there was a bigger plan at play.  Sigh.  Just hand Paul the money and let it be over. This is just getting more and more tiring to watch. It’s time to stop bringing the veterans back. This will mark two seasons in a row that a veteran has won.  What do you think about all of this? Sound off below! View Slideshow: Big Brother Winners: RANKED!

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Big Brother Recap: Who Is The Villain?

Big Brother Recap: Who Is The Villain?

Big Brother Season 19 has been the worst season of the CBS ratings juggernaut, and part of the blame has got to go on the inclusion of Paul Abrahamian.  But then there is the sheer stupidity of some of the other housemates. Alex and Jason are a strong duo, so it was obvious they were going to be targeted sooner rather than later.  We picked up with the Head of Household competition, and it quickly became apparent that something was different about the dynamic. We then got to see flashbacks of Paul, Josh, and Christmas realizing it was time to attack.  They wanted everyone to throw the competition so that one of them could win and take a shot at Jason or Alex. Paul then basically threatened Kevin to throw the competition.  That would then allow Alex to drop out and in return, Raven would do the same thing. Paul stressed to Kevin that he was safe, while Alex was under the impression Kevin would be put up as the replacement nominee.  For some reason, Alex hates Kevin and wants nothing more than to see him going out of the game while she sits with a smug look on her face. The CBS edits make Alex look like an angel.  Over on the feeds, it is an entirely different story. She says some outlandish things about her fellow houseguests, and it’s pretty sad.  In the end, Josh let Christmas win the HOH competition, which was pretty crazy when you consider her ailment and that it was a running contest.  Somehow, the houseguests are intent on breaking the rules this season.  Christmas questioned whether it would be a good idea to draw a line in the sand quickly as opposed to having back and forth all week. That way, they would respect her honesty.  The Tree of Temptation returned, and nobody took anything from it. Jason and Alex are going to be so pissed when they watch the season back.  Christmas went with nominating Jason and Alex, and it seemed like Jason had a sudden realization that he is the target. Alex continued to act dumb by saying she trusted Christmas and felt that there was a bigger plan at play.  Sigh.  Just hand Paul the money and let it be over. This is just getting more and more tiring to watch. It’s time to stop bringing the veterans back. This will mark two seasons in a row that a veteran has won.  What do you think about all of this? Sound off below! View Slideshow: Big Brother Winners: RANKED!

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Big Brother Recap: Who Is The Villain?

‘Big Brother’ — 2nd Star Accused in Drug Ring

Filed under: Adam Jasinski , Celebrity Justice A former ” Big Brother Season 9 ” contestant has just been indicted for conspiracy to distribute oxycodone — and authorities believe he was in cahoots with another BB9 housemate … the guy who won the show. Matthew McDonald (left) was indicted in… Read more

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‘Big Brother’ — 2nd Star Accused in Drug Ring