Tag Archives: catalog-pics

Irina Shayk Gets Paid of the Day

Irina Shayk is perfect. Really the only model in the last 5 years who has anything substantial about her. Which is how she escaped Communist Russia, and land a series of A-Listers…like Brad Cooper… Yes, over photoshopped catalog pics of some shitty mall brand is not what I consider hot, exciting, stimulating…I actually hate them and the produce they are trying to selll.. But Irina Shayk, even amongst the dog shit that is shit shoot,that may be like the shit she was hiding in on the train she escaped out of Russia on..before becoming rich, famous and the pussy to the rich and famous…she’s still fucking spectacular… The post Irina Shayk Gets Paid of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Irina Shayk Gets Paid of the Day

Maria Sharapova for Esquire Bulgaria of the Day

Maria Sharapova was in Esquire Bulgaria…I am going to go out there on a limb and assume that these pictures are just in the Esquire vault…probably from a previous shoot they did with Maria Sharapova…because I can’t imagine Esquire Bulgaria having huge budgets from advertising…to coordinate a shoot, but then again, maybe people still buy magazines in Bulgaria…since they can’t actually afford computers, internet and all that other stuff you spoiled American take for granted…like Maria Sharapova, the hot enough tennis star, who still plays tennis and still looks good but that no one seems to care about anymore..but maybe that’s because she’s doing media in Bulgaria….or maybe she’s doing media in Bulgaria because Bulgaria hasn’t turned their back on her yet.. All this to say…she’s in a bathing suit, where the fuck is Bulgaria…and why isn’t she nude…. The post Maria Sharapova for Esquire Bulgaria of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Maria Sharapova for Esquire Bulgaria of the Day

Gigi Paris in E-Commerce Pictures of the Day

I fucking hate catalog pics…whether they are for a company’s e commerce store…or for their actual catalog…they are always so badly shot, so uninteresting to look at, and they always make the model look like shit, like this Gigi Paris girl who has being going semi viral recently and people are talking about her…but in this shoot…she looks like she’s pushing 40….while pushing shitty bikinis…I can’t imagine anyone looking at thinking “oh I want that”… People need to stop being so fucking safe…and Christian…these are models, this is their job…make them crawl on all fours for it… TO SEE THE REST OF THE SHITTY E-COMM PICS CLICK HERE The post Gigi Paris in E-Commerce Pictures of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Gigi Paris in E-Commerce Pictures of the Day

Bikinis for Wildfox of the Day

Masha Gutik and Ana Kai are models I’ve never heard of…but they are posing in my friend Mark Hunter’s campaign he shot, and probably got paid lots of money, for Wildfox, which is some bubbly, mainstream, but pretends to be edgy brand that is owned by Jimmy Sommers…who is some drunk who apparently molested UNDERAGE MODELS …but that could just be underage models doing cash grabs…right? I mean guys financing brands that target hot young girls, that cast young hot girls, never touch those hot young girls….just ask Dov Charney…. These pics may be boring, but they are better than 99 percent of catalog pics out there, so I support. These girls are amazing.

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Bikinis for Wildfox of the Day

Heidi Klum for Vogue Russia and Moda Germany of the Day

Heidi Klum may be 100 – but she’s apparently still modelling as hard as she can…because this month alone she has two magazine editorials out, I guess she’s marketing something hard, you know trying to increase sales on whatever she’s selling before the end of the year, and I guess as long as her 50 year old, mom of 12 half black kids, from being ravaged by a massive black Seal cock, vagina is covered up…we can focus on the fact that she still looks fucking amazing and I may just be saying that because I jerked off to her pics in catalog pics in the mid-90s…and sometimes flashbacks to masturbation memories of yesteryear are better than trying to get inspired by the new, already been done, too old to be doing it again cleavage in these pics…

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Heidi Klum for Vogue Russia and Moda Germany of the Day

Joanna Krupa Bikini Catalog Model of the Day

Here are some photoshopped catalog pics of fame whore Joanna Krupa, going back to her roots now that her show was cancelled and she is forced to go back to the only thing she knew…low level campaigns for companies…cheesy photoshoots no one cares about…but her older, but still great body…can get the recognition it deserves. Instead of being “I like the blonde one with the fake tits”…she can be “I like the one from that show no one watched, yeah the blonde one with fake tits”…you see because…none of this TV shit really matters..what matters is that she doesn’t have a sex tape yet…that’s what confuses me in everything that is Joanna Krupa…here are these 1998 Maxim caliber pics…feeling like a Throwback Thursday a day early…

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Joanna Krupa Bikini Catalog Model of the Day

Camille Rowe for Next Lingerie of the Day

Camille Rowe is one of my favorite models – at least right now – because I am looking at pictures of her French ass in lingerie. I am pretty sure she’s doing campaigns for Victoria’s Secret, and I guess they lend her off to other brands, because I am going to assume they have a stake in these brands, and that these brands make their panties in the Victoria’s Secret owned Sweatshops… Sure, I am more into her more “artitic” fashion photography, that to me is really pornography, all softcore and reminds me of Playboy in the 70s when Playboy was good… She’s been naked HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and I mean that’s enough for you to get an idea of what we are working with here…and that something is far more substantial that any girl I’ve had, bought, borrowed or thrown my semen at when they walk buy me on public transit… All this to say, I love her, even though I hate shitty catalog pics…always…it’s a misuse of talent.

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Camille Rowe for Next Lingerie of the Day

Shanina Shaik for Free People of the Day

Shanina Shaik is some portuguese water dog model with a great ass, who I assume was a fisherman before being sold off to the evil billion dollar panty corporation…who have lent her out to other panty corporations because they probably manufacture their bullshit for them in their sweatshops all you middle american assholes who like Victoria’s Secret support when you buy their shitty overpriced smut that you think will make you look like one of their models…when really all it does is smell like a poor Indian child’s tears and sweat… I also assume, that despite not being with Leonardo DiCaprio, who I don’t think loves the ethnic ones, is not quite a hooker yet, even if all modelling has a whole lot of prostitution to it…. Catalog Pics are always dull…but here they are anyway.

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Shanina Shaik for Free People of the Day

Irina Shayk and Nina Agdal for Beach Bunny of the DAy

Irina Shayk and Nina Agdal are bikini models who work for pretty much one company and that company is Sports Illustrated..and their affiliates… As far as I’m concerned, these two girls are their trophies they imported from whatever third world and build into hot bodied bikini models we all want to fuck…because they are fit, have great asses, and most importantly aren’t obese like Kate Upton, who in the event you are wondering, is probably eating pancakes right now, because that’s all she fucking does… That said…here is some boring catalog pics to remind us that if the right pussy is used, the boring catalog pics suddenly become less boring..no matter how much plastic surgery these girls have got…I’m into it.

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Irina Shayk and Nina Agdal for Beach Bunny of the DAy

Irina Shayk and Nina Agdal for Beach Bunny of the DAy

Irina Shayk and Nina Agdal are bikini models who work for pretty much one company and that company is Sports Illustrated..and their affiliates… As far as I’m concerned, these two girls are their trophies they imported from whatever third world and build into hot bodied bikini models we all want to fuck…because they are fit, have great asses, and most importantly aren’t obese like Kate Upton, who in the event you are wondering, is probably eating pancakes right now, because that’s all she fucking does… That said…here is some boring catalog pics to remind us that if the right pussy is used, the boring catalog pics suddenly become less boring..no matter how much plastic surgery these girls have got…I’m into it.

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Irina Shayk and Nina Agdal for Beach Bunny of the DAy