I took a break from writing to enjoy the two weeks away from school before I start back into summer school. I am taking a class on journalism and blogging, which I hope will help me improve this blog. I also look forward to the Fall semester when I take a class on Sustainable Community Building. I am very excited about that class, and expect to fill this blog with the knowledge I gain from it. In the meantime, I wanted to post some photos of my little patio garden, which I was worried about at first, but has taken off since the weather warmed up. So far we have harvested four cherry tomatoes, and there are two little strawberries that call to me at night. I can’t wait for the watermelon to grow. So far it’s just a very large vine though. I love watermelon. Here is the first harvest of the summer: Jason’s Flower Garden: Not the most professional picture, but here’s the whole garden: flowers, strawberries, chili peppers, watermelon, cherry tomatoes, rosemary, garlic, and potatoes. Callie and Russia enjoy sitting by the patio garden:

Continued here:
Patio Garden
Posted in 1, Gossip, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News, V
Tagged bennyhollywood, cherry-tomatoes, flower-garden, Hollywood, recycle, shelf, texas, the-option, video-on-cnn, water-bottle