Tag Archives: new-technology

Drake And Rih Rih Were Seen Getting Cuddly AGAIN For Memorial Day (And Why Does He Always Give Her The Creepy Eye?!?!)

Drake And Rihanna Hang Out Together In Miami Here we go again… Rihanna and Drake were seen hanging out again, this time in Miami for Memorial Day. They were even allegedly holding hands at the infamous club Liv. SMH…Rihanna needs to sit down somewhere because she’s bouncing from one dude to the next so much that we can’t keep up. Can’t wait to see what Breezy says about this one. Also, while looking at these pics, we couldn’t help but notice something. How come every time we see Drake and Rihanna together, he’s giving her that weird, intense creepy stare while she’s trying to mind her own damn business with that “blink once if you’re in distress” look in her eye? She seems so totally weirded out by his deep gaze. Dude needs to lay off a little bit. He’s scaring everyone. Want evidence? We gotcha covered. But first, more pics from Miami!

See the article here:
Drake And Rih Rih Were Seen Getting Cuddly AGAIN For Memorial Day (And Why Does He Always Give Her The Creepy Eye?!?!)

Only On Camera: The Hottest Women Of Color You Must Follow On Instagram

Hottest Women Of Color On Instagram Instagram is pretty cool, huh? It’s an awesome way to use your new technology to take pictures that you could just twitpic or put on Facebook but it’s cooler because Instagram lets you use “hipster shade” instead. Great, right? You know another reason it’s great? It allows you to be a total creep and check out delicious cakes. The fellas at Bro Bible feel the same. So they compiled a list of hot women to follow. For your viewing pleasure, we grabbed the ladies of color for you to take a look. Enjoy!

Original post:
Only On Camera: The Hottest Women Of Color You Must Follow On Instagram

For Your Info: What Is A Cloud And What Does It Mean For You Music Lovers Out There??

Recently the tech world has been absolutely buzzing about “cloud” systems and music. Amazon has charged ahead with theirs, claiming that they need no license from the record labels, and Google is reportedly, furtively, working on their own system as well. If so, this could be the latest power move from the tech scene which could make for yet more waves within the already turbulent music industry. But given that Black music has consistently been so coveted (helped by tech advances in ringtones to downloads) just how could this development affect the young artists behind the creativity and who constitute a chunk of our Black GDP? Continued at The Atlanta Post.

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For Your Info: What Is A Cloud And What Does It Mean For You Music Lovers Out There??

Smart Computer That Learns from Videos Can Make Traffic More Efficient

Image credit D. Küttel / ETH Zurich; via PhysOrg ETH researchers Daniel Küttel and Michael Breitenstein teamed up with professors Luc Van Gool and Vittorio Ferrari from the Institute of Image Processing to create a new software program that can learn from watching moving objects, analyzing things like street scenes and figuring out patterns and habits of things like moving vehicles. The new technology allows the computer to recognize things like the movements of normal traffic flow and any changes in that “normal” situation. It may have a big use in analyzing traffic a… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Smart Computer That Learns from Videos Can Make Traffic More Efficient

McCain Twitters His Way Onto Gay Porn Website

Filed under: Politix Sen. John McCain’s voyage into the world of new technology hit a snag … when a self-pic he posted on Twitter recently popped up (so to speak) on a notorious gay porn website. The “Maverick” was just tryin’ to show the world that he could take a pic … Permalink

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McCain Twitters His Way Onto Gay Porn Website

Sonic brings HD streaming to CinemaNow

Sonic Solutions has announced that they will finally be bringing HD streaming to its Roxio CinemaNow online video service, using a new technology dubbed Sonic CineVision Adaptive HD which the company promises will make films look Blu-ray-esque in 1080p full HD . Sonic’s competitors, such as iTunes , Amazon, VUDU, and Sony have all had HD streaming or downloads for some time now. CineVision Adaptive HD will also be available “as part of the company’s CineVision Master Encoding system” says TWICE, “enabling others to maximize the quality of streaming video content.” The CineVision Master Encoding system is used in current Blu-ray production, so the company says the streaming quality will be second to none

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Sonic brings HD streaming to CinemaNow

Nuclear, Solar, and Ze Germans

I recently did some researching into nuclear power. I often had debates with colleagues at my former job about the most environmentally friendly source of energy. I should note that I used to work for an oil and gas engineer training company and that most of the colleagues I discussed this with were high-level petroleum engineers of one sort or another. The most common answer I heard was that nuclear was our best option for environmentally clean energy, but it’s not safe. That is true to an extent. There are currently 104 nuclear reactors in the U.S. It would require 410 to become fossil-fuel independent. These facilities could also create synthetic fuel for vehicles. More efficient nuclear plants can actually recycle carbon with carbon filters and create a hydrogen compound that can be used as fuel for vehicles. It could save 2.8 billion tons of carbon from being released into the atmosphere each year. However; There is no safe way to dispose of nuclear waste. Having that many nuclear facilities creates a lot of targets for terrorist attacks and a lot of potential for catastrophic mistakes. It opens the door for other countries to build nuclear reactors. Safer forms of alternative energy are being developed. Which brings me to the next point: Solar Power. With new technology growing rapidly in the field of solar power, putting our efforts there seems to be the best option. The sun produces more energy than we could ever use, and it’s clean, free, and renewable. A friend of mine recently sent me this article on Germany’s plan to be energy independent by 2050. The plan includes various forms of solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. I would like to see the Obama administration create a plan like this with definitive steps and dates for when we can be energy independent. I’d also like to see fossil fuels and nuclear power left out of it.

More here:
Nuclear, Solar, and Ze Germans

Plant a Tree for Love

I thought this was an interesting initiative in Indonesia. To help repopulate the local forests that have been the victims of deforestation, couples must plant 10 trees in order to get married, and 50 trees in order to get a divorce. Not only is it beneficial in reducing CO2 in the country, but it also helps avoid the monoculture problem that many deforested areas have. Couples are planting trees that they want to see around their neighborhoods instead of what grows the fastest and can be cultivated the quickest. Maybe we should look into that over here in the states, instead of charging for marriage licenses.

See original here:
Plant a Tree for Love

Walt Whitman on Nature

“After you have exhausted what there is in business, politics, conviviality, and so on – have found that none of these finally satisfy, or permanently wear – what remains? Nature remains. ” Walt Whitman

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Walt Whitman on Nature