Source: Slaven Vlasic / Getty This year, we were introduced to a lot of great television, only to have some of them cancelled as soon as the story got good. In honor of the end of some of the best shows of the year, join us in saying RIP these 2017 television hits.
Source: Jupiterimages / Getty Christmastime is always perfect when it comes to getting adorable videos. Whether it’s something super heart-wrenching like capturing some intimate family moments or just those one-of-a-kind videos you only get when you’re around your whole clan, the content around the Holidays is worth waiting for year-round. One video that has become notorious around the holidays is the cutest little toddler opening up his gift, which just happens to be a wrapped avocado. If you haven’t already seen it down your timeline, he’s extremely relatable to everyone who ahs ever had to act excited for a gift they weren’t really expecting. IT’S AN AVOCADO — jules (@3amshadows) December 25, 2017 That Vine has been a crowd favorite for years, and now it seems that little guy isn’t the only toddler who enjoys getting some fruit for Christmas. This video a Twitter user posted of his nephew opening a banana is just as cute, and he looks legitimately excited for his newest piece of fruit. I gave my nephew a banana for Christmas. I had avocado levels of success. — Dustin Griffie (@dustingriffie) December 28, 2017 It doesn’t stop at just produce either, babies love all foods. This one toddler unwraps some Hawaiian rolls and his excitement is through the roof! Who can blame him though? I think we’d all be pretty ecstatic to be gifted some Hawaiian rolls… Maybe I’m biased but my little cousin opening his rolls is just as cute and funny as the avocado vine. Enjoy the little things! Merry Christmas! — michaela (@michh_rovv) December 24, 2017 Beside food, it’s pretty clear that a lot of babies are just happy to get any gifts at all on Christmas. Their pure little hearts are so joyous it teaches us how we should react whenever we get gifts. Here’s a bonus reaction from a heart-warming youngin’ who is the happiest camper over getting some underwear for Christmas. Enjoy! My little brother when I gave him underwear for Christmas :') — Laura (@LauraAngelicaE2) December 28, 2017
Sure, Christmas movies for Christmastime, ad infintum, but Labor Day movies? Why not? Most of us seem unaware of it, but Labor Day is in fact a day federally designated to celebrate the unions and a unionized working class. It was initiated in 1887 by President Grover Cleveland to appease the a discontented working class, and the possibility of labor groups using the anniversary of the Haymarket riots and hangings of 1886 to institute an annual protest parade against the ownership class. Today, it’s merely a salute to the very work everyone gets a day off from. But hey, a little labor history’s good for the colon — and these 13 films (or any selections thereof) aren’t the worst way to honor the holiday.
Filed under: Celebrity Justice Usher claims he was the victim of a serious Christmastime jewel heist — when someone jacked $1,000,000 in jewelry from the back of his car!It all went down in Atlanta on December 14th — Usher and a friend were in an AT&T store when someone broke … Permalink
Paris Hilton has claimed that she thought Santa Claus was real until she was 16 years old. The hotel heiress, who is dating Doug Reinhardt , said that she has always reverted to childhood at Christmastime and still asks her mother to put out a stocking for her. We usually open our presents first thing in the morning.