Tag Archives: conglomerate

Ted 2 Trailer: Released! Raunchy!

Everyone’s favorite dirty talking bear is back! The first trailer for Ted 2 has been released, with Mark Wahlberg and Seth MacFarlane set to reprise their roles from the blockbuster original. This time, however, Amanda Seyfried is taking over for Mila Kunis as the female lead, Ted 2 Trailer In the upcoming comedy, Ted and his new wife Tami-Lynn want to have a baby… but first they must prove in a court of law that he’s a person. Even though, you know, he’s a teddy bear. It’s confusing. But it will also be hilarious! Along with Wahlberg, Seyfried and the voice of MacFarlane, Liam Neeson, Morgan Freeman, Patrick Warburton, Dennis Haysbert, Jessica Barth and Richard Schiff will play roles in the movie. Ready for jokes about sex, semen and Samuel L. Jackson? Ready to see a fat blind guy get a coin thrown into his butt crack. Then check out the above preview now for your first look at the sequel to the highest-grossing R-rated comedy of all-time. It comes out on June 26. 17 Hilarious and Inappropriate Movie Marquees 1. Make Up Your Mind! We would probably like to see this movie. Maybe. We think.

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Ted 2 Trailer: Released! Raunchy!

Comcast Apologizes For Renaming Customer "A–hole Brown" on Bill

Comcast is on the hot seat again after its mailings changed a customer’s first name to “A–hole” after his wife pulled the plug on part of their service. Ricardo Brown, a customer from Washington State, received bills that referred to him as “A–hole Brown” following a call his wife placed to the company. Lisa Brown said she believes the insulting bill could have been retaliation for her decision to change part of her contract to reduce the monthly cost. “I was never rude,” the two-year customer said of her experience with Comcast. “It could have been that person was upset because I didn’t take the offer.” Comcast confirmed the name on the Brown family’s bill had been changed, but a rep said he had no idea how it happened, according to news reports. After the offending statement, seen above, went viral, Comcast Vice President of Communications for the Washington region issued an apology. “We have spoken with our customer and have apologized for this completely unacceptable and inappropriate name change,” said Steve Kipp yesterday. “We have absolutely zero tolerance for this type of disrespectful behavior and are conducting a thorough investigation to determine what happened.” Ultimately, the cable giant waived a $60 fee it imposed when Brown canceled part of her account, and refunded her for two years of service. That’s at least going the extra mile to make it up to her, we’ll give the conglomerate that. Long story short, though? Epic fail, Comcast. Epic. Fail. 29 Fails That Weren’t Yours at Least 1. Going Up This is what happens when you try to sherpa your belongings up an escalator.

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Comcast Apologizes For Renaming Customer "A–hole Brown" on Bill

Former CNBC Reporter: GE CEO Immelt Meddled in Network’s Editorial Coverage

This could confirm what many suspected all along – the corporate heads at General Electric (NYSE: GE ) would try to use their media holdings to portray President Barack Obama and his administration in a positive light in order to gain a corporate advantage. That’s how former CNBC reporter and current Fox Business Network senior correspondent Charlie Gasparino explains it in his forthcoming book, “Bought and Paid For: The Unholy Alliance Between Barack Obama and Wall Street.” According to Gasparino, GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt had “helped his company feast off of the subsidies of Obamanomics,” including the green energy initiatives and health care reform. And although Immelt is a registered Republican, Gasparino detailed how Immelt would walk around his company’s headquarters saying “we’re all Democrats” now at the prospect of government checks going to GE. But later, Gasparino explained how Immelt would use his authority to manipulate the editorial coverage of on Obama for that reason: Immelt touted his status as a registered Republican when he stated publicly and infamously among his Republican friends his support of the president, saying, “We are all Democrats now.” His friends tell me that the reasons Immelt supported Obama came down to the fact that he liked the president on a personal level and believed he was the moderate that he sold himself as on the campaign trail. At CNBC, where I worked for several years, Immelt called a meeting of top talent to discuss coverage of Obama’s economic agenda and whether the heavy criticism by on-air commentators (like me) was fair to the president. Those sentiments are similar to ones Gasparino relayed to host Bill O’Reilly on the Aug. 10 broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “The O’Reilly Factor” . “There was this issue where Jeff Immelt, chairman of GE, which used to own NBC Universal, called in some of the senior staff, and clearly was worried, according to the people I spoke to who were in that meeting, about the possibility that we were becoming too anti-administration,” Gasparino said. “This is when the Obama administration first took over … They will deny it, but from what I understand, people got called into this meeting and they were basically, not exactly read the riot act, but the question of whether they were being fair to the president was brought up.” However, Gasparino went on to say that Immelt regretted this pro-Obama stance by mid-2010. He complained abroad, calling Obama’s policies “overregulation” of the economy. And in the end the potential upside wasn’t enough. “Why the change of heart? GE may have benefited from a few government handouts, but with the economy weak, the conglomerate’s many businesses reflect the Obama-induced economic malaise caused by putting ideology, in the form of socializing health care and imposing higher taxes on entrepreneurs, before the economic well-being of the American people.” “Bought and Paid For: The Unholy Alliance Between Barack Obama and Wall Street” will be available on Oct. 5.

Originally posted here:
Former CNBC Reporter: GE CEO Immelt Meddled in Network’s Editorial Coverage

Busta Rhymes: Dream Team Is About ‘Being Bigger Than Life’

‘We haven’t given that to the fans in a long time,’ Bus says of Diddy-led supergroup that includes Rick Ross, Nicki Minaj, Fabolous. By Shaheem Reid Busta Rhymes Photo: MTV News Busta Rhymes says the formation of the collection of artists known as “The Dream Team” is a dream come true for fans. “It’s been a long time since we’ve been able to see artists of this magnitude come together and rock with each other as a unified front,” Busta explained on Saturday backstage at the Birthday Bash 15 concert held at Atlanta’s Philips Arena. “For one reason or another, there’s more beef than it is unity. So it’s a great thing that dudes of this caliber, just artists in general, can come together and rock and support each other’s movement. The Dream Team is pretty much that: We’re here to support each other’s movement.” When Busta does his roll call of the squad formerly known as “The Supreme Team,” he name-checks Rick Ross, Nicki Minaj, Fabolous, Red Caf

The Tiger Woods Sponsorship Dance Card: Who’s In, Who’s Out

Not that it was hard to see this coming , but The Business That Is Tiger Woods is starting to lose a grip on its multinational corporate backers. In fact, one of them has gone down! Can you guess who? Gillette : Gone, baby, gone .

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The Tiger Woods Sponsorship Dance Card: Who’s In, Who’s Out