Tag Archives: controlled

Drugs Are Bad M’kay: Louisville, Kentucky Reports Nearly 52 Heroin Overdoses In 32 Hours

52 Heroin Overdoses Reported In Louisville, Kentucky Over The Weekend We know there probably isn’t a whole lot to do in Kentucky , but there HAS to be something more entertaining than shooting up heroin until you damn near die. But, according to CNN , that’s exactly what folks in Louisville like to do. This weekend over a 32 hour period, the city responded to 52 overdose emergency calls. A breakdown of overdose causes was not available, but Burmeister said most of those calls were heroin overdoses. Paramedics also dealt with overdoses of alcohol, prescription medications and other controlled substances. No overdose deaths were reported, but Burmeister said one person who’d been using heroin died while riding in a car that crashed. The driver also was using heroin, they said. As shocking as this might sound to you, it appears to be just another day in the bluegrass city where they notched 695 overdose calls in January alone. That’s 22 per day for those of you who aren’t math majors. Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer talked about it during the State of the City address February 2, saying the police department is hiring 150 more officers and adding two new squads of detectives to address crimes involving narcotics. “We’re collaborating with the DEA on overdose death investigations to get heroin dealers off our streets, and forming a task force with other agencies, including the FBI, the DEA, ATF, the US Attorney, Kentucky State Police and the State Attorney General’s Office, to pursue, arrest and prosecute our most violent offenders,” he said. Not sure how much all those cops are going to help. If people want to get high, they are gonna get high. Sounds like more people will be going to jail though. Sure the city likes that… Image via Shutterstock

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Drugs Are Bad M’kay: Louisville, Kentucky Reports Nearly 52 Heroin Overdoses In 32 Hours

Miley Cyrus Isn’t Breaking The Law In Bong Video, Experts Say

Video allegedly shows her smoking salvia, which is legal in California. By James Montgomery Miley Cyrus Photo: Frank Micelotta/ Getty Images By now, you’ve probably seen the video of Miley Cyrus allegedly smoking salvia from a bong , and you’re probably wondering whether she might face legal repercussions as a result of the clip. According to organizations on either side of the ongoing war over drug legalization, the answer is no. “[The video] might be embarrassing to her, but it does not put her in any legal risk,” Keith Stroup, legal counsel at the marijuana advocacy group NORML, told MTV News on Friday (December 10). “At the moment, [salvia] is not illegal in California, so even if she walked out on the street and smoked it in front of police, she couldn’t be arrested. And the video of her smoking isn’t enough to get her in trouble, because there’s no proof she wasn’t smoking tobacco.” “Salvia is a drug of concern,” said Michael Sanders, a spokesperson for the Drug Enforcement Agency. “We are taking steps to look further into it, but for right now, it is not a schedule-one narcotic.” Under the Controlled Substance Act, U.S. drug policy assigns narcotics into five different “schedules” — marijuana is a schedule-one drug, as it has “a high potential for abuse … [and] no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States,” cocaine is a schedule two, etc. — which are determined by two federal agencies: the DEA and the Food and Drug Administration. The DEA does not currently list salvia, an herb that, when smoked, provides a powerful psychoactive punch, though several states have made it illegal. In California, where the Cyrus video was allegedly shot, it is illegal to provide salvia to minors; however, it is legal for them to possess it. Since the Cyrus video was not only allegedly shot in California but was also done so five days after her 18th birthday (according to TMZ), the pop star wasn’t breaking any laws. Though, as Stroup put it, all of that may change soon. “Until recently, [salvia] was perfectly legal, frankly because no one paid attention to it. It’s only after a little attention was paid to it in the media that states begin passing legislation about it,” he said. “Drug policy in this country is, by a large part, based on a social response or a political response, but the bottom line is, they don’t want people getting high.” Related Artists Miley Cyrus

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Miley Cyrus Isn’t Breaking The Law In Bong Video, Experts Say

No Accepted Medical Use? Three Perspectives on Medical Cannabis

The U.S. government classifies marijuana—along with heroin and LSD—as a Schedule I drug, the most tightly restricted category of drugs in the United States. According to the federal government, Schedule I drugs are unsafe and have “no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.” Really? As medical marijuana proponents have pointed out since the Controlled Substances Act was passed by Congress in 1970, cannabis has been used medicinally for thousands of years, and there has never been a reported case of a marijuana overdose. Moreover, in recent years clinical researchers around the world have demonstrated the medicinal value of cannabis. We talked to a doctor, a pharmacist, and a patient to get three firsthand perspectives on medical cannabis. Special thanks to Dr. Donald Abrams, JoAnna LaForce and Don Grubbs. Approximately 10 minutes. Produced by Paul Feine and Alex Manning. Go to http://reason.tv for HD, iPod and audio versions of this video and subscribe to Reason.tv's YouTube channel to receive automatic notification when new material goes live http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5dD7dFkmfA&feature=player_embedded added by: JackHerer

Kid Cudi Arrested

MC charged with felony criminal mischief and possession of a controlled substance in New York on Friday. By Jayson Rodriguez Kid Cudi Photo: Jason Kempin/ WireImage Kanye West prot