Tag Archives: coolest

Will Twenty One Pilots Still Be In Their Undies At The VMAs?

‘To actually being involved is one of the coolest feelings ever,” singer Tyler Joseph says of the duo’s nomination at Sunday night’s show. By Gil Kaufman

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Will Twenty One Pilots Still Be In Their Undies At The VMAs?

Lady Gaga’s ‘Applause’ Video: Fans Rank The Top Moments!

The Little Monsters break down for MTV News what ‘Applause’ moments are the coolest. By Jocelyn Vena

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Lady Gaga’s ‘Applause’ Video: Fans Rank The Top Moments!

Daft Punk Secret Live Performance is so Hipster of the Day

You know the band that white people like is legitimately the coolest shit out there, you know so hipster and underground, so fashion forward when people like this sing it…you know nothing like a fat woman in a Hawaiian shirt in her 50s and her husband in his cubano hat…so hip… I guess we know why they wear masks at their concerts, they don’t want us to know the truth.. That said, all you trend followers are fucking idiots. Nothing is cool. Deal with it. I bet they play a mean Stayin Alive, or Grease Theme Song, or Sweet Caroline…what the fuck.

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Daft Punk Secret Live Performance is so Hipster of the Day

Jedi Mind Meld: Obama Can’t Budge Congress, Use Correct Star Wars Lingo

Hmm. No wonder the White House won’t build a Death Star for us. At a press conference today, Barack Obama proved that while he may be our coolest-ever President, even he needs to bone up on his pop cultural references. Speaking to the press about sequestration and forging a bipartisan budget reform agreement, Obama said he can’t perform a “Jedi mind meld” on Congress. Maybe because there is no such thing as a Jedi mind meld. Obama Jedi Mind Meld His point: much as he would like to simply MAKE Republican leaders agree to his spending cuts, he is “not a dictator” and you need two sides to compromise. What Obama probably meant was to reference either the “Jedi Mind Trick” from Star Wars … or the “Vulcan Mind Meld” from Star Trek often used by Spock. Points for trying, B. A for effort.

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Jedi Mind Meld: Obama Can’t Budge Congress, Use Correct Star Wars Lingo

Zippora Seven Naked for Russh Australia November of the Day

Zippora Seven is naked for Russh Magazine…she’s a 20 year old New Zealand model with the coolest fucking name…who more importantly gets naked for fashion…something I support fully…. These pics are from the latest issue of Russh, but 4 years ago, the same magazine published pics of her topless at 16….what some would consider kiddie porn or inappropriate..but what fashion considers art, or high concept…perfect cover for all you creeps…

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Zippora Seven Naked for Russh Australia November of the Day

Kelly Clarkson Covers Eminem, Wins the Internet

It might not get any more awesome than Kelly Clarkson. The original American Idol is touring the country at the moment, taking fan requests at each stop and then covering classic tracks. She recently knocked Anna Nalick’s ” Breathe ” out of the impressive park and prior to that she went with a Britney Spears single . But outside of Detroit last night, Clarkson put on her coolest performance yet, donning a grey hoodie and making like Eminem. Watch her version of “Lose Yourself” now, compare it to when Taylor Swift also covered this rap smash and then decide: Who did it better?

Anna Faris panty upskirt

Anna Faris is one of the coolest actresses around right now in our opinion and here she is showing off her white panties to the paparazzi Continue reading

Tab sync ready for primetime in latest Chrome desktop release


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One of the coolest features of Chrome for Android is the ability to call up tabs already open on your desktop installation of the browser and display them on your mobile device. Pretty convenient when you need to run out the door but find some downtime to finish reading a few articles you had started Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Android Phone Fans Discovery Date : 15/05/2012 17:00 Number of articles : 2

Tab sync ready for primetime in latest Chrome desktop release

Tab sync ready for primetime in latest Chrome desktop release


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One of the coolest features of Chrome for Android is the ability to call up tabs already open on your desktop installation of the browser and display them on your mobile device. Pretty convenient when you need to run out the door but find some downtime to finish reading a few articles you had started Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Android Phone Fans Discovery Date : 15/05/2012 17:00 Number of articles : 2

Tab sync ready for primetime in latest Chrome desktop release

Tab sync ready for primetime in latest Chrome desktop release


Excerpt from:

One of the coolest features of Chrome for Android is the ability to call up tabs already open on your desktop installation of the browser and display them on your mobile device. Pretty convenient when you need to run out the door but find some downtime to finish reading a few articles you had started Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Android Phone Fans Discovery Date : 15/05/2012 17:00 Number of articles : 2

Tab sync ready for primetime in latest Chrome desktop release