Tag Archives: cordoba-house

News Corp Publishes Al-Qaeda/Osama Bin Laden Achievement Map Of Ground Zero

News Corp. physically expands its definition of “ground zero” to include a quarter of lower Manhattan ——Video Thanks, News Corp., for not allowing good taste to stand in the way of your obsessive crusade against the construction of an Islamic community center in lower Manhattan near the site of the World Trade Center. Today's Post features a beautiful two-page spread arguing that Ground Zero includes basically everything south of Canal and east of Broadway. They illustrate the argument with a grotesque map of the locations of every place in the area where firefighters found human remains following the attack of 9/11. I am positive that Post editors were distraught to learn that no human remains were ever recovered at the Burlington Coat Factory building that may someday become the dreaded ground zero mosque (which is still not a mosque and still not at ground zero). But Post editors do helpfully note that remains were found a mere 348 feet away from the building in question, on top of the post office around the corner. (What if someone mails Qurans to the Ground Zero Mosque and they pick them up at that Ground Zero Post Office? Why won't they be more sensitive???) The “news story” is accompanied by a fact-free essay by fabulist Amir Taheri, who actually claims (using his patented twisted, made-up history) that the Cordoba House will be a place for “raiders” to “train and prepare” for future 9/11s. The Post says they “obtained” the map from the New York's fire department, although what they actually mean is that they clearly created the map, for the purposes of continuing their successful campaign against this Manhattan real estate project, based on data obtained from the FDNY. And Fox & Friends picked it up this morning, crediting the Post while conveniently using a different, TV-ready map: Our Fox and Friends hosts, too, were clearly wishing the map showed remains recovered from the Burlington Coat Factory site. They quoted Faisal Abdul Rauf thusly: “Look, the Imam said, this site is not Ground Zero proper, nobody's bodies were found a– near that location.” The actual quote is: “This is not Ground Zero proper. No one's body is in that location.” Which remains true! Fox Nation was ready with a story about the map, including links to two different versions and the Post's map. As the Awl's Choire Sicha neatly illustrates, once you attempt to expand the definition of “ground zero” to include everything in the area, you're calling bars and Goldman Sachs and, yes, the strip club sacred ground. So! No Muslims building anything within thousands of feet of “ground zero,” which now means everywhere, as proven by this important death porn map. Never forget! 9/11 is everwhere, and always! added by: toyotabedzrock

Anti-‘Ground Zero Mosque’ Rally Freaks Out at Black Guy [Stupid People]

Both supporters and opponents of the “Ground Zero” “Mosque”—a proposed community center —held rallies in lower Manhattan today. Can you guess which side started chanting “no mosque here” at a black guy wandering through the crowd? More

Mosque Leaders Are Not Planning to Move, and Other Cordoba House Developments! [Controversy]

Now that Barack Obama has opened his mouth on Cordoba House —aka Park51, aka (but not really) the ” Ground Zero Mosque “—the ugly story won’t be going away for a while. So, what’s the latest? More

ZBB BS: WSJ Editorial Scoops Beat Journalists on Financial Condition of Obama-Visited Company

Here’s yet another example illustrating why one must treat the editorials at the Wall Street Journal as a primary source of hard news during Democratic presidential administrations. On Monday, President Obama visited ZBB Energy Corp, a maker of high-tech batteries in Menominee, Wisconsin. Helene Cooper at the New York Times , where a larger version of the picture at the right appeared, reported that “The company received a $1.3 million federal stimulus loan, which officials said would triple its manufacturing capacity and could lead to 80 new jobs.” Note the word “could.” At least the Times mentioned the existence of ZBB’s stimulus loan. In three brief reports mentioning the company during the past week, the Associated Press didn’t even do that. The WSJ’s intrepid editorialists did everyone else’s work for them and peeked behind the curtain at ZBB. It is not pretty: Uncle Sam, Venture Capitalist Meet the battery company that Obama visited yesterday. President Obama kicked off a five-state campaign swing yesterday with a stop at a “clean energy” plant in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. As it happens, Mr. Obama couldn’t have chosen a better company to demonstrate the risks that taxpayers are taking with their billions in green stimulus investment. … Mr. Obama praised it for “pointing the country toward a brighter economic future,” but we’ll let readers decide if they’d write the same checks if they were investing their own money. ZBB has been around for more than a decade, developing batteries and equipment to store energy from wind turbines and solar cells. … last January, when the Department of Energy announced $2.3 billion in “clean energy manufacturing tax credits,” ZBB was one of 183 recipients—collecting $14 million. We wonder who in government looked at ZBB’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Since going public in June of 2007, ZBB has been hemorrhaging money. The firm lost $4.9 million in fiscal 2008 and $5.5 million in fiscal 2009. In its most recent filing, in May, it said it had lost $6.9 million for the first nine months of its current fiscal year. It explained it had a “cumulative deficit” of $44.1 million and informed shareholders that it “anticipates incurring continuing losses.” It acknowledged that its ability to continue as a “going concern” was predicated on its ability to drum up additional funds. … Meanwhile, a review by the company’s audit committee last fall discovered that ZBB’s former CEO had been wrongly compensated as both an employee and an independent contractor, and that the company had failed to withhold his proper taxes. He stepped down, and the management team was reshuffled. ZBB was also forced to restate its financial results after a separate audit committee review found the company had recognized revenue from a contract in the wrong quarter. The company also acknowledged in its May filing that the 72,000 square foot manufacturing facility it bought in 2006 is “currently producing at less than 10% of its expected capacity.” That means it can’t currently access the $14 million in federal tax credits, which were supposed to help with equipment for a new facility. Meanwhile, private investors have soured on some energy-storage companies. ZBB’s initial public offering was priced at $6 a share in 2007, and it closed yesterday at 70 cents. A visit to the company’s quarterly income statements at NASDAQ.com reveals that sales during the four quarters that ended on March 31 were less than $2 million; the revenue line during the most recently reported quarter was a whopping $189,000. During that time, the company lost over $8 million. During the four years ended June 30, 2009 , ZBB burned through well over $20 million. You have to wonder how badly stimulus efforts such as these are going if a company in ZBB’s condition is considered worthy of a campaign stop. How bad are the situations at the ones that didn’t make the cut? The Journal gives a partial excuse to the White House press corps for not doing its work: “It has been dragged to so many of these energy events that it has lost interest in looking at the companies it visits.” Sorry, I’m not as forgiving. Allowing yourself to get scooped by a bunch of guys sitting in New York offices demonstrates how inexcusably lazy establishment press beat reporters following the president have become. That laziness would also appear to be influenced by the likelihood that if they really did their job, they’d have to report unpleasant things about their guy in the White House and the mostly accomplishment-free results of “clean energy” efforts thus far. You’ll know that they don’t even care about being scooped if, as I expect, the WSJ’s editorial is the first and last you’ll see of ZBB’s BS in the establishment press. Cross-posted at BizzyBlog.com .

More here:
ZBB BS: WSJ Editorial Scoops Beat Journalists on Financial Condition of Obama-Visited Company

Time’s Klein: ‘Nativist Electoral Politics’ Behind Opposition to Ground Zero Mosque

In a Swampland blog post this morning entitled, “Something I Didn’t Know,” Time magazine’s Joe Klein pointed to a New York Times article that noted the existence of two mosques “already within several blocks of the proposed [Islamic] center.” But while other folks might draw the conclusion that building an additional mosque just blocks from Ground Zero is a needless exercise in dividing New Yorkers over a highly sensitive matter, Klein ran in the exact opposite direction, suggesting that logical consistency would compel mosque opponent Newt Gingrich to want to “close those suckers down”? “[T]his is further evidence of the true nature of this squabble: a particularly sleazy form of Nativist electoral politics,” Klein insisted. [click here for a related post by Brent Baker] But the issue has never been any and every mosque on the island of Manhattan, just the Cordoba House/Park 51 project and the imam spearheading the effort to build it, Faisal Abdul Rauf. Klein surely knows this yet simply refuses to acknowledge it because of his desire to play political hack rather than mere opinion journalist. After all, it’s hard to fault folks for opposing Rauf’s project when the imam reportedly said just weeks after 9/11 that the United States was an “accessory” to the attacks . More recently, the imam couldn’t bring himself to agree with the U.S. State Department that Hamas — a group committed to the destruction of U.S. ally Israel — is a terrorist organization. From the June 19 New York Post: Asked if he agreed with the State Department’s assessment, Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf told WABC radio, “Look, I’m not a politician. “The issue of terrorism is a very complex question,” he told interviewer Aaron Klein. “There was an attempt in the ’90s to have the UN define what terrorism is and say who was a terrorist. There was no ability to get agreement on that.” Asked again for his opinion on Hamas, an exasperated Rauf wouldn’t budge. “I am a peace builder. I will not allow anybody to put me in a position where I am seen by any party in the world as an adversary or as an enemy,” Rauf said, insisting that he wants to see peace in Israel between Jews and Arabs.

See the rest here:
Time’s Klein: ‘Nativist Electoral Politics’ Behind Opposition to Ground Zero Mosque

Some Alternative Plans for the ‘Ground Zero’ ‘Mosque’ [Suggestions]

On Friday, President Obama spoke out supporting the right of the developers of the Cordoba House —the so-called ” ground zero mosque “—to build at their site. And Republicans wouldn’t shut up about it. It’s okay! We have other ideas. More

Let’s Give Michael Bloomberg a Hand [Heroes]

Occasionally, New York City’s King, Mayor Michael Bloomberg , takes stands that aren’t the easiest, politically. Now that Cordoba House —the so-called ” Ground Zero Mosque “—will be constructed, let’s give the man major credit for his rigorous defense. More