Tag Archives: cowgirl-outfit

Miley Cyrus Quenches Her Thirst

Here’s Miley Cyrus out over the weekend getting herself a few drinks, she must be pretty thirsty, three drinks? Who knows, maybe she’s hung over, I know I like to load up on the beverages after a night of over indulgence. Whatever she’s doing, it’s not very exciting, unless you’re into lattes, acid wash jeans and crappy sneakers like I am in which case these are some of the hottest pictures you’ll see in a long time. Enjoy.

Hayden Panettiere Is Still Going Strong

I haven’t seen Hayden Panettiere in a while, she looks good, her lesbian soccer mom haircut is starting to grow back and that tight little body is still going strong. I like it. Here she is doing some shopping the other day in some pants that can only be described as painted on. I’m not complaining, I wish her shirt was made out of the same material. Hayden in a one piece skin tight jumpsuit. Yes please. I’d like her to sit on my lap and we can talk about the first thing that comes up. An oldie but a goodie. more pictures of Hayden Panettiere here

Miley Cyrus Squeezes Into Some Tight Pants

I love the fact that painted on jeans are back in style, especially when they’re acid washed. Here’s Miley Cyrus in her skin tight denims and Harley Davidson T-shirt looking kinda sexy. I like this look, it reminds me of a babysitter I used to have back in the late seventies and early eighties, she used to wear this exact same thing, sometimes she’d mix it up with a Redskins jersey, but it’s pretty close. I miss that chick. Miley is more than welcome to tuck me in whenever she wants.

Eliza Dushku’s Cute Little Booty

I wish I could say that I had some hot pictures of Eliza Dushku showing off those big boobs we all know are hidden under thick layers of terrible acting and awful career moves, but sadly I can’t. Instead I’ve got pictures of her at the airport with her boyfriend. So lame. There’s a moment where she lets us see a little v-neck t-shirt skin while she wears sunglasses at night like a creep, but that’s pretty much it. There’s a reason her last name is Douche-ku. At least she’s showing off a little booty.

Miley Cyrus And Kelly Osbourne Get Cozy

Apparently Miley Cyrus has been spending a lot of time with Kelly Osbourne recently, that explains the drug use, I think they’re working together or something like that. Anyhow, here’s a picture supposedly of the two of them from Twitter . I don’t know who the chick on the left is, but there’s no way in hell it’s Kelly Osbourne , this chick actually looks doable and believe me I would never use the words Kelly Osbourne and doable in the same sentence unless someone had a gun to my head in which case I would say she’s the hottest woman on the planet. Whoever she is, I kinda like it.

Miley Cyrus Flashes Her Abs

When I heard that I was getting a pictures of Miley Cyrus hanging out backstage with a few of her half naked dancers, I have to admit this is not what came to mind. Why would anyone think I want to see pictures of a bunch of half naked dudes? Is it because I still live in my mother’s basement? Apartments are expensive ok! Anyhow, if you can manage to look past the dudes who are making me feel like I weigh about 600 lbs, you’ll see little Miley flashing her tight belly. Good enough.

Miley Cyrus Accidental Boob flash

Now that she’s eighteen, Miley Cyrus really hasn’t wasted any time getting some trashy pictures of herself out on the internet. Not that I care, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Here she is giving us a little peek at her Hannah Montana’s through a hole in her t-shirt. You would think she could afford a t-shirt that’s not all torn up like this, what a bum. I’m not complaining, I love accidental tit flashes, I’m just saying she’s filthy rich. Enjoy.

Miley Cyrus Nude Pictures Leaked?

You may have heard that there are some pictures floating around the interweb today featuring Miley Cyrus nude in her hotel room in Spain, I’m not going to post them because she was seventeen at the time and I’m not THAT much of a creep. Besides, I’ve seen them and you can’t see her face so who knows who this chick could be. Have a look around and see for yourself and let me know what you think on

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Miley Cyrus Nude Pictures Leaked?

Miley Cyrus Is A Boring Adult

Now that Miley Cyrus is over eighteen, I know that I can say anything I want about her without feeling like that creepy guy who rides the bus in inappropriately short shorts, but I’m still having a hard time with it. I think it’s going to take a little time for me to transition into the dirty comments, she’ll always be that young chick from that TV show that I’ve never ever seen in my life. It doesn’t really help that she’s dressed as a lame old hippie. What the hell? She wore slutty outfits when she was underage….. Kids today.

Miley Cyrus Is Almost A Woman

Alright perverts, soak this crap up because tomorrow Miley Cyrus turns eighteen and you’re all going to be very disappointed. Sickos! Here she is at the American Music Awards looking like a twenty five year old, not some teenager on the cusp of womanhood. I guess selling off your innocence for a multi-million dollar Slutty Jailbait 2010 concert tour really ages a gal. Anyhow, she looks good for a Miley Cyrus , she always looks like she’s got too many teeth in her mouth. Strange. more pictures of Miley Cyrus here