Tag Archives: concert-tour

Grandma J.Lo in a Bikini of the Day

J.Lo is an old woman who doesn’t get that she’s old…or knows that she’s old and won’t accept that she’s old…because her ego makes her think she’s invincible, a superhero or a superpower…all while throwing herself down all of our throats, to adorning fans who don’t know better because they are probably her age or cultural background and she represents all that is good in the world to them…. I mean that and Gay Dudes… Who the fuck else would care about J.Lo and her old lady, rich as fuck tits in a bikini, I mean unless you’re strategic and can make her a sugar momma, but we all know that you don’t have that skill set…so in reality….just stare at her tits, even if her showing tits represents all that is wrong with rich people not having anyone with a voice of reason to tell them to cover the fuck up and to phase out of the limelight gracefully.. This bitch will keep doing this til the end of fucking time…the worst. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Grandma J.Lo in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Grandma J.Lo in a Bikini of the Day

Selena Gomez Concert Tour of the Day

Selena Gomez has been hyping up her performance as “Taylor Swift”…attempting to be a popstar because she’s Disney trained and pop stars require little to no talent because it is a better money maker than doing movies…with all the merch and touring…plus it is good for ego to have thousands of people screaming at you…it almost makes you forget you’re a little hack who exploits Chemotherapy to promote your album…it almost makes you forget you’re barely talented and that people are just desperate to have or create memories involving famous people dancing…it’s like the worst kind of positive affirmation… What I would like for Selena Gomez is her opening show to have 12 people in the audience who got free tickets from the local radio…you know boycott this trash because she sucks.. Obviously, her costume involves nudity…it’s so current and now… Garbage. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Selena Gomez Concert Tour of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Selena Gomez Concert Tour of the Day

Some Sunday Sexy: Soulja Boy And His “Bird Chest Swag” Performs In Front Of Macy’s Crowd In Florida

Soulja Boy and that sexy bawwwdddyyy of his (SMH) performed in Florida this weekend for the ‘mstyle lab’ concert tour. Peep more pics below: WENN

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Some Sunday Sexy: Soulja Boy And His “Bird Chest Swag” Performs In Front Of Macy’s Crowd In Florida

Surprise: Somebody Is Paying Ciara To Go On Tour This Summer

You read that right: Ciara is going on tour. In 2011. And she’s sharing the spotlight with Taio Cruz? The superstars will each join forces with DJ Skribble for a series of ten exclusive beach and poolside bashes (Ciara will perform hits like “Love Sex Magic” in seven cities, while “Dynamite” crooner Cruz will pick up the remaining three) on the Radio Maliboom Boom Station Invasion Concert Tour, kicking off in Miami on July 16. Of her outings, Ciara tells Us: “Fans can look forward to having a blast! The Radio Maliboom Boom Station Invasion Tour is going to be all about energy and pure fun! Malibu reached out to me with the concept and right away I was interested because we’ll be traveling to some of the hottest cities in the country and I thought it’d be a really cool and sexy run to be a part of to help celebrate summer.” Okay then. Sure. Here’s where you can catch Ciara’s little promo tour if you’re interested in such things. Saturday, July 16 Miami, FL — Ciara Thursday, July 21 Virginia Beach, VA — Ciara Saturday, July 23 Jersey Shore, NJ — Ciara Saturday, July 30 Boston, MA — Ciara Thursday, August 4 New York City, NY — Ciara Saturday, August 13 Dallas, TX — Ciara Thursday, August 18: Chicago, IL — Ciara Source

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Surprise: Somebody Is Paying Ciara To Go On Tour This Summer

Miley Cyrus Is Almost A Woman

Alright perverts, soak this crap up because tomorrow Miley Cyrus turns eighteen and you’re all going to be very disappointed. Sickos! Here she is at the American Music Awards looking like a twenty five year old, not some teenager on the cusp of womanhood. I guess selling off your innocence for a multi-million dollar Slutty Jailbait 2010 concert tour really ages a gal. Anyhow, she looks good for a Miley Cyrus , she always looks like she’s got too many teeth in her mouth. Strange. more pictures of Miley Cyrus here

Janet Jackson — Taking it On the Road

Filed under: Janet Jackson , American Idol Sources tell TMZ Janet Jackson was so “blown away” by the positive reaction to her appearance on the ” American Idol ” finale that she’s “seriously entertaining” a concert tour … that could begin before the end of the year. Janet was amazing on… Read more

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Janet Jackson — Taking it On the Road

Mayday concert 2010 Singapore

Mayday Concert details: Date: April 17, 7,30pm Location: National Stadium, Singapore Ticket prices: $88, $118, $138, $168 (Not inclusive of $3 sistic booking fee) At a press conference held in Beijing a few days ago, the quintet announced a brand-new upcoming concert tour titled as #39;DNA Mayday World Tour [2010 Limited Edition].#39; Apart from performing in Asia, the band will also throw the same concert in various states in Australia and America. A regular fixture in the local concert scene

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Mayday concert 2010 Singapore

Kanye West — They’re Just Not That Into You

Filed under: Kanye West If Kanye West doesn’t regret hijacking Taylor Swift, he will now — we’re told his concert tour with Lady Gaga was scrapped because ticket sales sucked. And “sucked” happens to be a nicer version of the word we were told.And not only that — our … Permalink

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Kanye West — They’re Just Not That Into You