Tag Archives: criminal-court

She Bodied It: Watch This Viral Routine To Jacquees’ ‘B.E.D.’

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Source: Peathegee Inc. / Getty Dancer  Rilahhh_   blew up Instagram and Twitter this week. Check out her routine to Jacquees ‘ “B.E.D.” and somebody show Janet , Bey and Breezy . So, Not sure if im straight anymore

New Trailer: Denzel Plays Los Angeles Lawyer In 1960s For New Film

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Source: Frederick M. Brown / Getty Denzel Washington teamed up with Nightcrawler  director Dan Gilroy and actors Colin Farrell and Carmen Ejobo for his latest film  Roman J. Israel, ESQ. IMDb’s synopsis  sounds great: ROMAN J. ISRAEL, ESQ. is a dramatic thriller set in the underbelly of the overburdened Los Angeles criminal court system. Denzel Washington stars as Roman Israel, a driven, idealistic defense attorney who, through a tumultuous series of events, finds himself in a crisis that leads to extreme action. Colin Farrell costars as the monied, cutthroat lawyer who recruits Roman to his firm. All rise. This November, Academy Award® winner Denzel Washington is Roman J. Israel, Esq. – watch the new trailer now. pic.twitter.com/FylAiKvzBf — Roman J Israel, Esq (@RomanJIsraelEsq) October 5, 2017  

New Trailer: Denzel Plays Los Angeles Lawyer In 1960s For New Film

Pictures of officer Peter Liang

New York City Police #x0028;NYPD#x0029; officer Peter Liang arrives at criminal court for an arraignment hearing in the Brooklyn borough of New York City February 11, 2015. Officer Peter Liang was patrolling with his partner in the Brooklyn housing project at about 11:15 p.m. on Nov. 20 when his gun discharged a single bullet, killing Akai Gurley, 28, who was in the stairwell a flight below with a female companion. Liang#39;s indictment by a grand jury stands in stark contrast to other cases

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Pictures of officer Peter Liang

Overruled! Judge Joe Brown Arrested For Contempt Of Court, Sentenced To 5 Days In Jail!

“Your honor” is a wild boy . Judge Joe Brown Arrested For Being In Contempt Of Court Via MyFoxMemphis Judge Joe Brown was arrested Monday on contempt of court charges FOX13 News has learned. Judge Brown is a Democratic candidate for the Shelby County District Attorney General’s office. Apparently, Judge Brown was at Shelby County Juvenile Court and he wanted to speak on behalf of a juvenile in a child support case. He was waiting for the court to bring the child’s documents. It’s being reported Judge Brown chastised the juvenile court and judge, threatening to take the matter to a judicial review. The 66-year-old former television judge and Shelby County Criminal Court judge, was physically removed from the courtroom and held in contempt for five days. Judge Joe was turnt UP! Juvenile Court Chief Magistrate Dan Michael told FOX13 News Brown nearly started a riot in Courtroom 5. He was brought out in handcuffs. A witness who was in Courtroom 5 at the time of Brown’s tirade said Brown told the magistrate he had no authority. Brown was transported to 201 Poplar in Downtown Memphis shortly after 3 p.m., where he will was booked, photographed and fingerprinted. FOX13 News has learned supporters of Judge Brown are working to get him released on his own recognizance. Not sure if “his own recognizance” will fly for a judge who “nearly started a riot”, but good luck anyway. Image via FOX13 Continue reading

For Your Information: Shady Details About “Invisible Children”, Joseph Kony, And Deplorable Tragedy In Uganda Sparks MAJOR Controversy

The sudden public emergence of a little-known war criminal named Joseph Kony has created a storm of angry dialogue, suspicious side-eyeing, and an endless stream of online chitchatter the likes of which we haven’t seen since Barack Obama ran for President of the United States in 2008. For those that follow us on Twitter, you witnessed some of the angry rhetoric that soapbox super-heroes have aimed in our direction. Clearly, Joseph Kony is an atrocious human being and the word “criminal” doesn’t even BEGIN to describe the types of activities he’s been involved in. However, there are a whole host of people that do not wholeheartedly believe in the sudden and overwhelming campaign that has sprung up over the past week. Even those who actually LIVE in Uganda have doubts about the latest social cause phenomena. Says Ugandan journalist Angelo Opi-Aiya Izama: ‘To call the campaign a misrepresentation is an understatement. While it draws attention to the fact that Kony, indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court in 2005, is still on the loose, its portrayal of his alleged crimes in Northern Uganda are from a bygone era. At the height of the war between especially 1999 and 2004, large hordes of children took refuge on the streets of Gulu town to escape the horrors of abduction and brutal conscription to the ranks of the LRA. Today most of these children are semi-adults. Many are still on the streets unemployed. Gulu has the highest numbers of child prostitutes in Uganda. It also has one of the highest rates of HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis. If six years ago children in Uganda would have feared the hell of being part of the LRA, a well documented reality already, today the real invisible children are those suffering from “Nodding Disease”. Over 4000 children are victims of this incurable debilitating condition. It’s a neurological disease that has baffled world scientists and attacks mainly children from the most war affected districts of Kitgum, Pader and Gulu.’ Hit the flip to read on…

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For Your Information: Shady Details About “Invisible Children”, Joseph Kony, And Deplorable Tragedy In Uganda Sparks MAJOR Controversy

Who Is Joseph Kony? Watch This To Find Out [VIDEO]

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KONY 2012 is a film and campaign by Invisible Children that aims to make Joseph Kony famous, not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice. War criminal Joseph Kony is not exactly a household name in the United States, according to the Huffington Post . Of course, few rebel leaders in Africa are — even ones like Kony, whom the International Criminal Court has branded a war criminal. One American filmmaker is determined to raise Kony’s profile, for the express purpose of bringing him to justice. Kony’s many horrific crimes include abducting children and making them into child soldiers. Kony has been elusive for years. President Obama recently sent U.S troops to Uganda to help African soldiers capture Kony. Over four million people watched this video in only two days! RELATED: Women In The World: The Female Crisis In The Congo Our History Makers: President Barack Obama Child Rebel Soldiers (Kanye West, Lupe Fiasco & Pharrell) “Don’t Stop!” [AUDIO] VIDEO: Naomi Campbell Testifies In “Blood Diamond” Case

Who Is Joseph Kony? Watch This To Find Out [VIDEO]

Live — Dr. Murray’s Medical License on the Line

We’re live outside criminal court in downtown L.A., where Dr. Conrad Murray is due for a pre-trial hearing in the Michael Jackson manslaughter case — and MJ’s faithful are showing up to protest the doc. // On the agenda today, Dr. Murray — who’s… Read more

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Live — Dr. Murray’s Medical License on the Line

Juan-Carlos Cruz Pleads Not Guilty

Juan-Carlos Cruz just pled not guilty to attempted murder and solicitation of murder during his arraignment moments ago in criminal court in Los Angeles. Bail was set at $2,000,000. Cruz was arrested on Thursday after he allegedly tried to hire homeless… Read more

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Juan-Carlos Cruz Pleads Not Guilty

REVIEW: Secret in Their Eyes Paints by Oscar-Winning Numbers

Juan José Campanella’s The Secret in Their Eyes, the Argentinian picture that won this year’s Academy Award for Best Foreign-Language Film, is well-acted, nicely constructed and beautiful to look at. Its story — about a criminal court investigator who begins pursuing a horrific rape and murder case in 1974 that, thanks to a mingling of factors including procedural glitches, judicial mishandling and government corruption, continues to haunt him 25 years later — is worked out with care. The ending is satisfying and somewhat surprising. In short, there’s almost nothing wrong with it. Almost.

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REVIEW: Secret in Their Eyes Paints by Oscar-Winning Numbers

Thailand Court Approves Arrest Of Major “Red-Shirt” Leaders

As reported by Thai News Agency, Thailand’s criminal court on Friday approved to issue arrest warrants against three core leaders include Veera Musikapong, Nattawut Saikua and Jatuporn Prompan of anti-government protesters known as “red-shirts” who caused the shutdown of the Rathchaprasong Intersection, a major commercial area in the capital Bangkok. > > Read More Thailand Court Approves Arrest Of Major “Red-Shirt” Leaders is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading