Tag Archives: cutting

See Rare Katherine Heigl Nudes at Mr. Skin [PIC]

Who could ever leave Katherine Heigl’ s bare butt on the cutting room floor? Clearly, someone who doesn’t realize what a rare and precious treat that seat meat really is. See, Katherine strips down to her underwear dancing around her living room in the movie Side Effects (2005) . We already knew about that. But some recently unearthed footage reveals that Katherine’s sexy solo samba didn’t originally stop there, but kept going to give us the best look at Ms. Heigl’s heinie ever seen on screen. You can see the pic and clip of Katherine Heigl’ s bare derierre on our Side Effects page right here at MrSkin.com…side effects may include dizziness, excitement, and a tightening in the zipper region.

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See Rare Katherine Heigl Nudes at Mr. Skin [PIC]

New Gender Identity with Katherine Woodward Thomas

www.CuttingEdgeConsciousness.com Men & women are waking up to a changing world where the gender identity and gender roles of the past are not sufficient to even get by anymore – let alone prosper. Evolving in consciousness, men and women are learning how to allow complexity as we discover each other anew. This is a brilliant conversation between authors and thought leaders Freeman Michaels and Katherine Woodward Thomas on Cutting Edge Consciousness. http://www.youtube.com/v/PU8L6d0I9tY?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Read more from the original source: New Gender Identity with Katherine Woodward Thomas


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New Gender Identity with Katherine Woodward Thomas

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow: Justin Bieber Haircut Huge News Story

Justin Bieber got his haricut, most of the free world knows that by now. Some of his fans don’t like it and he even lost followers on Twitter, which most of the free world knows, too. And the media has done umpteen stories on it, which most of the free world knew would happen. He went on ‘The Ellen Degeneres Show’ on Wed. Feb. 23 2011 to talk about it but the interview didn’t contain much that was news. Simply going to Google and writing ‘Justin Bieber haircut’ and clicking on ‘News’ brings up countless stories on the cutting of his hair. Even the high-brow ‘Globe and Mail’ in Canada did a story on it, the headline declaring Justin Bieber cuts his famous hair: Teens mourn around the world . Justin Bieber Haircut Gets Media Attention All Over World Mr. Bieber getting a haircut truly is getting attention over many parts of the world. The Times of India pointed out that the charity-conscious teenager is donating the chopped-off hair to be auctioned off for charity – he gave a box of it to Dengeneres to do just that – and quoted Beiber’s twitter about it Monday, the day he got it cut: “Yeah so it’s true… I got a little haircut… I like it,” Bieber had twittered his fans. “And we are giving all the hair cut to CHARITY to auction. Details coming soon.” Some media online sites decided that a ‘poll’ of fans would be a good idea, the L.A. Times thought so and so did MTVNews. In fact MTV had numerous stories on Bieber’s haircut, with headlines like Justin Bieber’s Haircut Recalls Joe Jonas’ Brush with Scissors , Has Justin Bieber Blown His Hair Dry For The Last Time? and Justin Bieber’s Haircut: Fans Weight In! . All three written by experienced reporter, Jocelyn Vena. Bieber Has Less Hair, More Youtube Views Canadians have a reputation for not liking the limelight but Bieber seems to. He is everywhere in the media and the haircut has only made him more visible. So why? Well, why not? He turns 17 on March 1 2011 and might have been looking to find a way to mark new found maturity. He told Degeneres that he wasn’t concerned about how anyone would react and that he figures fans who don’t like it will get over it. He likely knew the storm of media attention that would follow the cutting of his hair. And it really does seem as if everyone did a story: The New York Times, Reuters, The Guardian, TMZ, The Toronto Sun, the Hollywood Reporter, People Magazine, The Huffington Post, USA Today, The San Francisco Chronicle, SodaHead News (?) and yes, even CNN. Whoopi Goldberg, Suite 101 and Justin Bieber’s Haircut That’s just a tip of the iceberg, or perhaps a lock of the hair, for there are many, many more (even Whoopi Goldberg weighed in – she doesn’t like it). And what about us? Suite 101? Did we do a story on Justin Bieber’s haircut? Darn right we did!

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Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow: Justin Bieber Haircut Huge News Story

Anne Francis death at 80

With a distinctive beauty mark below her lower right lip, Anne Francis, though never a top-ranking star, always had her devoted cult followers. Among her better-known movies were Bad Day at Black Rock, Blackboard Jungle, Don#39;t Go Near the Water and Funny Girl, though in that last picture she claimed her best scenes ended up on the cutting-room floor. She played a Ziegfeld Girl gal pal of headliner Fanny Brice, played by Barbra Streisand. Anne Francis, a sweet-voiced honey blonde who starred

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Anne Francis death at 80

Picture of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

The pop star Justin Bieber, 16, and Disney actress Selena Gomez, 18, have been seen arm in arm on several occasions over the past few months, but have been coy about their relationship status. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, who#39;ve been downplaying rumors of romance, certainly look cozy together – kissing and cuddling – in new photos from St. Lucia in the Caribbean. “We just like to hang out. They shouldn#39;t be stopping us from going out to dinner and things like that,” Gomez told PEOPLE

Picture of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

Jennie Finch’s Gold Medal Winning Body

I doubt that many of you guys will recognize this Jennie Finch chick, some of you ladies might, she’s a retired olympic gold medal winning ladies softball pitcher. Anyone? Anyhow, here she is at some movie premiere the other night wearing her gold medal around her neck so that people will hopefully figure out who she is and let her in. That kinda sucks. That’s like me showing up holding my laptop with mother cutting the crusts off my peanut butter and ham sandwiches behind me so that people know that I’m a celebrity blogger. Lame.

Heidi Klum Bikini Pictures

Here’s supermodel Heidi Klum struggling through her terribly rough life on a giant yacht wearing a little black bikini. She still looks good for a mother of twelve or whatever it’s up to now, I’d let her take me out for beers. There were a few more shots of her relaxing, but they all involve either a big black dude with really bad skin or a bunch of little kids in life jackets and I felt that that would ruin the whole vibe of this post, so I left them on the cutting room floor. I’m sure you all understand.

New Michael Jackson Video Game for Xmas

Filed under: Michael Jackson , Music Michael Jackson is still on the cutting edge of technology — TMZ has learned the King of Pop is set to star in a new revolutionary video game … and the people in charge of MJ’s estate are totally on board. The game — currently untitled — will… Read more

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New Michael Jackson Video Game for Xmas

Who’s That Girl Lady?

Helllooo 90s! Nicole Richie looked less like a mother of two and soon-to-be wife, and more “I’m going to the mall” in a printed tunic and jean shorts. The star spent the day with Tobey Maguire’s wife Jennifer Meyer , who looked a little old school herself in a ruffled baby doll dress. These two gals are typically on the cutting edge of fashion. So we’re guessing we just missed the memo.

Who’s That Girl Lady?