It's no secret that Amber Portwood has had a rough life. We've been seeing snippets of it for years on Teen Mom OG. She's dealt with drug addiction, mental illness, abusive relationships (from both sides). She's even gone to prison. Yep, she's definitely been through some things, you know? Including, after giving birth to her second child earlier this year, postpartum depression so severe that she nearly committed suicide. 1. What a Ride Poor Amber, right? Well, sometimes. 2. What a Tragedy Amber sure has been through a lot, including the deaths of her little sister and her father. She also struggles with being bipolar and having borderline personality disorder. 3. Wow She’s also assaulted her ex-boyfriend, Gary Shirley, at least once in front of their daughter, Leah. 4. Yikes That assault led her to be sentenced to five years in prison. Well, that and drugs. 5. Double Yikes After serving a portion of her sentence, she was released, and she really seemed to have changed a lot. Then Matt Baier creeped his way into her life, and things were bad for a couple of years again. 6. Thank God She miraculously realized just how big a creep he was, and last year she kicked him to the curb after they filmed Marriage Boot Camp together. View Slideshow
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Amber Portwood: I Almost Killed Myself After Having My Baby!