Tag Archives: developer

California Ice Age Fossils discovered picture

California Ice Age Fossils up to 200,000 years old were discovered at a construction site in Carlsbad, Calif., where more than 600 houses are set to be built. Construction workers preparing a site for new homes in Southern California have unearthed Ice Age fossils, including those of prehistoric bison, ancient mammoths, horses and turtles. The project supervisor for the developer of the site, which is destined to feature hundreds of new homes, says the company has halted work to allow paleont

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California Ice Age Fossils discovered picture

RIM previews Blackberry 10, we want your thoughts


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The world of RIM and Blackberry is all shook up at the moment with their announcement of Blackberry 10 and their developer alpha device. We don’t really talk much about Blackberry around these parts but you can get all the details from our sister site SlashGear, as they had plenty of coverage. After seeing the … Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Android Community Discovery Date : 01/05/2012 15:45 Number of articles : 3

RIM previews Blackberry 10, we want your thoughts

RIM previews Blackberry 10, we want your thoughts


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The world of RIM and Blackberry is all shook up at the moment with their announcement of Blackberry 10 and their developer alpha device. We don’t really talk much about Blackberry around these parts but you can get all the details from our sister site SlashGear, as they had plenty of coverage. After seeing the … Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Android Community Discovery Date : 01/05/2012 15:45 Number of articles : 3

RIM previews Blackberry 10, we want your thoughts

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance to be revealed 30th April 2012


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Heads up gamers, if you’ve been looking forward to Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, you will be pleased to learn that Kojima Productions is gearing up for a reveal come 30th April 2012 which will take place on a Monday. This was revealed in a mini trailer that the developer released, featuring some live-action clips ending with the tagline “Make it Right” along with the 4.30.2012 date and the URL to… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : übergizmo Discovery Date : 26/04/2012 01:03 Number of articles : 2

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance to be revealed 30th April 2012

Google Video About SEO Mistakes


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Yesterday Google uploaded a new video to their YouTube Channel about the common mistakes in SEO by Maile Ohye, a Developer Programs Tech Lead, which following on from the potential changes to the Google algorithm to counter over optimised websites was an interesting connection. However, as with all announcements related to search engine optimisation from Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : B2C Marketing Insider Discovery Date : 20/03/2012 04:00 Number of articles : 2

Google Video About SEO Mistakes

Developer Gets Android 4.0 Up and Booting On The Amazon Kindle Fire [Video]


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This is the moment many brand new Kindle Fire owners have been waiting for. The day a developer would successfully port Android 4.0 to the affordable little tablet. I don’t have many details regarding the developer, G1011999‘s work (will update the post once I dig around a bit), we can see Ice Cream Sandwich is Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Android Phone Fans Discovery Date : 06/12/2011 20:36 Number of articles : 3

Developer Gets Android 4.0 Up and Booting On The Amazon Kindle Fire [Video]

Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand Hits PS3 Today


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Back to Karkland lands today on PS3! One week early on Playstation 3! Nice to see EA show us some love. This is what the developer had to say. If you are a Battlefield 3 Limited Edition owner, you are entitled to this entire expansion pack at no extra charge and you can get it Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : PS3Blog.net Discovery Date : 06/12/2011 09:49 Number of articles : 2

Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand Hits PS3 Today

Watch This: The Incredible ‘Dead Island’ Video Game Trailer


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Beautiful. Sublime. Stunning. These are not usually words I usually associate with video game trailers (though there are exceptions [1]), but they could all be used to describe the newest trailer for Dead Island. Techland is the developer behind the game, but it’s had a pretty rough history; it was originally supposed to be released way back in 2008 on PC and on Xbox 360. Nonetheless, you can bet people… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : /Film Discovery Date : 16/02/2011 22:50 Number of articles : 3

Watch This: The Incredible ‘Dead Island’ Video Game Trailer

CNN’s Feyerick Plays Hardball With Ground Zero Mosque Developer

On Wednesday’s Newsroom, CNN correspondent Deborah Feyerick refreshingly asked the developer behind the planned mosque near Ground Zero many hard questions. Feyerick bluntly asked Sharif el-Gamel, “Why not have a prayer space for Buddhists or Jews or Christians… why must it be Muslim? ” The correspondent even brought up how one of the landing gear of one of the planes ended up on the site of the planned mosque . Feyrick conducted her hardball interview of el-Gamel at his New York City office. The CNN correspondent almost immediately launched into her prayer space question. When the real estate developer initially replied, “There are Jewish community centers all over the country,” Feyerick interrupted with a sharp retort: ” But the Jews didn’t take down two towers .” El-Gamel continued that “there are YMCA’s all over the country,” but she gave a similar reply: ” But the Christians didn’t take down two towers .” The journalist followed up with the issue of the planned mosque’s proximity to the Ground Zero and mentioned the plane wreckage that ended up on the site: ” For those who are so- still sensitive and so raw to this, their question- their overriding question is, why here? Why so close? It’s two blocks, but it was close enough that landing gear ended up on the roof. Why? ” Later in the segment, Feyerick mentioned the recent confrontational zoning meeting where supporters and opponents of the mosque faced off and quoted from one of the opponents who used a historical parallel: ” Coming out of that hearing, somebody said, ‘The Japanese would never have dared to build on Pearl Harbor.’ What makes this different? ” Towards the end of the segment, the CNN correspondent asked el-Gamel if he planned to make sure Islamic extremism stays out of the “Islamic community center” and if they would reject funding from Islamist sources: “Can you guarantee that this center will r oot out extremism or completely reject any extremists that try to get into it?…Will you reject any money that comes…from any person, any country, any organization… that has any links to terrorism ? Will you be doing due diligence ?” In her final question, Feyerick asked the developer to directly address a key claim by the opponents of the mosque: ” For those who would say, this is not an olive branch to greater understanding, this is more an act of defiance- how would you answer those people? ” The full transcript of correspondent Deborah Feyerich’s interview of Sharif el-Gamel, which aired 47 minutes into the 12 pm Eastern hour of Wednesday’s Newsroom program: FREDERICKA WHITFIELD: Some say plans to build an Islamic center and mosque near 9/11’s Ground Zero disrespects the victims of the attacks. Others say that attitude is bigoted and intolerant. CNN’s Deborah Feyerick spoke with the developer of the project to get his thoughts. DEBORAH FEYERICK: This is where you sort of conceived of the idea? SHARIF EL-GAMEL, SOHO PROPERTIES: Yes, it is. FEYERICK (voice-over): Meet New York real estate developer Sharif el-Gamel, the man at the center of a controversial plan a stone’s throw from the World Trade Center site. EL-GAMEL: This is an Muslim-led project. This is an Islamic community center that will cater to all of New York. There’s gym and basketball courts. FEYERICK: Plans include a performing arts center, swimming pool, child care facilities, and yes, a Muslim prayer space two blocks from the worst terror attack in U.S. history. FEYERICK (on-camera): Why not have a prayer space for Buddhists or Jews or Christians or- why must it be Muslim? It can’t just be a business decision. EL-GAMEL: There are Jewish community centers all over the country. There are Y- FEYERICK: But the Jews didn’t take down two towers. EL-GAMEL: There are YMCA’s all over the country- FEYERICK: But the Christians didn’t take down two towers. EL-GAMEL: And this is- and this is a need that exists. FEYERICK: For those who are so- still sensitive and so raw to this, their question- their overriding question is, why here? Why so close? It’s two blocks, but it was close enough that landing gear ended up on the roof. Why? EL-GAMEL: There is a need. It’s supply and demand. The community wants it. The politicians are supporting it. FEYERICK (voice-over): Maybe, but many who attended a town hall meeting recently were dead set against it. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Have we forgotten what happened at 9/11? EL-GAMEL: What happened that day is not Islam. What happened that day is terrorism. FEYERICK (on-camera): Coming out of that hearing, somebody said, ‘The Japanese would never have dared to build on Pearl Harbor.’ What makes this different? EL-GAMEL: If you were at that hearing the way that I was at that hearing, you come out understanding that there is a great need for dialogue now. FEYERICK (voice-over): El-Gamel says many people don’t understand Islam. But does that make it Islamophobia? EL-GAMEL: One hundred percent. FEYERICK (on-camera): Why? EL-GAMEL: Because the moderate voice of Islam is not coming out. FEYERICK: Can you guarantee that this center will root out extremism or completely reject any extremists that try to get into it? EL-GAMEL: One hundred percent- we will not tolerate extremism. We will not tolerate extremism. FEYERICK (voice-over): And yet, critics say the religious leader, Iman Faisal Abdul Rauf, has links to groups that support terror. EL-GAMEL: Imam Faisal is one of the most moderate Muslims that exists in this country today. FEYERICK (on-camera): Will you reject any money that comes, either directly or indirectly, from any person, any country, any organization, any corporation, that has any links to terrorism? Will you be doing due diligence? EL-GAMEL: We are going to be doing extreme due diligence, and we are going to hire the best security experts in the country to help us walk through the process, and we plan on being very transparent throughout the whole process. FEYERICK: For those who would say, this is not an olive branch to greater understanding, this is more an act of defiance- how would you answer those people? EL-GAMEL: This is an olive branch. FEYERICK: El-Gamel points out there are more than a million Muslims in the tri-state area, and that the American Muslim consumer spends nearly $200 billion a year. So, when he talks about this center as a business, it certainly is that. He also says he wants his two young daughters to have a place where they can feel a sense of cultural and religious pride and belonging- where everyone can learn and share in the mainstream Muslim experience. Deborah Feyerick, CNN, New York.

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CNN’s Feyerick Plays Hardball With Ground Zero Mosque Developer

F.E.A.R. 3 Confirmed, Monolith No Longer Involved

Alma is back for another round of first-person horror with F.E.A.R. 3 from Day 1 Studios and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC later this fall. Day 1 Studios, you ask? Original developer Monolith, owned by Warner Bros., does not appear to be developing the third installment. Day 1 Studios, the developer of MechAssault and most recently Fracture , is not new to the series, however; they ported F.E.A.R. to Xbox 360 and PS3. Monolith has not totally disappeared from the picture, though. The press release states the studio is a collaborative partner with Day 1 Studios. 3. Day 1 Studios is the one calling the shots. Perhaps most interestingly, Warner Bros. has enlisted the help of legendary horror director John Carpenter ( Halloween, They Live ) and Steve Niles ( 30 Days of Night ) to oversee the horror aspects. In addition to the return of Alma, F.E.A.R. 3 will introduce “divergent co-op,” where each character has distinctly different abilities. These abilities don’t just affect the enemy in front of you, either, apparently. Each co-op partner will have abilities that affect their co-op partner. The co-op characters available are Point Man, “a genetically enhanced super soldier originally introduced in F.E.A.R. ,” and his brother, Paxton Fettel, a dead man with telekenetic powers. F.E.A.R. 3