Tag Archives: discussing-how

Kendall Jenner – No Bra – Cuz Bras are Lame of the Day

At least one person emailed me these pictures of Kendall Jenner is a see through enough dress, not wearing a bra, rocking some nipples, because she’s a girl and that’s how tits work… Which means at least one person gives a fuck about Kendall Jenner and thinks she’s hot and follows her every move / publicity stunt…. Despite having seen her tits, or her publicly doing media discussing how she doesn’t want to wear a bra anymore – because little tits don’t need a bra – especially not in this hipster era of no one wearing bras… This isn’t a Social Justice play – or innovative – it’s not even exciting – but at least one person liked it enough to send it into me…and I always encourage emails – it makes me think I still exist on the internet…when we all know I don’t….all thanks to people like Kendall and her gang of money making con artists and their scam brands buy into – acting like she is the face or representation of a generation – instead of just some rich kid from a slutty family with no morals or values.. The only thing good about this is that it encourages vapid young and dumb girls to follow her lead – which are tits I haven’t seen yet but am glad to see in the park and on the street everywhere… The post Kendall Jenner – No Bra – Cuz Bras are Lame of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kendall Jenner – No Bra – Cuz Bras are Lame of the Day

3 Lessons Bristol Palin Can Learn From Her Email Pen Pal Kate Gosselin

Congrats to Dancing with the Stars newcomer Bristol Palin and DWTS veteran Kate Gosselin, who’ve apparently struck up a mentor-protege relationship over email . Of course. Can’t you picture Bristol cutely misspelling words and discussing how uncomfortable she gets when her dad brings her friends on the Skidoo, like she’s in a backwoods version of Beverly Cleary’s Dear Mr. Henshaw ? At any rate, Palin will begin her stint on DWTS next week, and if you recall, Kate Gosselin once appeared on the same program. If Gosselin’s going to matriculate young Palin, we hope she imparts the following pearls of pseudo-wisdom.

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3 Lessons Bristol Palin Can Learn From Her Email Pen Pal Kate Gosselin

Glenn Beck and Malia Obama

Glenn Beck later released a statement apologizing: “In discussing how President Obama uses children to shield himself from criticism, I broke my own rule about leaving kids out of political debates. The children of public figures should be left on the sidelines. It was a stupid mistake and I apologize–and as a dad I should have known better.” Glenn Beck is not afraid of giving or receiving criticism, but he#39;s always made very clear that he feels children are not fair game in the political p

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Glenn Beck and Malia Obama

Glenn Beck mocks Obama’s daughter / uneducated – hates black people(obamas not beck)

May 28, 2010 11:13 am ET by Simon Maloy Glenn Beck, who repeatedly and angrily tells his alleged persecutors to “leave the families alone,” spent a good chunk of his radio program this morning mocking and attacking the intelligence of President Obama's 11-year-old daughter, Malia. Obama remarked yesterday during his press conference that Malia asked him of the Gulf oil spill: “Did you plug the hole yet, Daddy?” Beck, taking off on this, mockingly affected Malia's voice, asking “Daddy” why he “hates black people so much.” Then Beck attacked Malia's intelligence, saying: “That's the level of their education, that they're coming to — they're coming to Daddy and saying, 'Daddy, did you plug the hole yet?' ” This routine continued for several minutes, as Beck and his co-hosts touched on a variety of topics and laughed the entire time, all of it at the expense of an 11-year-old girl. Update – Glen Beck apologizes In discussing how President Obama uses children to shield himself from criticism, I broke my own rule about leaving kids out of political debates. The children of public figures should be left on the sidelines. It was a stupid mistake and I apologize–and as a dad I should have known better. http://mediamatters.org/blog/201005280025 added by: Stoneyroad

Ashley Greene Says Eclipse Will Be "Guy Friendly"

Ashley Greene says third film in Twilight series will be “more guy friendly”. The actress has said that the director of the vampire saga intends to include more action in the third installment of the movie series. Director David Slade is reportedly taking Eclipse , in a darker direction

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Ashley Greene Says Eclipse Will Be "Guy Friendly"