Thanks to a paparazzi with a zoom lens, here’s a behind-the-scenes look at what I’m assuming is the next Victoria’s Secret commercial. Unless these girls normally hang out on balconies in lingerie and giant angel wings, and for the sake of my fantasies, I’m not ruling that one out just yet. Either way, enjoy these shots of Karlie Kloss , Alessandra Ambrosio , Adriana Lima , Lily Aldridge , and Maryna Linchuk . But next time the paps want to sneak behind-the-scenes shots, I’d prefer if they did it in the dressing rooms. » view all 25 photos Photos:
Lindsay Lohan Says She Will Never Drink Again Either her 9,785 rehab stint FINALLY worked, or Hollyweird wild child Lindsay Lohan is just babbling to hear herself talk, because she says she’s a bottle-hugger no more. via THG Lindsay Lohan is determined to live alcohol-free. Like forever. The actress, who just got out of rehab but was warned by her doctors and a judge to stick with treatment or face certain failure, is apparently taking that advice. So committed is LiLo to her sobriety that she will insist hotel rooms, dressing rooms and even her mom’s home are dry when she comes for a visit. Dina Lohan’s house, alcohol free? That will be a tall order, but she checked into the Beverly Hills Hotel this week and did just as described above. Same goes for her guest stint on Chelsea Lately last week. She insisted her dressing room contain only non-alcoholic drinks before her gig on E! Lindsay also plans to travel with a “sober coach” for at least the next week. We’ll see how long this one holds up. In all fairness, it makes a world of difference to have people around you who have your best interest in mind so her crew making sure her dressing rooms, hotels rooms, etc. are actually free of alcohol will play a big part in Lindsay sticking to this proclamation. Continue reading →
Now this is how you do a photoshoot with a hottie like Barbara Palvin , you get her in lingerie. See Terry Richardson ? Anyway, I’m told these shots are from behind the scenes at Barbara’s recent shoot for Intimissimi. Just once though I wish these “behind the scenes” pictures would stop focusing on models getting their makeup done and take us somewhere we really want to see, the place where all the magic happens: their dressing rooms. » view all 12 photos
Kendra Spears is engaged to a prince and will soon become royalty. But Beyonce already is royalty and – according to a report in The Daily Star – she therefore has a few demands while performing the Mrs. Carter Show abroad. A source tells that publication that Beyonce is “extremely regimented and is taking everything extremely seriously, so she expects her list of demands to be adhered to.” Among those alleged demands: No junk food. Her crew can only wear clothes made 100% from cotton. The use of titanium straws to drink a special alkaline water served at exactly 21 degrees. Red toilet paper. Freshly painted white walls in her dressing room. Also, a new toilet seat. The salad bar must only be comprised of green items. Beyonce is performing this week in London at the famous O2 Arena. Hence, London residents, why there is a lack of red toilet paper at your local convenience store.
If you are into some skinny goodness here is Ashley Greene at the Nylon Magazine August Issue party. I don’t think there is an ounce of fat on her. I wonder if the girl ever eats? Don’t worry, I’m not complaining. That would go against everything I stand for. Anyway, I’d love to take Ashley out for a delicious iceberg lettuce salad. Hold the dressing.
My name is Shantal. I’m from Connecticut, so my cousin Kasey and I decided to camp outside of the Today Show to see Justin perform . Throughout the week, my friends we’re trying to trend #BiebsMeetShantal , which I didn’t know the reason as of why, but it trended #1 worldwide on Tuesday. Nothing had happened during the trend, so on Thursday I went down to NYC with Kasey and my mom. We made amazing friends in line, and we had heard that Justin was at the Trump Hotel in SoHo, so we had left (without permission) and took a subway to SoHo. We had no luck, but on our way back we had learned Justin had driven by, greeting fans. We were all hurt we missed our probably only chance to get close to Justin. I told my parents we were chasing his car, and so we avoided the trouble of leaving. So time went by and apparently the same friends who has trended #BiebsMeetShantal, began to trend #BiebsMeetShantalAtTheTodayShow and it was #1 worldwide again. Nothing had happened, and then it was around 11:55pm when I had received a direct message from Scooter Braun saying: “See u tomorrow.” I began to hastily direct message him back wondering what he had meant. I had gotten no response so I turned my phone off, and I turned it back on, I had seen a direct message from Kenny, asking for my number and telling me to meet him at 30 Rock at 6:30AM for an arrangement. I literally began flipping out, hyperventilating and just completely fangirling. At around 5:30, they began to let people into the show. I began to get nervous, because I didn’t want to be stuck inside the barricades when I have to meet Kenny. I was on the verge of crying at this point, because I was so confused as of what was happening. I was frantically messaging Kenny, trying to find out what was going on. Finally, I had received a call on where to go, and who to meet there. I met a guy Joe who took me into RockerFeller Plaza, downstairs to where Justin’s entire crew’s dressing room would be. We waited and we had met Kenny, Scrappy, DJ Tay James, Alfredo, and a few of the dancers, even Big Sean! Finally, I saw Justin coming through the door on my left, and I literally froze. He was past us when we finally decided to say Hi, and he gave us a peace sign before going into his dressing room. We waited around a bit, and Scooter came over to us, and we talked to him for a while, and he told us that Justin hates when he tucks his shirt into his pants, so Scooter tucked in his shirt and Justin called him a cowboy . After like 20 minutes Justin came running out of his dressing room with his microphone in and everything and was like, “HEY GUYS!” and we were like, “Hi Justin!” and he gave us a hug and told us he had to do soundcheck and he’d be down to hangout and take pictures after. We agreed and he started to walk away with Big Sean and Justin turned around and was like, “Aren’t you guys coming?” and we’re like “What?” and he’s like “Come on! Walk with us!” We couldn’t believe it, so we went after him and walked up the stairs with him and the crew, like an entourage. We reached the top of the stairs and honestly the room erupted into screams as we walked out the doors. Kenny handed us our passes and put us right next to the stage with the entire crew! Big Sean and his security were right next to us, and we wished him luck, he was honestly so nice. We watched Justin perform ‘Boyfriend’, ‘Baby’, and ‘As Long As You Love Me’. He got off stage for ‘All Around The World’ and let the dancers perform while he went back downstairs. Kenny told us to follow him and so we went downstairs. We talked to Scooter again, and he asked us how we were enjoying the show, and we we’re like, “It’s unreal.” Then Alfredo came over and was like, “It’s crazy up there,” and we talked to him, and then out of nowhere, Justin appeared behind Alfredo and was like play-choking him, and me and my cousin literally jumped against the wall, he scared us. Justin saw us and then copied us, going against the wall like us, and was like, “So I guess we’re gonna chill here right? And we all laughed. We were like thanking him for taking time to meet us. He would always smile at us, and was so genuinely happy. He asked us why we didn’t say Hi when he walked in and we were like, “You were the one who didn’t say hi!” and he was like “NO NO NO I SAID HI.” and we were like “LIES,” and Alfredo pointed at Justin’s bandana like you have this thing on bro, they can’t hear you. We we’re all joking around with each other. I asked him how his eyebrow was and he was showing us how it wouldn’t move, and I was moving one of my eyebrows mimicking him, and he was like, “Stop you’re faking it, you’re making fun of me.” He’s just so normal around his fans. We took pictures on his phone, we made thug faces in one picture , and it was funny because my cousin was like, “Let’s do thug faces,” which is a serious face, and he just knew. He laughed at it though, he was like “Thug faces haahhaahahahahah.” We continued talking for like 15 minutes, and I had told him about this awesome t-shirt design my friend had made, and I wanted to show him, but I didn’t have it on my phone. He had put his arm around me and was like, “Stay in school and I’ll design my own clothes, how about that?” and I was like “Fine I guess,” and then he gave me a huge kiss on the cheek and my face dropped. I couldn’t stop smiling. Afterwords we took a bunch of pictures, and Justin seemed upset he had to go perform. He gave us one last hug and told us he’d see us when he performs, and we were led outside to a spot near the stage. We watched Justin perform AGAIN, and honestly, it was amazing to see Justin give his all on stage. It was the best day of my entire life. Thank you so much Kenny and Scooter for setting this up, and thank you Justin for taking the time out of your hectic day for us! We love you! -@ BieberSergeant Link: My name is Shantal. I’m from Connecticut, so my cousin…
I first saw Justin play at a local mall in September of 2009. Since 2007, I have always followed him on Youtube and also when he created Twitter. I am currently living with a life threatening heart condition known as Uhl’s Anomaly and I am awaiting a transplant. Since I was just 9 years old, now 19, I always contemplated the idea of a wish from the Make A Wish of America Foundation. I changed my mind a billion times, plus times for the past ten years and just couldn’t settle on one. Finally at the beginning of last year, I settled on a wish. My wish was to meet Justin Bieber. Make-a-Wish flew my family and I out to Cincinnati, Ohio. The day finally arrived. The day of, we were driven by limo to the concert venue. We were brought backstage into his dressing room for a private meet and greet. I waited in the hallway for him to arrive more excited than I had ever been. I saw him walking towards me and couldn’t barely hold in the excitement. After he introduced himself, he invited us into his dressing room. While in there, he pulled out my chair and one for himself to sit next to me. We sat and talked for a while and I couldn’t stop smiling. He noticed my phone in my hand and asked if I would like to take a picture with it. Of course I said yes. Then we took pictures for a little while. I looked over and saw Sean Kingston sitting on the other couch. I couldn’t believe he was there too. Justin called him over and we all took pictures together. It was amazing. After signing some magazines and such for me, just as we were about to leave Justin told me to wait because he had a gift for me. He brought over a really big box. He opened it for me and inside was a brand new Epiphone guitar, which was an exact replica of the one he uses on tour. He signed my name with a heart and under it he wrote, “Never say Never” and also autographed it. He handed it to me and said never stop playing. We ended up taking some more pictures with the guitar. I was more excited because when taking the pictures, his arm was around me. I felt so special. This Make A Wish trip and thanks to Justin, for one day, I wasnt thinking about health issues or anything that was wrong. I was just happy. Ever since he wrote Never Say Never on my guitar, I live by it every day. I even have gone so far as getting it tattooed on my leg. Justin changed my life. What was really amazing about this whole experience was that I was his FIRST EVER Make A Wish kid. That made it even more special. Justin is such an inspiration to so many people, including myself. Now I’ll end it with this: I once finally got him to RT a quote I sent him on Twitter. He then became one of my followers. However, a few months later I was trying to direct message him and accidently blocked him instead. This removed him from my followers. So since, I have been trying to get him to follow me again. Luckily, I did. A few days ago he became a new follower of mine. I just want to say thank you to Justin for everything he has done and giving me something positive in my life at this time. He truly helps me through alot. I am currently in the hospital waiting for transplant and I even have a cardboard cut out of him in my room, along with posters and such. Thank you Justin, -@itskaylakelly Go here to read the rest: I first saw Justin play at a local mall in September of 2009….
Back in 2010 was the start of the best weekend of my life. Not only was I was going to meet the one and only Justin Bieber, but I was also going to meet my best friends that I made on Twitter , I was super excited about this. I was going to the concert and meet and greets for Miami 12-18-10 and in Tampa also 12-19-10. The day goes by, I meet my friends and gave one of them the news that she was going to meet Justin with me because she hadn’t met him before, she started crying as I told her I had picked her. Lol. The time arrives and we get to the American Airlines Arena, we pick up our meet and greet wristbands and go stand in line to meet Justin. Our time comes and we get lucky enough to have our solo picture with Justin. My friend walked up to him and basically tackled him ha-ha, I walked up to him, turned around and said, “Look Justin” (I was showing him my tattoo of him) Justin said, “What is that?” *He walks up closer to see clearly* I said, “It says NEVER SAY NEVER and OLLG at the bottom. Justin just stared at it and pointed to Kenny, who came closer and asks, “Wait what does it say?”So he reads it and starts saying how awesome my tattoo is. I look back at Justin and he goes, “Is it real?” I told him, “Yes of course it’s real!” and Justin backs away from me with a smile on his face and starts screaming ‘SWAGGER’ in the meet and greet room! Kenny and I were cracking up haha, so Justin put his arm around my friend and hugs me with the other one (while Justin just kept on saying about my tattoo: that’s amazing, that’s awesome, that’s amazing). We took the picture, I give him another hug and I walked away saying my goodbyes. Justin said, “Wait wait!..” I turned around and looked at him. He said, “What if you ever stop liking me?” I looked at him and said, “That’s never going to happen.” He did that smile that we all melt for and said “nah?” “Nope” and started laughing. Justin and I fist pumped so I was walking away and Kenny goes, “Hey! It was very nice meeting you”, I answered, “Same here Kenny! See ya at the show!” Later on, the show started, songs played, screams are all over the place. Then all of a sudden, I see Alfredo Flores walking up my way. I stop him and said, “LOOK AT MY TATTOO!” He looked at it and told me, “I’m going to take a picture of it”, I turned around and he takes the picture, he shows it to me to make sure I’m cool with it, I said yeah it’s fine, and the he says, ”I’m going to show it to Justin” . At this point, I couldn’t BELIEBE what was happening to me. It was the time of the show where Justin turns on the lights to point out everyone he sees in the audience. I started jumping up and down pointing at my tattoo in hope of him seeing me, he did! Justin points at me and says, “I SEE YOU TATTOO GIRL”! *eekkkkk* The rest of the night my friends and I enjoyed the concert to the fullest. We got home and waited for the next day to do it all again in Tampa, FL. So the next day, we get to Tampa. As I’m in the meet & greet line, I walk into the room where Justin is. Kenny signals my group to go in, and as soon as he saw me, Kenny says, “What?!?! What are you doing here?” I said, “I just got here from Miami!” Kenny looks at me with the biggest “Omg she’s dedicated” face. At this point Justin had finished greeting the other girls, so when it was my turn, Kenny taps Justin on his shoulder and tells him, “Look Justin, it’s tattoo girl from yesterday!” Justin now sees me, he gives me a hug and patting my tattoo says, “What are you doing here?, yea I remember you, Alfredo showed me your picture from yesterday!” At this point I was in heaven! Justin and the crew knew me and Kenny had named me “Tattoo Girl”. We took the picture, walked out and we head out to our seats. I saw Alfredo walking my way, I stopped him, and said, “Hey Fredo! I’m here also!” The show starts and we have a great time! With an occasional “Hi” and “What’s up!” from Kenny as he walked around our section! Thank you Justin and the team for being there for us all the time and for everything that you do!!!! -Steff aka Tattoo Girl -@ollgbelieber Go here to see the original: Back in 2010 was the start of the best weekend of my life. Not…
As big as Beyonce ‘s revelation at the VMAs may have been for the stans, MTV’s ratings and Hip-Hop as a whole, you know our excitement can’t begin to compare to what Mr. and Mrs. Knowles-Carter were feeling. The super-happy Bey and Jay you saw on-screen were probably still holding it in a little. But that all changed backstage. When Beyoncé returned backstage to her dressing room, she was greeted by a team of people who enveloped the visibly happy star with hugs, cheers and congratulations. “I’m free!” she said to one of the well-wishers, indicating that she and Jay are thrilled to not have to keep such a big secret any longer. “We’re all free!” she said to the group. A few minutes after her arrival backstage, she was joined by her husband, a very excited West (whose first words upon entering the dressing-room area were “Where is Beyoncé?” as if he could not wait to give B a huge hug) and her former Destiny’s Child ladies, Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams. Even with the doors to their dressing rooms closed, the applause and whoops of joy could be heard everywhere backstage. “That was an eventful night, to say the least,” Jay, still smiling, said to some of the revelers in the hallway, who continued to shower him with congratulations and hugs. The couple reportedly thought about holding their happy news in a little longer, but according to one of her “friends,” Bey just couldn’t keep this one to herself anymore. She’s close to three months along,” an insider close to the music supercouple tells Us of the normally private star. “She wasn’t going to announce it but she is so excited she couldn’t hold it in.” And the first-time dad Jay-Z (real name: Shawn Carter), 41, is just as pumped. “Jay is ecstatic and over the moon,” the insider says. “He really wanted this so badly.” So far, the Grammy-winning duo haven’t found out the gender of their first child — and are keeping other details close to the vest. “They barely told anyone…They kept it really secret until they were sure,” the pal explains, “and now she simply couldn’t wait to tell the world!” The baby news does complicate their professional lives, though — shooting for Beyonce’s high-profile film project A Star Is Born has been delayed, while Jay-Z has a big-time tour to deal with. We don’t know how much weight to give this “source” though, because from looking at that belly, there’s no way Beyonce isn’t at least five months along. Plus, we KNOW Mama Tina wouldn’t let her be so public about a pregnancy before her first trimester was over. Click here for pics of Bey showing off her gut full of Hubby Hov last night. Source 1 Source 2