Tag Archives: during-the-cold

True cost of war much more than a staggering trillion dollars

The cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has surpassed one trillion dollars, according to the Congressional Budget Office. While this figure is staggering, a Libertarian presidential hopeful said that the real cost of these conflicts to our economy and our liberty is even more staggering. “One trillion dollars is an almost incomprehensible number, but what is even more incomprehensible is the fact that most of that cost is borrowed money,” said R. Lee Wrights, former Libertarian Party national vice chair and the editor and co-founder of Liberty for All, an online free speech magazine. “The federal government borrows about 43 cents of every dollar it spends, and then uses it to build schools, roads and hospitals in countries where we're partly responsible for destroying that infrastructure,” he said. “That's not only insane, it's immoral.” Wrights said that he is considering seeking the presidential nomination because he believes the Libertarian message in 2012 should be a loud and unequivocal call to stop all war. Wrights, 52, was born in Winston-Salem and lived in North Carolina most of his life. He now lives and works in Texas. “The Libertarian Party faces a critical test in 2012 and I want to make sure that we're up to the challenge,” Wrights said. “The Libertarian message in 2012 must be loud and clear – stop all wars! Stop the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, stop the war on drugs and alternative lifestyles, stop the war on civil liberties.” “When we first invaded Iraq we were told that the 'war would pay for itself' because Iraq had the oil resources,” Wrights said. He noted that Paul Wolfowitz, then assistant secretary of defense, told Congress in March 2003, “There's a lot of money to pay for this. It doesn't have to be U.S. taxpayer money. We are dealing with a country that can really finance its own reconstruction, and relatively soon.” “That hasn't happened. Instead, the federal government has simply printed or borrowed the money to rebuild what's been destroyed,” Wrights said. “Politicians are treating war spending like an open checkbook. As long as they have checks, they keep writing them without bothering to balance the account.” The 2010 military budget is $700 billion. In real terms, defense spending is more today than at any time during the Cold War, the Korean War, or the Vietnam War, according to Doug Bandow of the Cato Institute. “To justify its budget, the Defense Department said it was not enough to have a military capable of deterring or responding to aggression,” Wrights said. “Incredibly, defense officials actually claimed it was ‘vital’ the United States be ‘a force for good by engaging with and helping positively to shape the world.’” “Our founder's would be appalled,” Wrights said. “They predicted that war would be the most dreaded threat to our liberties. They told us that from war would proceed mean debt, taxes, fraud and degeneracy of morals. They warned us that no nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.” Wrights has pledged that 10 percent of all donations to his campaign will be spent for ballot access so that the stop all war message can be heard in all 50 states. http://www.examiner.com/libertarian-in-raleigh/true-cost-of-war-much-more-than-a… added by: shanklinmike

Sick Little Spoiled Bitches Abuse Dementia Patients for FUN

They weren't the swarthy perverts you'd expect them to be. They were the pretty girls, six high school friends from the farming hub of Albert Lea, Minnesota, who'd all found jobs at the Good Samaritan nursing home caring for patients with dementia… ​While nursing home work can be a painful experience in witnessing the final throes of life, the six girls were bored with the job. So they decided to liven it up by sexually abusing the patients. Brianna Broitzman admitted to police that she poked one patient in the breast. But her friends say she also spit in a resident's mouth, jabbed the boobs of other patients, and stuck her bare butt in a patient's face. Ashton Larson confessed that she'd stuck her finger up a patient's rectum. She would also get in bed with them and make humping motions, pat them on the butt and taunt them into getting angry by laughing at them. When the abuse first surfaced in 2008, the girls admitted they taunted and abused the residents in an attempt to make their work “fun.” All told, they're believed to have abused 15 patients. But the cops didn't think abusing people with dementia was fun; they merely thought it made you a sick little fuck. So the girls were hit with a slew of charges, ranging from assault to abuse of a vulnerable adult with sexual contact. Broitzman has taken an Alford plea, which basically means she admits she'd get drilled in court, but doesn't want to confess to being a degenerate. She'll be sentenced in October, but is expected to get less than a year in prison. Larson heads to trial next month. http://www.truecrimereport.com/2010/08/brianna_broitzman_ashton_larso.php added by: vixxxen618

Spying on Free Speech Nearly At Cold War Level

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) released numerous reports of increased government spying on American citizens. Once upon an unhappy time, U.S. law enforcement agencies, from the FBI to local police, had a history of political spying during the Cold War. The ACLU said that the old political spying tendencies are running high again. Individuals and groups are being monitored and harassed for “little more than peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights.” In Georgia, among seven spying reports the ACLU uncovered, a vegetarian activist was arrested for writing down the license plate of a Department of Homeland Security agent who had been photographing her and others during a peaceful protest outside a Honey Baked Ham store. An intelligence bulletin, from a DHS-supported North Central Texas Fusion System, was distributed to over 100 different agencies. It described a “purported conspiracy between Muslim civil rights organizations, lobbying groups, the anti-war movement, a former U.S. Congresswoman, the U.S. Treasury Department, and hip hop bands to spread tolerance in the U.S.” Once you unfortunately land on some kind of watchlist, it's unlikely you will ever have your name removed. One example was a Kentucky minister who had never been arrested, had never been charged with a crime, and had never participated in a protest. During a sightseeing trip, he was detained by Canadian border officials. The ministered learned he was under federal scrutiny because, immediately after September 11, he ordered books over the Internet about the Islamic religion, like the Koran, to help his congregation better understand that faith. Does this make you sick or does it make you mad? Does this even slightly sound like America, the land of the free? ********* Follow the link to see a more examples. added by: toyotabedzrock

America Turns on Aubrey O’Day of the Day

So Aubrey O’Day is getting some heat because she says that Castro is a brilliant man, which upsets Fox News because they are born to hate Castro and communism as it is against the American way or some shit, because during the Cold War, Castro allied with the Russians, because he knew America was going to try to take over his country and he didn’t want that. It is the same mentality that people have when they say “drive American cars”, when everyone knows American made cars are shit, but are just told to think that…..because I know the people of Fox News have never been to Cuba and have no idea first hand what Cuban life is like, but are full of shit… Truth is that most psychopaths, murderers and political leaders are geniuses, and calling Castro a murderer is like calling George W

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America Turns on Aubrey O’Day of the Day

Lawsuit seeks to block ‘In God We Trust’ engraving

“The nation’s largest group of atheists and agnostics filed a lawsuit Tuesday seeking to block an architect from engraving “In God We Trust” and the Pledge of Allegiance at the Capitol Visitor Center in Washington. The Madison-based Freedom From Religion Foundation’s lawsuit, filed in U.S.

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Lawsuit seeks to block ‘In God We Trust’ engraving