Tag Archives: enquirer

Barack Obama Cheating Scandal Alleged; Vera Baker Denies Affair with President

Has President Barack Obama been having an affair with Vera Baker? That’s the shocking allegation made by the National Enquirer in this week’s edition. The publication claims Obama and Baker, a former campaign aide, holed up at Washington, D.C. hotel, and a “security video” could expose everything! Baker, now 35, worked tirelessly to get Obama elected to the U.S. Senate, raising millions in campaign contributions, in 2004. They grew close since. While Vera Baker insists that “nothing happened” between them, the Enquirer says anti-Obama “operatives” are digging hard into the alleged affair. Some are reportedly offering $1 million for information confirming it. Did Barack Obama and Vera Baker have an affair? That’s the allegation of sources who claim the former aide is now his mistress – and claim there’s evidence out there. According to the celebrity gossip tabloid, a limo driver (anonymous of course) claims he drove Vera to a secret hotel rendezvous with the President. He says he drove Baker “from a friend’s home in the D.C. area to the Hotel George where I learned later that Obama would be spending the night.” The driver recalled that he “waited in the lobby while she went to change her outfit. But to the best of my knowledge she did not have a room at the hotel and she was not staying there so I thought that it was a bit odd.” He says he picked up Barack Obama at the airport and drove both he and Vera Baker to various locations while he was raising money . “About 10:30 p.m., I drove them to the hotel and they went in together! My services for the evening were done,” he notes, adding that “there was absolutely no indication she was going to leave the hotel that night.” The Enquirer says the driver’s account had been independently corroborated by investigators who believe the couple spent the night together there. It also claims “on-site hotel surveillance video camera footage could provide indisputable evidence … investigators are working to obtain the tape.” “If the tape surfaces, it will explode the scandal.” Okay, look . We don’t believe this for a second. There are so many holes, we don’t even know where to begin. When did the alleged cheating on Michelle Obama take place? Is there anything beyond them staying in the same building? That said, we have to admit, we thought the same of reports that John Edwards cheated on his wife with, knocked up and tried to pay off Rielle Hunter . Look how that turned out. Granted, the Enquirer had 10 times more details there. There’s a big difference between running for President and nailing some weird videographer and actually being President and having an affair … then again, we would have said the same of Bill Clinton’s Oval Office dalliances too. Basically, don’t believe the Obama tale without a ton more evidence … but don’t assume something like this can’t happen just because it’s the Prez.

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Barack Obama Cheating Scandal Alleged; Vera Baker Denies Affair with President

Pulitzer or Not, The Enquirer Will Soldier On [Tabloids]

The National Enquirer didn’t win a Pulitzer for its reporting on John Edwards ‘ baby mama drama. How’s tabloid coping with the defeat? Just after the results were announced, we dialed up Barry Levine , the Enquirer ‘s executive editor, to find out. More

Tiger Woods: In Rehab For Drugs, Not Sex?

Tiger Woods is hiding the real reason he returned to rehab, according to the National Enquirer , which alleges he’s in treatment for drugs, not sex addiction. THG NOTE: As ridiculous as this sounds, one most remember that: The Enquirer outed Tiger and Rachel Uchitel . That was true. The Enquirer is being considered for a Pulitzer Prize (no, really, they are) for coverage of the John Edwards- Rielle Hunter sex and love child scandal. According to the venerable celebrity news publication, Tiger has checked into The Meadows treatment center in Wickenburg, Ariz., to battle his addictions. To prescription medications. Woods made no mention of his drug habit in his 13-minute apology speech , and insiders say wife Elin refused to participate in his sex addiction therapy. We’ll see about that, but “In therapy, Tiger blamed a lot of his behavior on his drug addiction , saying drugs were responsible for impairing his judgment.” The golfer entered The Meadows after therapists who treated him for sex addiction at the Gentle Path program in Hattiesburg, Miss., recommended him. “After Gentle Path, Tiger flew to Arizona for hi interview at The Meadows, which is better equipped to handle rehab for drug addiction and depression.” While calling Tiger a drug addict may be sensationalistic, he was allegedly under the influence of medication when he crashed his car Thanksgiving night. He also liked to rail Rachel Uchitel on Ambien. Just saying.

Read the rest here:
Tiger Woods: In Rehab For Drugs, Not Sex?

Correction: Tiger Woods’ Wife Kicks His Ass

Whoops! Last night, everyone was pretty sure Tiger Woods ‘ ” Operation: Lovetap ” accident was followed by his wife smashing his car’s back window to save him . Looks now like she was doing it to bludgeon him

The rest is here:
Correction: Tiger Woods’ Wife Kicks His Ass

Poll: Miley Cyrus is the Worst Celebrity Influence in the World!

It’s official: Miley Cyrus has lot touch with her fan base. In a new AOL poll, the 16-year old singer was voted the worst celebrity influence of 2009. That’s saying A LOT, considering Jon Gosselin and Kanye West are still alive! Cyrus – whose attire and run through a myriad of boy toys over the last few months have raise red flags – received a whopping 42% of the vote

See original here:
Poll: Miley Cyrus is the Worst Celebrity Influence in the World!

Nicole Forrester: I Totally Banged Josh Duhamel While He Was Married to Fergie!

We’ve often debated whether or not Fergie was hot. Now, according to a report in The National Enquirer, it turns out her husband has done the same thing

Read the original post:
Nicole Forrester: I Totally Banged Josh Duhamel While He Was Married to Fergie!

Edwards speculation continues; birth certificate released

In the last 10 days, John Edwards has gone from potential vice-presidential candidate to punch line on late night comedy shows. It started when the National Enquirer reported Edwards fathered a child out of wedlock in the last year and paid the mother “hush money.” Continue reading