Tag Archives: erotic-enough

Ariel Winter’s Ass Again of the Day

Ariel Winter will have the last laugh if her fitness program ends up working and she ends up with her being a ripped, hot, toned, instagram fitness babe… But I am hopeful, that she’s just working out for show, it’s in her TV show contract, and that her genetics, that have produced not one set of MASSIVE tits but TWO, because she’s just that weirdly hormonal….I mean how many girls have tits that grow so intensely that she needs to chop them off, only for them to grow back in…not many…and that’s probably her actual talent. The whole acting thing is just because she’s thrown into it… Either way, here she is at the gym doing something erotic enough if you’re a pervert and have the ability to see eroticism is simple things like a girl mid squat jerking her arms up and down….like an asian rub and tub veteran who knows how to maximize her time…two dicks at a time. The Video: Here is her ass in shorts… The post Ariel Winter’s Ass Again of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Ariel Winter’s Ass Again of the Day

Miley Cyrus Dressed Like Elvis of the Day

Miley Cyrus went to an event dressed like Elvis…so instead of just being made fun of, she joined in the joke by posting a picture of her with Elvis, because this girl is a Social Media Master…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS OF MILEY AS ELVIS CLICK HERE I was more interested in the bloody inner thigh picture she posted, because I like to think of it as a miscarriage, because the idea of Miley reproducing is a fucking nightmare to me, so kill that fucker before it crawls out and pollutes the world… I guess I was also more interested at Bai Ling, who must be in her 50s now, who was invited to the same event, despite being Bai Ling, and one of the lowest profile people in the history of red carpets, including and not limited to your local furniture store’s new location opening…with red carpet to feel luxurious…she’s a fucking nobody….and nothing, but so was her shirt’s opacity…totally see through…making me mad she wore the pasties…she’s at a level of fame that should be no pasties mandatory… TO SEE THE RESET OF THE PICS OF BAI LING PASTIES CLICK HERE

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Miley Cyrus Dressed Like Elvis of the Day

Ashley Benson’s Workout of the Day

Ashley Benson is working out, and I like to think it has to do with me making fun of her calling her chubby… Her high level of fame, but limited level of opportunities to escape her Pretty Little Liars typecast, and move into actual substantial films, unless being the chubby girl in Spring Breakers who has a threesome with James Franco is breaking out of the mould, which I guess it is, but that would have been much better if she was 10 pounds lighter…. I mean she’s famous, she’s got money, she can afford a trainer and a cook to control her eating, there is no excuse for her to be out of shape other than lazy…anyway, it’s a new year, and it’s a perfect time for fitness… Sure I know she has no idea I exist, and my cyber bullying has nothing to do with her in this upside down, erotic enough stance…that I would take advantage of, seeing as she’s retrained, sweaty and ready to be brought to as close of an orgasm as possible, before pulling away and not letting her reach orgasm…because that’s how I punish women…But let me think my life matters more than it does…thanks.

Ashley Benson’s Workout of the Day

Chanel Iman’s Hot Shoot for Galore Magazine of the Day

Chanel Iman, who you may know from masturbating to a Victoria’s Secret catalog while trying to relive the 90s, a decade Chanel Iman was born in, is some 22 year old top model, who has been in a lot of magazines and fashions shows, exploited for her BLASIAN genetics since she was 12, and now posing hot for some Magazine called Galore, that I’ve never heard of, but that I am glad I have, because these pics are erotic enough for me, like the opening scene of a porn. No nudity, but enough sleaze to pre-mature ejaculate to, provided I didn’t have low testosterone from all the drinking. That’s all I have to say about that. To Read the Interview and See All the Pics Follow this Link

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Chanel Iman’s Hot Shoot for Galore Magazine of the Day

Camille Rowe Hot Photoshoot By Pam Hanson of the Day

Camille Rowe …is a lovely nude fashion model…who is probably only really lovely because she is willing to get nude for fashion model shoots…I guess since shit is better than working a real job…and if you’re gonna do it…you might as well go all the way with it…cuz there’s nothing worse than a model…who gets paid to look good…who has a no nudity clause in her fucking contract…like she was Megan Fox…cuz nudity….as far as I am concerned is the test of how much you want success… Camille Rowe wins. [gallery

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Camille Rowe Hot Photoshoot By Pam Hanson of the Day

Rihanna and Kate Moss Together in V Magazine of the Day

Here are two of my favorite girls I have never met, never will meet and don’t actually care about, in pictures for a fashion magazine…together and erotic enough for at least one person to masturbate to…but that’s not the point of these pictures…this is supposed to be some high concept editorial to sell luxury clothing…don’t you know anything… The photographer is Mario Testino…..the pictures…semi erotic…

See the article here:
Rihanna and Kate Moss Together in V Magazine of the Day