Tag Archives: even-the-first

Bachelor In Paradise Co-Star Says Corinne Olympios Was The One Acting Like A Sexual Predator On Set

Bachelor In Paradise Co-Star Says Corrine Olympios Forced Herself On Castmates Bachelor in Paradise co-contestant Jasmine Goode is calling BS on Corinne Olympios’ victim claims against DeMario Jackson . She claims that she witnessed Corinne throughout the evening and even though she was clearly hammered, she had all her faculties and was in decent spirits after her encounter with Demario. In fact, Jasmine says DeMario wasn’t even the first guy Corinne had aggressively tried to get it popping with THAT NIGHT. Jasmine claims that the men Corinne came after were the ones who were in a poor position to consent. As she told E!News : “The day of the incident under investigation, Corinne did not display any change in behavior from what was observed by the cast on her season of The Bachelor. Corinne forced herself on three male cast members when they were unable to consent, in addition to engaging with DeMario. After the incident, everything seemed fine. There was no mention about being hurt. However, when producers tried to cut her off from drinking, she got upset and said, ‘Watch, watch what I’m gonna do.’” Yikes. And as for Corinne’s attempt to blame production for her getting black out drunk and shoving her genitalia in other cast members’ faces…Jasmine says that even though booze is readily available, NO ONE is on-set force feeding the cast alcohol or egging them on to get frisky for the cameras. “The cast is not encouraged or forced to engage in any behaviors or to drink alcohol. Producers check in to make sure the cast is comfortable and accommodate to the needs requested.” This one is just getting messier and messier. You would think with cameras rolling the whole time, the story here would be much clearer… Splash/WENN

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Bachelor In Paradise Co-Star Says Corinne Olympios Was The One Acting Like A Sexual Predator On Set

Guess Who Michelle Obama Would Want To Be If She Wasn’t Michelle Obama? (Hint: She Has A Beyhive)

Even the first lady wants to be Beyoncé!

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Guess Who Michelle Obama Would Want To Be If She Wasn’t Michelle Obama? (Hint: She Has A Beyhive)

Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus: Pregnant? By the Same Baby Daddy?!?

Best. Tabloid. Cover. EVER!!! The latest issue of Life & Style has taken this magazine to either a new high or a new low (depending on your perspective), screaming on its cover that not only are Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez both pregnant… … but they are pregnant by the same man! What are the odds, huh?!? The affiliated article claims to state how each “found out about” the other, along with their “fight over the baby daddy” and the “desperate decisions that changed their lives forever.” Incredibly, this isn’t even the first time Life & Style has claimed Miley and Selena were pregnant . The question now, of course, is which man knocked up both stars.  Cyrus us openly dating Patrick Schwarzenegger , while Selena is less openly dating DJ Zedd. The wild card, however, remains Justin Bieber . We all know his history with Selena, and he’s at least friendly with Cyrus. Might the three superstars have had too much to drink one night, thrown naked caution to the wind and there will soon be a pair of tiny little Beliebers running around?!? No? You don’t think so? Neither do we. View Slideshow: 43 Hilariously Untrue Tabloid Stories

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Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus: Pregnant? By the Same Baby Daddy?!?

Kim Kardashian: Ditching Kris Jenner to Spend Christmas in Paris With Kanye?

Despite rumors that Kanye West would be returning to Los Angeles to spend the holidays with his wife, daughter, and new in-laws, it looks as though the rapper forced Kim Kardashian to choose between her husband and the rest of her family. Sources say Kim reached the last-minute decision to spend Christmas in Paris, just as Yeezy had hoped. It was initially reported that Kim and Kanye would be spending Christmas apart , as the rapper seemed reluctant to return to the States, and was in working on his album in Paris as recently as yesterday. But last night Kanye touched down at LAX, he and Kim bought extravagant presents for North West and it looked as though he’d be spending the holiday with the Kardashian-Jenner clan. Now, however, insiders are claiming that Yeezus convinced Kim that Paris is the place to spend the holidays, and now the Wests are headed east…much to the chagrin of Kris Jenner. “Kanye was adamant that Kim and North spend the Christmas holiday together with him, away from all the holiday insanity of the Kardashians,” a source tells Radar Online. “The last thing Kanye wants to do is spend the holiday with Kim’s entire family.” Rumor has it, the entire family already ditched Kris on Thanksgiving , and the notoriously hard-headed momager was hoping they’d make it up to her on Christmas. But now that her divorce with Bruce Jenner is finalized , Kris may find herself spending another holiday at home. Her youngest daughters are reportedly planning to spend the holiday with their dad, while her kids from her first marriage have apparently already made other plans. Fortunately, Kris will have the tens of millions of dollars she made off of her kids to keep her company. 39 Kute and Kuddly Kimye Photos 1. Kim and Kanye on a Motorcycle Kim Kardashian sort of gets it on with Kanye West in this music video still. She’s topless!

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Kim Kardashian: Ditching Kris Jenner to Spend Christmas in Paris With Kanye?

19 Most Ridiculous Celebrity Baby Names of All Time: Where Does REIGN Rank?!

A week ago Sunday, the birth of Kourtney Kardashian’s third child captivated the celebrity gossip world, and not just because this happened to fall on her first-born’s birthday. The baby name that she picked out – Reign Aston Disick – was an all-timer. 19 Most Ridiculous Celebrity Baby Names 1. North West North West. The spawn of Kimye being named after a direction may be the dumbest thing in human history. At the same time, if she doesn’t grow up to have a signature fragrance called North by North West, this is not a planet we wanna be living on. A unanimous, first ballot Celebrity Baby Name Hall of Fame inductee, Reign (a boy) may or may not have been a tribute to his father, The Lord Scott Disick. [Note: Scott became a British Lord on Keeping Up With the Kardashians . He is not an actual religious figure, though he does use his title jokingly in that context] Or it maybe have been a tribute to the CW’s Reign . Probably less likely. Regardless of the inspiration, Kourtney and Scott are not the first celebrities to treat the act of naming a child like it were a parlor game of Can You Top This. They’re not even the first members of their own extended family, in fact. Not unlike Reign’s first cousin North West, who was named as part of Kanye’s “art,” Kourt and Scott probably thought they were being trendy and cool. Other stars just mailed it in or were likely high as a kite at the time. We weren’t there for the internal discussions, of course, but coming up with baby names this absurd takes real commitment and/or total aloof ambivalence. Either way, it kind of deserves our appreciation. At least in a sense. Who else has hereby been enshrined in the Celebrity Baby Name Hall of Fame along with North West, Reign Aston Disick and their oddly-named ilk? Click through the pics above to see … and for more LOLs: 49 Funny Names That Are Totally Real 1. Kash Register Please tell us this man did not get arrested for knocking over a convenience store. Or that this is what he stole. Please.

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19 Most Ridiculous Celebrity Baby Names of All Time: Where Does REIGN Rank?!

Monica Bellucci, Naomie Harris And Lea Seydoux Make A Great Threesome

In case you hadn’t heard, they’re making a new James Bond movie. And to celebrate, they set up this promotional lesbian fantasy with Monica Bellucci , Naomie Harris and Lea Seydoux to help get us all pumped for the new movie. At least, that’s what I’m assuming this launch event was for. Anyway, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m excited already, although I’m hoping that in the movie they’ll all be wearing a little less clothing and getting a lot closer. I’d be willing to do a rewrite if they need, I’ve got some pretty great ideas in this perverted brain of mine. I’ve always thought the Bond movies could use a suave blogger character who steals all his women. » view all 21 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Monica Bellucci, Naomie Harris And Lea Seydoux Make A Great Threesome

Katie Price’s New Smell Is Kissable Fierce

This isn’t the first time that Katie Price has worn some crazy outfit to promote one of her new product launches, and I’m pretty sure it’s not even the first time she’s worn a set of giant lips either. Anyway, here’s one of the original busty Brits launching her new fragrance “Kissable Fierce” in London. And while I’m not going to deny that Katie’s looking mighty kissable, I’m a lot more interested in the giant inflatables underneath those oversized props. » view all 26 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Katie Price’s New Smell Is Kissable Fierce

Katie Price’s New Smell Is Kissable Fierce

This isn’t the first time that Katie Price has worn some crazy outfit to promote one of her new product launches, and I’m pretty sure it’s not even the first time she’s worn a set of giant lips either. Anyway, here’s one of the original busty Brits launching her new fragrance “Kissable Fierce” in London. And while I’m not going to deny that Katie’s looking mighty kissable, I’m a lot more interested in the giant inflatables underneath those oversized props. » view all 26 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Katie Price’s New Smell Is Kissable Fierce

Cornell Fetch Website Ranks Sorority Girls’ Hotness, Sparks Outrage

Cornell Fetch is a new site that ranks sorority girls on the Ithaca, N.Y. campus. Naturally, this has caused outrage at the Ivy League University and beyond. Cornell Fetch has already racked up over 400,000 votes, a million page views and media coverage from celebrity gossip and news sites across the nation. The founders, who have somehow remained anonymous throughout the inevitable backlash, claim they’ve received death threats as a result of the site. Their handiwork, which was pretty much done 10-plus years ago by Hot or Not and even the first iteration of Facebook, is not new. But it is controversial. Fetch, which compiles a Top 10 list of Cornell hotties complete with sorority affiliations and photos, has been termed everything from offensive to unoriginal. The founders plan to release more data that “will illustrate positive and negative stereotypes associated with sororities,” making this “more controversial and enlightening.” Uh huh.  Look … we know guys like to talk about girls. Maybe even rank them. But keep it to yourselves. There’s no need to objectify private sorority girls on a national scale. No one thinks this is some profound take on “sorority heirarchies,” which everyone already knows exist. It’s morally questionable, not clever, and not necessary. Basically, to all those involved with this, we urge you: Please, stop trying to make (Cornell) Fetch happen !

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Cornell Fetch Website Ranks Sorority Girls’ Hotness, Sparks Outrage

Making It Rain On Them Hoes: How Much Gwap Could Beyonce Make From Her Gut Full Of Camel??

Baby Bey-Bey could be big business… Remember, there’s nothing a baby-oriented business loves more than a famous mommy. Ever since Beyoncé made her announcement at the VMAs, you can safely bet that thousands of dollars worth of stuff has been arriving at Chez Z: baby clothes, baby bags, baby furniture, bottles, other gear. The goal: a paparazzi photo of Beyoncé using the stuff in public. It’s free advertising, the very best kind. By the time the kid is born, don’t be surprised if the dollar value of the freebies reaches the tens or even hundreds of thousands. That said, the biggest payday will, of course, come from the first baby photo, assuming that Beyoncé chooses to sell that photo at all. (Sarah Jessica Parker, for example, chose not to sell a photo of her first born and instead let paparazzi snap away during the baby’s first public appearance.) “Beyoncé has got a million-dollar baby on her hands,” estimates Mark Pasetsky, former editor of OK! magazine, and now the founder of the publicity firm Mark Allen & Co. “It will be at least a million. She’s is a very well-loved star, this is her first baby and she’s popular around the world.” Now if that figure sounds a little small, you’re right: Jennifer Lopez charged a reported $6 million for access to her newborn twins. And People magazine is said to have paid Brangelina $14 million for a first look at their twins. Even the first photo of Shiloh Jolie-Pitt garnered a reported $4 million. You can blame the economy, insiders tell me. Fewer magazines are publishing, particularly in the U.S., which means less competition, and lower bids, for baby photos. Still, $1million will buy Beyoncé a hell of a lot of Pampers. We’re not totally sure that King B and Hovi Hov would be down to cash in on their new bundle of joy as private as they are. One thing is for sure though, media outlets are going to go H*A*M sandwich when that baby pops out! Source

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Making It Rain On Them Hoes: How Much Gwap Could Beyonce Make From Her Gut Full Of Camel??