I unfortunately live in Canada, the home of the 2010 Olympic games, which you may know about, because if you were like me and drinking your face off in a bar last night you would have seen that Figure Skating has got a lot more faggot that it used to be. Sure, figure skating was always pretty fucking faggot and a solid 90% of men involved in the sport were taking it in the ass and mouth on their spare time and the other 10% were just victims to really controlling mother’s who wanted a daughter but God spited them and they weren’t going to let that get in the way of their figure skating dream, but now the 90% of the guys who are gay, are real fuckin’ gay, I’m talking Adam Lambert getting fucked by a twink in pantyhose gay…. Not that that matters, but Shenae Grimes is Canadian and when the bitch got her gig in 90210 the Canadian media ate her the fuck up and I never got it, I thought bitch was ugly, so lucky for me, 90210 gave us AnnaLynne McCord to distract from this Shenae everyone loved, despite her stupid name, so when I saw these pictures, I had to to post the shit cuz she’s fuckin’ ugly no matter how much fancy lingerie she teases with… Pics via PacificCoastNews

See the original post here:
Shenae Grimes is Not Hot Even When Showing Off Bra of the Day
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged ass-disappears, bennyhollywood, everyone-loved, figure-skating, Hollywood, mouth-on-their, not-hot, pay-rent, shenae, Shenae Grimes, tennesee, the-kids, thought-bitch