Tag Archives: real-important

Lindsey Wixson by Amanda Charchian for Garage of the Day

Lindsey Wixson is one of the weirdest faced models around, but instead of being locked in the basement like the redheaded freak she is is…and instead being condemned by the church after being put up for adoption by those parents…for being the spawn of satan she looks like….she got into modeling…and I guess acting… So instead of being seen as a demon who you would assume would eat the souls of everyone around her…she started walking runways and doing ad campaigns to eat souls in a more marketable and luxurious way… So instead of fending for herself in the forest, or as a child hooker left on her own to fend for herself..she did her surviving off cum and drugs…on yachts, with famous people, and paid for it with her money…she made just standing around… Well now she’s older and naked and I’m into this weirdness…because unlike most models she’s got a belly and some titties…things I don’t like but when they are on some creepy sci/fi fantasy creature they claim is human…I find it compelling…. The post Lindsey Wixson by Amanda Charchian for Garage of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lindsey Wixson by Amanda Charchian for Garage of the Day

Kendall Jenner – Braless of the Day

Kendall Jenner was in Vogue Spain doing some weird ballet shit…with a weird edited audio track of her shitting out various bullshit quotes…like talking about how she loved being a kid, running around an exploring, before her father became her mother and she had to grow up pretty fast…catching him in her superhero panties posing in the mirror would rob the innocence of anyone…I mean that or seeing your brown sister in porn…your mom staged…possibly filmed… But the fact that she thinks she had to grow up real quick, is an interesting concept because anyone who actually had to grow up thanks to hard time, or taking care of themselves would laugh at her delusions…because the Jenners are children and will be children into their 80s…if they don’t kill themselves in some 50 year old rebellion after some botched plastic surgery they can’t make look good like their pig sisters… It’s hilarious….because she thinks traveling solo, having a mom narcissist who only cares about selling them off is not actually growing up, the money is there, the accountants and lawyers are there, the coddled bullshit..red carpet…celebrated life…being babysat and controlled is not growing up…but let these whores think they have substance, artistic integrity, value…but they are just fucking bullshit… Bullshit that doesn’t wear bras…which is the trend…and I don’t mind…but I have been next to her and there’s nothing exciting about her. This is all marketing…and it’s not even good marketing…but nipples are nipples…let them shine… Vogue Spain / Vogue Germany / Vogue whatever the fuck her family owns…. How about her fake lips in some snap bullshit… A video posted by Kendall Jenner (@kendalljenner) on Sep 16, 2016 at 3:32pm PDT The post Kendall Jenner – Braless of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kendall Jenner – Braless of the Day

Pauline Baly Topless of the Day

Her name is Pauline Baly…you’ve never heard of her but according to her and her stupid looking fake lips…she’s an influencer…with 65,000 followers…that are following her for tips on creative ways that aren’t even that creative to show off her fame whoring tits…and I guess ass.. You know a real important lifestyle influencer, tipping us off on really great thing like how to wear as little clothes as possible on social media without getting your account deleted…or how to posein the Gym, or in bathing suits, or topless in pants…anything that is porny but not positioned as porny… The fact is she’s not an influencer, she’s a glamor model, attention seeking slut, and if any brands buy into this girl being more than just shameless for hits…they are idiots and deserve to go bankrupt… Here’s some shoot she did for some magazine I’ve never heard of – because there are so many magazines I’ve never heard of…and she’s showing tits..and we like tits.. The post Pauline Baly Topless of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Pauline Baly Topless of the Day

Miranda Kerr, Candice Swanepoel, Behati Prinsloo Half Naked Pics for Social Media of the Day

Miranda Kerr and Candice Swanepoel posted these pics to their instagram and the world liked the shit out of them because Miranda Kerr and Candice Swanepoel are big fucking bikini and lingerie model stars….that all the 17 year old girls and white trash women who shop at Victoria’s Secret look up to as idols….”look there it’s the girl in the store in the bra i’m wearing paw”….you know real important idols because the world needs more bitches trying to get fit and half naked…rather than wanting to achieve other things in life that actual matter….and that works for me…because I like half nakedness on babes…

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Miranda Kerr, Candice Swanepoel, Behati Prinsloo Half Naked Pics for Social Media of the Day