Tag Archives: family-called

Poor Taste: Woman Finds Racist Slur On Fast Food Receipt, “Fry Chicken Wings Hard Like A Black D***”

Woman Finds Racist Message Written On Her Order Of Chicken Wings Dicken wings ? Naw. Via MirrorUK A woman was stunned to find a takeaway had written instructions to fry her chicken wings “hard like a black d***”. Loretta Smith Layne, from New Jersey in the United States, ordered the fast food from Danny’s Pizza Pizzazz last month, according to WCAU-TV. She was left shocked by the racist term when she examined the receipt. “I was very offended and upset and disrespected to get those words on a receipt,” Layne said. Store owner Danny Sommeling told WCAU-TV to get off his property when approached by a reporter but admitted in a text message to Ms Layne that it was the fault of his son – a manager at the pizzeria. Danny Sommeling said his son’s behaviour was “definitely not professional” but said he was “a really good boy”. He then later backtracked again to the TV station and said he was unaware of who had written the receipt. For the record, chicken is tasty and delicious. Under no circumstances would we want out chicken to tast like d***. Image via Lorette Smith Layne

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Poor Taste: Woman Finds Racist Slur On Fast Food Receipt, “Fry Chicken Wings Hard Like A Black D***”

Aw Hell Nawl: 6 Black Bears Take Over This Family’s Pool [Video]

What Would You Do? Family Finds 6 Black Bears In Their Yard This video was posted online just two days ago from a family in Rockaway Township, NJ.  The family called police when their children noticed  6 black bears chilling in their back yard.  The adult in the clip sounds pretty calm considering the circumstance. Thankfully no one was injured and the family waited for the police from indoors but this is tew much. Watch the clip to see the ridiculousness.   What would you do???

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Aw Hell Nawl: 6 Black Bears Take Over This Family’s Pool [Video]

BREAKING NEWS: Gary Coleman Dies

Diff’rent Strokes star Gary Coleman died after failing to come out of a coma. He was 42. The diminutive actor had been rushed to hospital in Provo, Utah, on Wednesday after suffering what his family called “a serious medical problem” after falling at home and hitting his head. He later fell into a coma and was on life support after suffering an intracranial hemorrhage. He was pulled off life support Friday morning – the decision reportedly made by his wife Shannon Price – and passed away with loved ones at his side.

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BREAKING NEWS: Gary Coleman Dies

Everything the Internet Knows About the Boy in the Balloon

Richard and Mayumi Heene, the parents of Falcon, who is missing after having apparently floated away in a helium balloon-craft built by his parents, have left a long and wide internet trail. Here’s what we know. The Heenes have lived a self-consciously adventurous life, and sought to engage their children in it.

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Everything the Internet Knows About the Boy in the Balloon

Balloon Boy’s Alive! (And Never Actually on the Balloon)

Update : TV news is reporting that six-year-old Falcon Heene was found safe in his home.

View original post here:
Balloon Boy’s Alive! (And Never Actually on the Balloon)

Autopsy: Cocaine a factor in Billy Mays’ death (CNN)

An autopsy report issued Friday by Hillsborough County, Florida, cites cocaine as a contributing factor in the death of TV pitchman Billy Mays, who died in June at age 50.

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Autopsy: Cocaine a factor in Billy Mays’ death (CNN)

Autopsy: Cocaine contributed to Billy Mays’ death (AP via Yahoo! News)

An official autopsy report released Friday found that cocaine use contributed to the heart disease that suddenly killed TV pitchman Billy Mays in June, but his family called the finding “speculative” and considered getting an independent look at the results.

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Autopsy: Cocaine contributed to Billy Mays’ death (AP via Yahoo! News)

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An official autopsy report released Friday found that cocaine use contributed to the heart disease that suddenly killed TV pitchman Billy Mays in June, but his family called the finding “speculative” and considered getting an …

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