Tag Archives: family-enjoy

Weird Roadside Entertainment…and Other Videos of the Day

Ice Bucket Challenge Fail…Slams on her Head… Ice Bucket Challenge Fail…Dude Shits Himself Some Street Performer Gets His Pants Pulled Down… Road Rage Cat Fight.. Some Sick Fuck Tied a Dog in Plastic Bag – But it Got Saved…

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Weird Roadside Entertainment…and Other Videos of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio’s Bikini Vacation of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio bikini pictures are floating around the internet, not like they are anything you haven’t already seen before. She’s a bikini model who is still making huge money, but is also still past her prime, meaning that there are decades of bikini archive photos of her prior to these…more importantly, those pictures were probably better shot, and most importantly, pre-pregnancy…worth jerking off to even… But the paparazzi ones of her with her kids frolicking around, even bent over enough for us to see her mound in white bikini bottoms that if wet, could be show us the window to her soul, a window that has severely been tampered with and broken into…is really only good for really lonely people who crave a wife and family…but never will have one…because they are jerking off to family vacation pics…and that’s fucking weird. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS Click Here

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Alessandra Ambrosio’s Bikini Vacation of the Day

Get Prepared, Make An Emergency Plan

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In light of today’s unexpected earthquake om the East Coast here  is a list of things that one should have in case of an emergency. Developing an emergency plan is a beneficial thing to have when switchboards overload. Why Buy Silver & Gold ? Consider developing a disaster plan with your household members to prepare for what to do, how to find each other, and how to communicate in an emergency. Decide where your household will reunite after a disaster. Identify two places to meet: one right outside your home and another outside your neighborhood, such as a library, community center, or place of worship. Identify all possible exit routes from your home and neighborhood. Designate an out-of-state friend or relative that household members can call if separated during a disaster. If New York City phone circuits are busy, long-distance calls may be easier to make. This out-of-state contact can help you and your family communicate. Account for everybody’s needs, especially seniors, people with disabilities, and non-English speakers. Ensure that household members have a copy of your household disaster plan and emergency contact information to keep in their wallets and backpacks. Practice your plan with all household members. When developing your family’s disaster plan, you should assemble and make copies of vital contact information for each family member. Basic Safety Rules To Help Your Family Enjoy This Summer

Get Prepared, Make An Emergency Plan

David Banner Bans “Southern” Rap [VIDEO]

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When asked who his favorite Southern rapper is, David Banner passionately objected to labeling rappers by region.  According to Banner, the South is often described in sub-par terms in relation to other Hip-Hop hubs.  Banner, who is from Jackson, Mississippi, states, “I transcend any label or any title that anyone has ever put on me,” and he wants other rappers from the South to do the same. Source: VladTV.com Matthew Knowles Fired As Beyonce’s Manager For Stealing Money? Bow Wow’s Baby Mother Joie Speaks!

David Banner Bans “Southern” Rap [VIDEO]

Great Ways Asthmatics Can Enjoy The Summer

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There are many people who suffer from asthma. You might be one of them. If you suffer from asthma, then you need to know that the summer months can be pretty hard one you. With that in mind, here are some things that you should remember so that your asthma doesn’t flare up. This will allow you to have a great summer full of fun and adventure. Basic Safety Rules To Help Your Family Enjoy This Summer Many of you might have seasonal asthma. This means that it’s usually flared up due to the pollen which is quite heavy in the summer. If this is the case, then allergy medication can help you greatly. You should also have an emergency inhaler. Pay attention to the news as sometimes the news will tell you if there is pollen that is really high. This is very important. Another thing is to watch out for the darn ozone layer. The news should also tell you when there is an ozone warning. This means that you should stay inside as it’s really hot. When it’s really hot outside, you might find it hard to breathe. Seeing as it’s hard to breathe, then you might notice that your asthma kicks up. This would be something else that you should watch out for. Watch the activities you do. If you know you are going to go about and do some strenuous activities, have your inhaler ready. Make sure that you take water as well. Keeping hydrated can really make a difference when it comes to your asthma. Now, the thing to remember is that when you drink water, you don’t want something that is super cold as it can shock your lungs and if you are already having trouble breathing, this could make it all the more difficult to breathe. Quick Cheap Healthy Meals For The Family Sometimes, you might find that during the summer, breathing treatments might be best for you and your lungs. It might be a bit expensive, you will find that it’s better for you all the way around. As a lifelong asthmatic, I can tell you that the best tip anyone can have is to know your disease. Know your triggers. Good luck and let me know how you are doing.

Great Ways Asthmatics Can Enjoy The Summer