Tag Archives: fatal

Suge Knight runs over two people

The video of Suge Knight running over two men, killing one.The man has claimed he only ran over Cle “Bone” Sloan and Terry Carter in self-defense … believing they were getting ready to shoot him. Suge Knight allegedly ran over in his truck told police that he assaulted Knight first. Somebody#39;s lawyer had to be pretty happy to hear that. As Suge Knight continues to go through the legal process of his fatal hit and run case , TMZ has obtained full video of the incident, which left Suge#39;

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Suge Knight runs over two people

T.I. Shares ‘New National Anthem,’ About ‘Being A Black Man In America’

One day after speaking out on the “monster” America has created in his online treatise about Ferguson, Missouri in the wake of the fatal police shooting of Michael Brown, T.I. delivers the revolutionary new song, “New National Anthem.” On the Skylar Grey-assisted track, the “No Mediocre” MC dives headfirst into socially conscious lyrics centered on… Read more »

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T.I. Shares ‘New National Anthem,’ About ‘Being A Black Man In America’

Question Of The Day: Can You “Act White” As A Black Person?

What constitutes an “Uncle Tom” in today’s society? Is There Such A Thing As “Acting White?” Is there a way to be “authentically Black?” What behaviors, language cues, social skills, or cultural knowledge make a person truly Black? Peep this opinion piece from conservative blogger Crystal Wright. Via CNN : There’s no “authentic” way to be black, President Barack Obama told a group. For once, I agree with the President. Speaking at a town hall event this week about his “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative, the President gave blacks permission to be individuals, rejecting the idiotic notion that speaking proper English and being successful in life is “acting white.” As if any person of any race with two grains of sense would think this is logical. During the event, Obama was asked by a young Native American man, “How is the United States government helping American Indian people revitalize their language and culture?” Obama responded: “What’s great about America is the way that we all take these different cultures and we make one culture out of it.” Obama said that it is important for Americans to know their roots and where they come from, but not be held hostage by our cultures from advancing in life. Then, Obama got real. He talked about how black Americans use this “group think” psychology to bully other blacks, keep them from expressing themselves as individuals and stop them from assimilating into the broader culture of America. “Sometimes African-Americans, in communities where I’ve worked, there’s been the notion of ‘acting white’ — which sometimes is overstated,” he told the group. “But there’s an element of truth to it, where, OK, if boys are reading too much, then, well, why are you doing that? Or why are you speaking so properly? And the notion that there’s some authentic way of being black, that if you’re going to be black you have to act a certain way and wear a certain kind of clothes, that has to go. There are many different ways for African-American men to be authentic.” He went on to use his wife, first lady Michelle Obama, as an example. “If you look at Michelle, she grew up South Side. And her mom still lives in a neighborhood where gunshots go off, and it can be rough where Michelle grew up. But she’ll talk proper when she needs to. Now, you also don’t want to get on her wrong side, because she can translate that into a different vernacular. But my point is, is that you don’t have to act a certain way to be authentic.” I rolled my eyes in disgust, remembering all the times in my life that phrase has been hurled at me from other blacks. Growing up, I wasn’t raised in a home where we “talked or acted black” — speaking broken English, neck jerking and behaving like the black stereotypes we see in some of the Tyler Perry movies. So, I was shocked to encounter such nonsense when I attended Georgetown University as an undergraduate. Most of the black students — who generally all hung out in the same pack, eating, studying and socializing exclusively together — informed me I was an “Uncle Tom,” not really black because I chose to have an integrated experience at Georgetown. One of the biggest sins I committed was refusing to eat at the all-black cafeteria tables in the various dorms. I would wonder, if you only want to socialize with black students, then why not just attend a predominantly black college? My freshman year, I went to a dance with a white guy from my class. When he came by my dorm room to pick me up, two black girls from across the hall stared and snickered, uttering something along the lines that I wanted to be white so bad. Really? The next day the same girls heckled me again about my date. Tired of dealing with their stupidity, I walked over and told them I would continue to do whatever I wanted. Instead of being so concerned with my life and who I was dating, they should be concerned with their own. I have never been counseled on how to act black. And I never will. Hmm…what do you think of what the author is saying? We’d agree that there’s no right way to be a Black person, but her language regarding broken English, Tyler Perry characters, and her conscious choice to avoid other Blacks makes it seem like she herself has a rather narrow view of what “traditional Blackness” is and purposely aims to be the opposite. We seriously doubt that her Black peers at Georgetown behaved like neck-jerking stereotypes… What do you think? Does “acting White” exist?

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Question Of The Day: Can You “Act White” As A Black Person?

Two California Women Found Guilty Of Manslaughter After Beating Girl To Death Outside Nightclub

SMH! Two California Women Guilty Of Manslaughter After Tragic Nightclub Fight This case of drunken street-fighting turned into an untimely death for a newlywed and a murder charge for two party-goers. Via MailOnline : Two women accused of pummeling and kicking a 23-year-old woman who died after a fight outside a California nightclub have been convicted of felony manslaughter but acquitted on far more serious second-degree murder charges. Candace Brito, 27, and Vanesa Zavala, 26, had pleaded not guilty in the death of Annie Hung Kim Pham, who was taken off life support after the fight outside the Santa Ana bar-restaurant in the early morning hours of Jan. 18. Prosecutors had alleged that Pham and her friends were taking a photo outside the club when another woman who was with Brito and Zavala bummed into her. The incident sparked a verbal fight that led to the fatal beating with video footage showing both women landing blows on Pham. A forensic pathologist who conducted Pham’s autopsy ruled the cause of death was blunt force injury to the head but said it was impossible to tell whether one specific blow or even a combination of blows caused the fatal brain bleeding. Pham and her group of 11 friends were waiting in line to get into the club as Brito, Zavala, a woman identified as ‘Amelia’ and two men were exiting. At some point, the groups bumped into each other. Pham’s friends told police the three women in the other group attacked Pham without provocation after they bumped into her. Zavala told police that Pham’s first swing hit her and the fight began. Classic case of “ when keeping it real goes wrong .” Regardless of who threw the first punch, this is a tragic story on both ends. Everyone simply needs to think twice before they act — real life is not a reality show and people can get seriously hurt! KTLA

Two California Women Found Guilty Of Manslaughter After Beating Girl To Death Outside Nightclub

NEW VIDEO: T.I., No Mediocre feat. Iggy Azalea

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NEW VIDEO: T.I., No Mediocre feat. Iggy Azalea

Tracy Morgan’s Condition IMPROVES, Upgraded To Fair Condition

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After the fatal car crash  that left former “30 Rock” actor/comedian Tracy Morgan in intensive care, the comedian’s condition is finally improving. According to his publicist, he was upgraded…

Tracy Morgan’s Condition IMPROVES, Upgraded To Fair Condition

Stop The Violence: Man Fatally Shot In “Normally Quiet” Chicago Neighborhood

Ish is real in Chicago ! According to DNAInfoChicago A man died after being shot Monday morning in an area of Back of the Yards that neighbors described as quiet. The 22-year-old man was in the 1700 block of West 44th Street about 4:50 a.m. when he was shot, said officer Michael Sullivan, a Chicago Police spokesman. He was taken to Stroger Hospital in critical condition, Chicago Fire Department spokeswoman Meg Ahlheim said. He later died of his injuries, said a spokeswoman with the Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office. The morgue was not releasing the man’s identity pending notification his family. No one was in custody for the shooting, Sullivan said. Neighbors Gibron Lenero and Reyna Lenero said they woke up about 4:30 a.m. and heard arguing outside. Soon after, Reyna Lenero heard shots, she said. The couple, who moved to the area four months ago, said it’s a quiet residential street that’s well patrolled by police, and nothing like this has happened since they’ve been here. “It’s just families,” Gibron Lenero said. Reyna Lenero said she’s “a little bit” scared because the couple has two young daughters. “This was just a couple meters from our house,” Gibron Lenero said. Another local resident, Jose Gemenez, said he’s lived in different houses on the same street in this neighborhood for more than 30 years. He didn’t hear anything and was shocked when he saw cop cars and crime scene tape while getting his kids ready for school. “I’m kind of surprised because there’s a lot of police around here,” Gemenez said. “We don’t see the violence here usually.” He said the area was worse years ago, but things seemed to be getting better. “It’s not in this area, not on this side of the park,” Gemenez said. SMH. What will it take for violence to come to a complete halt in Chicago? Better schools? More police presence? Shutterstock

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Stop The Violence: Man Fatally Shot In “Normally Quiet” Chicago Neighborhood

Cops Who Shot Kimani Gray Focus Of 5 Prior Federal Civil Rights Lawsuits [Photos]

The cops who shot 16-year-old Brooklyn teen Kimani Gray have been accused of civil rights violations in federal lawsuits. The New York Daily News writes that Sergeant Mourad Mourad and Officer Jovaniel Cordova racked up five such charges prior to their fatal confrontation with Gray on March 9… Continue

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Cops Who Shot Kimani Gray Focus Of 5 Prior Federal Civil Rights Lawsuits [Photos]

Dr. Conrad Murray Trial Begins; Defense Tells Jury Michael Jackson Killed Himself

In his opening statement in the the involuntary manslaughter trial of Dr. Conrad Murray, attorney Ed Chernoff told the jury Michael Jackson killed himself. Earlier, prosecutor David Walgren delivered the state’s opening argument, using a stark visual of what appears to be Jackson’s lifeless body on a gurney. Below are summaries of the opening arguments laid out by both sides: L.A. County D.A.’s office prosecutors argued this morning that … Michael Jackson fully trusted Dr. Conrad Murray with his life The cause of death was an overdose of Propofol, administered by Murray Murray repeatedly acted with both gross negligence and incompetence Murray bought very large quantities of Propofol on a regular basis Murray knew Michael’s state and what he was doing to the singer In the weeks before Michael died, he was cold, shivering and rambling (Kenny Ortega will testify to this) but Murray kept giving him Propofol Murray scolded Ortega for expressing concerns about Jackson’s health, saying “Michael is physically and emotionally fine. I am the doctor.” Michael died in his bed and was dead when paramedics arrived Murray was texting and making phone calls while he sat by MJ He made eight phone calls on June 25, 2009, the last at 11:51 to a girlfriend, and that’s when Murray realized there was an emergency Murray instructed bodyguard Alberto Alvarez to essentially hide evidence in a blue bag – possibly including the fatal dose of Propofol Murray never told EMTs or UCLA doctors he gave MJ Propofol His guilty conscience caused him to stall the investigation Murray committed “medical abandonment” of Michael Jackson by leaving a patient unattended while under anesthetic in this manner Conrad Murray acted with gross negligence and was not acting in Jackson’s best interests, but rather his own $150,000/month salary Michael Jackson Recording at Dr. Conrad Murray Trial Then it was time for the defense to lay out its theory. They claim: Michael Jackson swallowed 8, 2 mg pills of Lorazepam, then self-injected a dose of Propofol that created a “perfect storm” that killed him There was no way to save Jackson, who died instantly Jackson “had a problem” that no amount of determination could overcome, even with his talent, and was in a deteriorated state for years Dr. Murray is a good man, a cardiologist who saves lives Murray had no idea at the time he was brought on that MJ had so many severe medical problems, including a total inability to sleep Michael Jackson told Murray that the only way he could sleep was with Propofol and always took Propofol, even before hiring Murray Murray provided Propofol for two months for MJ, and during that time the singer slept, woke up, and lived life as he always did Murray was trying to ween MJ off Propofol and give him other, more traditional sedatives in the days before he died – with some success With execs threatening to “pull the plug” on his “This Is It” tour, MJ made it clear to Murray that he needed to sleep or the tour would fail Murray only gave Jackson 25 milligrams of Propofol before MJ died – not enough to kill him. MJ went to sleep with a normal pulse rate When Murray left the room, “there was zero Propofol in his [Michael’s] system” … implying Michael woke up and shot himself up with the fatal dose when Murray was gone, which he also claims wasn’t negligent Dr. Arnold Klein got Jackson hooked on Demerol Murray hid nothing from doctors or police We’re just getting started, but right now … what do you think? Do you buy the defense theory? Based on this, tell is if you think Murray is …

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Dr. Conrad Murray Trial Begins; Defense Tells Jury Michael Jackson Killed Himself

Salma Hayek — Busted Outside Madeo

Filed under: Salma Hayek , Paparazzi Photo , Hot Bodies , Hot Mamas Salma Hayek could barely contain herself as she made her way to Madeo in L.A. last night. The 43-year-old really is one of the breast actresses in town. Read more

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Salma Hayek — Busted Outside Madeo