The Bachelor season finale and After the Final Rose special air on Monday. All eyes will be on Ben Flajnik and his fiancee … whomever that may be. If you want to know who we think it is, check out The Bachelor spoilers page we’ve put up and updated throughout the season. But it doesn’t sound good … From the magazine cover above, you’d assume that Ben was not only dumped by either Courtney Robertson or Lindzi Cox already, but he selected the wrong woman on The Bachelor finale, and there’s a nude video scandal lurking. That would be probably one-third true. All of the reputable intel we’ve found thus far suggests that he has NOT broken up with his fiancee – despite his increasingly obvious lack of enthusiasm for the show and allegedly kissing some random girl last week. They’re still together. For now. The After the Final Rose special Monday night should be telling, as it was filmed March 4, and will offer at least some insight on how the couple is doing. It airs immediately after Flajnik doles out his final rose around 9:55 p.m. Who do you think deserves it?
Speaking on the final installment of the Harry Potter franchise, Rupert Grint said this week: “The reason they’re on this journey is much bigger than any one of them. It has to come to a head at some point.” And come to a head it does on July 15, when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 premieres. In the following sneak peek, we see Hogwarts bursting into flames, along with Harry and Voldemort going wand-to-wand. We also hear these words from Grint’s Ron: “This is it, really. This is the end of the line.” How will it all end? We’ll find out this summer. Check out a couple clips from the film below: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Sneak Peek
Rumors of their breakup began swirling about 10 minutes after The Bachelor finale last Monday, but at least for now, all seems well for the happy couple. Brad Womack’s chosen bride-to-be Emily Maynard was seen at the Charlotte airport on Thursday, still wearing her huge engagement ring in this photo . Emily Maynard also Tweeted that she had just returned from a trip to visit Brad in Austin, and by all accounts it went well, even if they’re taking it slow. The couple seemed destined for each other all season, making some of the After the Final Rose revelations all the more surprising to the show’s viewers. They already briefly broke up once since the finale was taped, he wanted to marry her this month but she declined, and she won’t move to Austin – yet. Nevertheless, she seems committed to Brad Womack and maybe, just maybe, they’ll be able to work this thing out and get married when it feels right. What do you think? Will Brad and Emily last? [Photo: ABC]
If nothing else, The Bachelor season finale was certainly a memorable one. As is often the case, the After the Final Rose special provided many of the fireworks. Just minutes after Brad Womack’s swoon-worthy proposal to Emily Maynard, viewers learned about his terrible temper – and that they briefly parted ways. They’re back together now, but Brad “couldn’t speak for Emily” when Chris asked if they’re still engaged. Never a good sign. She’s also NOT moving to Texas. Here’s the awkward ATFR interview that aired post-finale: Brad and Emily: After the Final Rose What do you think? Will Brad and Emily last? Follow the jump for a huge photo gallery and more clips from last night, including Brad’s proposal to Emily Maynard and his rejection of Chantal O’Brien … Brad Womack and Emily Maynard: The Final Rose Ceremony The Bachelor: Brad and Emily Get Advice Chantal O’Brien and Brad Womack: AFTR Chantal O’Brien – Diaries Of The Departed
Emily Maynard may have got the final rose from Brad Womack on “The Bachelor,” but second runner-up Ashley Hebert was announced at “The Bachelorette” last night. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gossip Cop Discovery Date : 15/03/2011 14:46 Number of articles : 3
Is reality TV’s most famous commitment-phobe ready to get down on one knee? Will he propose to Chantal or Emily? Were The Bachelor spoilers correct? It’s all come down to one final rose tonight, and for the two women remaining, a final date to make their case in the quest to become Mrs. Brad Womack. How will the saga end? Which amazing woman – Emily Maynard and Chantal O’Brien – will receive a Neil Lane ring and who will depart empty-handed? THG breaks down The Bachelor season finale in a LIVE +/- recap! Come on, ABC. Ditch the “most controversial season in Bachelor history” bit. We get it. You recycled Brad. Other than that? Pretty normal season! Minus 4 . Five minutes in and Brad’s crying. Sorry … bawling . Yikes. Minus 3 . Wait … Brad is a changed man? Emily and Chantal couldn’t be more different? Wild. Missed that the first four times. Also, what is Brad wearing?! Minus 5 . Chantal is bringing it tonight. She’s holding nothing back. Plus 9 . Saying she’ll get married to Brad on the spot? Not a bluff. Talk about laying it on the line. Oh, passing the mom test. This is going down to the wire! Plus 6 . Is your top on backwards, though, Chantal? Just askin’. Minus 2 . Emily to Brad: “I’m so happy to see you.” Show-watching companion: “I’m a Barbie doll. I’m so beautiful. I’m perfect. La la.” More or less true. Plus 2 . Like they had to make Emily relive her background on camera. Eh, we got all choked up even though we’ve heard it like 49 times by now, so … Wash . Brad may be an uptight, cyborg stiff of a Bachelor , but his feeling for Emily – and Ricki – seem far from rehearsed. Plus 7 . Not looking good, Chantal. Why didn’t the non-twin Womack get the same genes? Just askin’. Minus 1 . Lots of votes for Emily Maynard. The family has spoken, and doesn’t seem to be on the fence. Plus only 5 , because there’s an hour and 20 minutes left. Will she lose the bracelet with the ex’s initials if they get hitched? No points , merely curious … is it sweet? Or a sign she can’t let go? A little of both? Man, that is some tight scuba gear. Good sign? Bad sign? Eh, Plus 2 . Chantal: “If we can get through swimming with sharks, we can get through anything.” Yes, a once-in-a-lifetime ABC-sponsored date is a metaphor for life. Minus 11 . That’s a sweet map Chris Harrison made for Chantal! Plus 4 . Channy, Channy, Channy? No, no, no, no, no. Minus 3 . If this were Jersey Shore , the phrase “get it in” would’ve been used at least 2-3 times on this date. Plus 6 for the imagery of Brad throwing around that term. Honestly, how many helicopter rides does one girl need to consider herself wooed? Minus 8 . We know they ran out of date ideas by the 200th season, but still. We were going to mock Brad for saying this was “the most important talk of his life,” but we’re pretty sure he just proposed … to be Ricki’s dad. Sniff. Plus 5 . Whoa, short fuse alert! She’s just covering her bases, B. Yeesh . Minus 13 . Toweling himself off? Asking for water? Is Brad having a nervous breakdown?! Brad laments that he was defeated. “Slapped in the face.” And “shot out of the water.” Oh, and “profoundly hurt!” Nice misdirection, Chris/Brad/ABC! Plus 4 . Cue obligatory episode recap/Neil Lane filler. Minus 7 . How appropriate. En route to the final rose ceremony, Emily is in white, Chantal in black. Minus 9 for obviousness. She’s the Black Swan of The Bachelor . Look at host-pimp Chris. So very cool, so collected. Plus 5 . At least he gave it to her straight. When he says he’s meant every word from day one, he’s probably being genuine. Still hurts, though. Hard . Minus 8 . Plus 7 because we like Chantal, and because she’ll land on her feet. Possibly even in a dress without those feathers. Things happen for a reason! Can you imagine if Emily Maynard shot Brad down? Now that would be a twist. Won’t happen but you can kinda see it, and wonder if this is gonna last. Okay, Plus 35 for that beautiful dress, the beautiful bride-to-be, and for a proposal that made this celebrity gossip site’s offices just a little dusty. And Plus 7 more for his trademark “Come here to me, please.” This is some montage. If only Train’s “Marry Me” were “their” song. Alas, it forever belongs to Brad and Ashley. Hey, nobody’s perfect. Minus 3 . Man, Chantal O’Brien is still hurting on After the Final Rose , but still looks great. Like Melissa Rycroft, it’s not a huge surprise someone snatched her up. Plus 8 . Wait … Brad “tried” to marry Emily tonight but got shot down? AND they broke up, but are now back together and still engaged? Heads: Spinning. Minus 12 . Wow. Emily looks even better now, if that’s possible. Plus 9 . When you’re rooting for your fiancee to confirm you’re engaged? Not a good sign. Worse? When her take on moving to Austin is a resounding “no.” Minus 10 . Plus 7 for Emily calling out the show’s editing of her. When Emily says they’re “working through some issues,” she’s talking about A LOT of issues. Chief among them? Poking the bear. Don’t even ask. Minus 6 . That was the most rambling, drawn-out yes of all time, but Emily did say she sees herself marrying Brad. We have our doubts, but Plus 13 for now. Man, this After the Final Rose special is starting to feel like couples therapy. Minus 8 . Including Ali and Roberto as a “success” is a tad presumptive, but whatever. RUNNING TOTAL: +36. What do you think: Will Brad Womack and Emily Maynard last?
Melissa Rycroft Strickland is now a mom. She and husband Tye Strickland welcomed daughter Ava Grace on Wednesday afternoon in Dallas on Wednesday! Ava Grace Strickland is the first child for the pair, who married in December 2009 in Mexico. Mother and child are resting comfortably and happy. “Our lives have changed so much in the last two years and today we’ve been blessed with the best change ever, our beautiful baby girl,” she said . The Stricklands have welcomed their newest family member . The onetime Bachelor contestant – who was famously dumped by Jason Mesnick after becoming engaged in an After the Final Rose stunner – said earlier this year that the surprise turn of events had been an enormous blessing in her life. “Everything is wonderful and life is exactly as it should be,” she said. Melissa Rycroft also made the Dancing With the Stars finals. Congratulations to the Texas beauty and her husband on this joyous moment in their lives.
Melissa Rycroft Strickland is now a mom. She and husband Tye Strickland welcomed daughter Ava Grace on Wednesday afternoon in Dallas on Wednesday! Ava Grace Strickland is the first child for the pair, who married in December 2009 in Mexico. Mother and child are resting comfortably and happy. “Our lives have changed so much in the last two years and today we’ve been blessed with the best change ever, our beautiful baby girl,” she said . The Stricklands have welcomed their newest family member . The onetime Bachelor contestant – who was famously dumped by Jason Mesnick after becoming engaged in an After the Final Rose stunner – said earlier this year that the surprise turn of events had been an enormous blessing in her life. “Everything is wonderful and life is exactly as it should be,” she said. Melissa Rycroft also made the Dancing With the Stars finals. Congratulations to the Texas beauty and her husband on this joyous moment in their lives.
Watch The Bachelorette S6E11: Week 11 The new installment of The Bachelorette which is entitled “The Final Rose” is the TV show’s 11th episode of the 6th season that aired last 08/02/2010 Monday at 9:00 PM on ABC. Watch The Bachelorette 6×11(06011)