Tag Archives: first-poster

Veronica Mars Movie Poster: Unveiled!

A long time ago, we used to be frinds with Veronica Mars. And that relationship will be rekindled on March 14 when the Veronica Mars movie hits theaters! In anticipation of this big screen adventure, we’ve got your first look at the film’s poster, which features star Kristen Bell and the tag line “She thought she was out.” It’s a reference to Veronica moving across the country and becoming a lawyer… only to get a call from Logan at the outset of the film that changes everything. He needs her help – and you know she can’t say no, right? Watch Veronica Mars online now in order to prepare for the movie version of this great series.

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Veronica Mars Movie Poster: Unveiled!

Gay Actor Won’t Play Jesus

Alas . But not because he’s gay! Maybe? “Though [Chris] New was recently turned down for the role of Jesus on a U.S. TV show, and suspects it was because he is gay, he said that actors should not blame homophobia for not getting cast in the roles they want. ‘There could be a million reasons why you might not get a job and gay people have to be careful about blaming [homophobia], because they’re reinforcing their own closet door.'” Anyway: Out or not? The debate continues… [ Guardian ]

See the rest here:
Gay Actor Won’t Play Jesus

Looper Poster: Bruce Willis, Joseph Gordon-Levitt Flip Out

Sony debuted the first poster for Rian Johnson’s Looper , which feels like its been in the works for something close to ever but nevertheless has nearly six months remaining before it comes to theaters on Sept. 28. In the meantime, here are its stars doing their best playing-card imitation. Jack of hearts? King of clubs? Enh, forget it. Also: Wouldn’t What to Expect When You’re Expecting benefit from this kind of more… painterly Photoshop? Just throwing that out there. [ /film ] Follow S.T. VanAirsdale on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .

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Looper Poster: Bruce Willis, Joseph Gordon-Levitt Flip Out

Who Goes ‘Hardest’ in the Eight New Avengers Character Posters?

Though The Avengers doesn’t come out until May, it’s already time to play the same game we did with Bridesmaids ‘s first poster : Who goes hardest ? Is it Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man? Is it Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff? What about Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton? We score all eight characters’ ferocity and pick a winner after the jump.

Original post:
Who Goes ‘Hardest’ in the Eight New Avengers Character Posters?

Conan Screenwriter Opens Up About Failure, and 5 Other Stories You’ll Be Talking About Today

Also in this Wednesday edition of The Broadsheet: Universal may have put Ouija back in the box… 360 heads to London… Ed Zwick will climb the The Great Wall … and more ahead.

Continued here:
Conan Screenwriter Opens Up About Failure, and 5 Other Stories You’ll Be Talking About Today

Poster Premiere: Michael Shannon and Jessica Chastain Prepare to Take Shelter

It found critical acclaim and distributor interest this year at Sundance, then shoved off for an award-winning run at the Cannes Film Festival. And now, as writer-director Jeff Nichols’s psychological drama Take Shelter prepares for its incursion into American theaters, Movieline is happy to unveil the film’s first poster for your perusal.

More here:
Poster Premiere: Michael Shannon and Jessica Chastain Prepare to Take Shelter