Tag Archives: from-the-media

True Or False? Rih-Rih Says She’d Love To Be Chris Breezy’s Bangin’ Bajan Bride And Let Him Put A Ring On It

Did Rihanna Tell Friends She Would Marry Chris Brown? It hasn’t even been a whole month yet since lovesick loverboy Chris Brown announced to the world that he was kicking his little Karrueche kitty to the curb so he could chop down Rih-Rih drama free, and already the rumor mill is buzzing with talk of wedding plans. via Star Magazine: Rihanna has apparently been talking about making her relationship official with Chris Brown and marrying him. According to reports, the ‘Diamionds’ songstress has told her friends that she wants to elope with the 23-year-old singer now he is a single man. A source close to the singer told Star magazine: “No one close to them would be a bit shocked if they suddenly eloped. Rihanna has told her close friends point blank – I would marry Chris.” The informed insider also revealed that the Roc Nation songstress would have stood by the ‘Celebration’ singer after he assaulted in 2009 if the scrutiny from the media hadn’t reached fever pitch. “She even says she would have never left him if the media scrutiny didn’t get so bad. They’re passionate, and when they’re drunk, they’ve both made many comments about getting married.” We actually don’t think this is that far-fetched, given the drastic measures that these two have gone to to be together. Do you think Breezy and Rih-Rih will be alter-bound sometime in the near future?

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True Or False? Rih-Rih Says She’d Love To Be Chris Breezy’s Bangin’ Bajan Bride And Let Him Put A Ring On It

Brooke Mueller Actually WILL Enter Rehab

Brooke Mueller is headed to rehab. For sure this time. No question about it. We’re pretty sure. After deciding over the weekend to check in to a treatment facility in Los Angeles… only to then decide to go with outpatient care instead … sources now tell TMZ the troubled ex-wife of Charlie Sheen has chosen once and for all to seek professional help for substance abuse. “After further reflection and consideration, Brooke has decided to remove herself from the media spotlight and has entered a long-term in-patient treatment center where she can focus on her recovery without distraction,” her rep says , adding that she’s already checked in to the undisclosed facility. Mueller will retain custody of her twin boys, this insider says, explaining that they’ll remain in their house under the care of a nanny. “Charlie and Brooke’s parents fully support her decision and everyone recognizes the importance of maintaining the children’s normal routine,” the rep concludes.

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Brooke Mueller Actually WILL Enter Rehab

Pippa’s Shitty Slut Watch Continues of the Day

Pippa Middleton has wronged us yet again…I’ve been banking on this theory of being the second rate citizen in her family theory that she will end up slutting out to get noticed….you know cuz all sisters hate each other, are jealous of each other, resent each other, and in those sisterly rivalries, one of the sisters isn’t a fucking princess who is going to be queen…you know pretty much outdoing Pippa in a way she’d never be able to compete with…and sure she can pretend to be happy about the bitch’s situation…but you know it eats her up inside… So I’m figuring all this slut watch attention from the media is giving her enough attention to not want to slut out for attention cuz she doesn’t have to….when I see her on Halloween rocking this outfit, totally not slutty, I realize she’s not hungry enough to get noticed because she’s getting noticed and that is why I am putting a moratorium on Pippa posts…in hopes it’ll turn her into that slut I want her to be… These pictures mock us.

Pippa’s Shitty Slut Watch Continues of the Day

Christine Fan and Chen Jian Zhou wedding photo

Christine Fan has revealed that her wedding to long-time television host boyfriend Chen Jian Zhou. Christine Fan and Chen Jian Zhou, both guests at Taiwan actress Barbie Hsu#39;s wedding, must have learnt from Hsu#39;s mistakes – Hsu refused to invite journalists to her wedding, eventually resulting in a mob of unruly journalists congregating outside the wedding venue and her getting flak from the media for shutting them out. However, they weren#39;t the only ones thinking of ways to handle th

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Christine Fan and Chen Jian Zhou wedding photo

Kim Kardashian’s Fat Ass Doesn’t Gets Wet of the Day

How about some Kim Kardashian fat fucking pig using a bag from designer boutiques as an umbrella, cuz she’s the smartet and richest pig in the barn, to not get wet, cuz bitches like this don’t like getting wet, they are more into dudes wanting to fuck them, then actually fucking them, you know too busy looking at the mirror applying movie make-up to cover up her Adam’s apple, mustache, that she can’t get wet or else people will know the truth, strapping herself in a harness to make her look as skinny as possible, despite the fact that she just can’t stop eating cake, and has the resources that allow her to stay seated for 40 hours at a time, she doesn’t even have to get up to piss, they have it sorted out, not that she was ever the pissing type, she was more into getting pissed on….. I don’t know what I’m ranting, I blame her fat ass in jeans and flat shoes for throwing me off my game…something I am sure has been blamed before and will be blamed again for ruining the world since she’s the fucking devil…not that this post is the world….or is it? FOLLOW ME

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Kim Kardashian’s Fat Ass Doesn’t Gets Wet of the Day

Kim Kardashian’s Fat Ass Doesn’t Gets Wet of the Day

How about some Kim Kardashian fat fucking pig using a bag from designer boutiques as an umbrella, cuz she’s the smartet and richest pig in the barn, to not get wet, cuz bitches like this don’t like getting wet, they are more into dudes wanting to fuck them, then actually fucking them, you know too busy looking at the mirror applying movie make-up to cover up her Adam’s apple, mustache, that she can’t get wet or else people will know the truth, strapping herself in a harness to make her look as skinny as possible, despite the fact that she just can’t stop eating cake, and has the resources that allow her to stay seated for 40 hours at a time, she doesn’t even have to get up to piss, they have it sorted out, not that she was ever the pissing type, she was more into getting pissed on….. I don’t know what I’m ranting, I blame her fat ass in jeans and flat shoes for throwing me off my game…something I am sure has been blamed before and will be blamed again for ruining the world since she’s the fucking devil…not that this post is the world….or is it? FOLLOW ME

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Kim Kardashian’s Fat Ass Doesn’t Gets Wet of the Day

Kim Kardashian’s Fat Ass Doesn’t Gets Wet of the Day

How about some Kim Kardashian fat fucking pig using a bag from designer boutiques as an umbrella, cuz she’s the smartet and richest pig in the barn, to not get wet, cuz bitches like this don’t like getting wet, they are more into dudes wanting to fuck them, then actually fucking them, you know too busy looking at the mirror applying movie make-up to cover up her Adam’s apple, mustache, that she can’t get wet or else people will know the truth, strapping herself in a harness to make her look as skinny as possible, despite the fact that she just can’t stop eating cake, and has the resources that allow her to stay seated for 40 hours at a time, she doesn’t even have to get up to piss, they have it sorted out, not that she was ever the pissing type, she was more into getting pissed on….. I don’t know what I’m ranting, I blame her fat ass in jeans and flat shoes for throwing me off my game…something I am sure has been blamed before and will be blamed again for ruining the world since she’s the fucking devil…not that this post is the world….or is it? FOLLOW ME

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Kim Kardashian’s Fat Ass Doesn’t Gets Wet of the Day

Underreported: The Irony of BP’s ‘Beyond Petroleum’ PR Crusade

One narrative the liberal media has strenuously failed to develop is the incredible irony of BP presenting itself as the greenest oil company, the “Beyond Petroleum” folks who recognized they were boiling the planet with oil. In Friday’s Wall Street Journal , Mark Mills reviewed a new book, Oil, by Tom Bower:   But the most interesting figure in Mr. Bower’s narrative is not Mr. Putin but BP’s Lord Browne, who understood cultural politics better than his peers. In the 1990s, BP launched what was arguably the oil industry’s most successful public-relations campaign, for all the good it is doing the company now. The campaign transformed BP into a shining example of a progressive company—one supposedly “Beyond Petroleum.” It is clear from Mr. Bower’s account that, while BP remained first and foremost an oil company, Lord Browne drank his own Kool-Aid, basking in encomia from the media and green mavens. He gave lectures at Stanford, appeared on “Charlie Rose,” cozied up to Greenpeace and promised to spend $1 billion on solar technology. The Beyond Petroleum campaign, conceived by PR masters Ogilvy & Mather, was originally intended as an internal strategy, aimed at making the company appear more green-sensitive. But it so excited Lord Browne that he delivered a May 1997 speech proclaiming BP the first “green” oil major. The company produced a 200-page “Reputation Manual” with facts about BP’s greenness, formed a political-style “war room” in Houston, and launched a multiyear media blitz. Mr. Bower claims that the rebranding cost BP $200 million. The cost is now measurable in irony, as the Gulf of Mexico grows ever more slick and BP ever more hated. But the campaign was hokum from the start. At this point in history it is almost impossible to find a place “beyond” petroleum. It’s not just the scale of the task but its nature. Energy-dense liquids are valuable, and oil is uniquely valuable in its combination of density, ease of storage and transport, and, believe it or not, safety. Every alternative is worse on all metrics, including cost, even at twice today’s oil price. If liquid hydrocarbons didn’t exist, we would have to invent them

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Underreported: The Irony of BP’s ‘Beyond Petroleum’ PR Crusade

Moment of Truth: Oliver Stone on Gonzo Docmaking and ‘Good Guy’ Hugo Chávez

Welcome back to Moment of Truth, Movieline’s spotlight on the best in nonfiction cinema. Today we hear from director Oliver Stone about his new documentary South of the Border , which opens tomorrow in limited release. For all the political heat Oliver Stone has withstood (and will continue to withstand) over the years, no one can really call the guy a slacker. Take his latest doc South of the Border , which Stone filmed and edited during the course of making two narrative features and a 10-hour documentary he’s still working on. The concept was simple enough, even while the implications were more than a little complex: Introduce the leaders of seven Latin American countries to U.S. and European audiences who, for too long, have received the wrong idea about them from the media. Does it work? That’s up to you.

Moment of Truth: Oliver Stone on Gonzo Docmaking and ‘Good Guy’ Hugo Chávez

Al Gore and wife Tipper Break-Up After Four (4) Decades of Marriage

From the media reports circulated on Wednesday, Al Gore, former U.S. vice president and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, and his wife, Tipper Gore, announced they were breaking up after four decades of marriage. Al Gore and Tipper Gore disclosed the news in a brief e-mail to friends and supporters. In an e-mail, “We are announcing today that after a great deal of thought and discussion, we have decided to separate.” Further on the e-mail, “This is very much a mutual and mutually supportive decision that we have made together following a process of long and careful consideration. We ask for respect for our privacy and that of our family, and we do not intend to comment further.” Read More Al Gore and wife Tipper Break-Up After Four (4) Decades of Marriage is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading